Hey there, I just discovered the hole HP washing isseu, and Im very confused since I have some pretty high lvled characters that i never washed before: lvl 100 hermit, 94 dragon knight, 53 dit and 84 ice\lightning mage. So, can you tell me please if its too late to wash them? Thank you very much!
I'm not good with the math, but the only character you might have to wash substantially (and you still will be able to do it with the right amount of funds) would be your hermit. Your DrK will have Hyper Body and will reach max HP easily, your dit will have Meso Guard, and mages barely benefit from HP washing so just keep your Magic Guard up always and you'll be fine!
If I were you, And if I am really into NL(want to have 9kHP at lvl155), I would re-create a new NL. Simply because when you start wearing int eq or adding base int since the early levels, you will have more MaxMP to turn into HP. For Drk, If u want to have berserk during HT, you will need to wash. If I were you, I am okay to continue the current DK. Because I think it is still do-able. Shadower and archmage are completely fine without washing, thanks to meso guard and magic guard.
thanks very much!, I think I'll main the drk and leave the hermit... btw, I don't understand how hp wash goes is it like: pumping ap into hp ---> using ap resets to transform mp points into str\dex\luk?
Check out @Gossamer 's guide for HP washing for beginners: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/hp-washing-for-new-players.41129/ It is designed for new people and should help you out
Why do you want to HP wash? It's a luxury,you are not forced to HP wash, you can play all characters with little to no HP washing.
The guide helped me alot, thanks About the HP Wash...I have few more months to play and have fun (untill school end and real life begin), so I wanna do HT, Zakum and any EndGame boss in V.62 terms (which I couldn't at the time). The problem is that idk what character to main, so I had to understand HP Wash completely before I choose (so I wont do mistakes like in my hermit again). The thread can be closed!