What sort of funding is required to make one that could be accepted to bossing runs? Will I have better luck making a different class?
I don’t have night lord but I would say Get a 4B worth of claw 15 wa scg (1B) 9 wa cape 7 wa fs I started my first hero with similar to these items. there are few solutions if you’re keep rejected from bosses runs. 1. Run with your friends 2.Hunt mini bosses to boost your level 3.make your own mules BS/SE 4.host bosses run yourself 5. Sell your leech get the fund
Fortunately a low funded NL with SE hits more than nearly all funded classes. They are remarkably broken (please don't nerf). The funds on my NL were not more than 2.5b and I was whiting everything except other NL's at Zak (as long as I had SE) I've never been asked for my range when joining Krex or Zak. People see NL and they don't really care after that. Your only issue with funding will be HP washing!
If I wanted to build a zakum / krexel run, for example, I would only notice that you (NL) are 140+ and wishing you had TT30 and used apple If I were setting up a HT run, there the requirements are higher as you have 5.5k + rank and be lvl 170+
i never had issue with fundings,lvl or job choice only with players who wash and go in runs with high int hopeing they can cover that with onyx and people who don't know their skills and don't ask for help or will to change that i'd say play what you enjoy most, learn the skills that job has ,how you can use them to get out the most DPS and improve the gear with time you won't have problem going to any boss untill mulestory takes over royals fully (i hope the upcomeing content and the 2 new boss + PBsoonTM is not mule infested )