I would like to suggest a drop rate increase, I know that balanced furies are hard to make, but the drop rate for the feathers are SO BAD. It takes an hour to get less than five. (lower than gMS according to people) I would also like to note, that the feathers aren't the only hard thing about making furies. Furies require alot of other stuff (i.e. 100 black crystals for just 1), so this wouldn't buff the making of furies by that much.
This has already been brought up and has had minimal response (possibly because it was buried in a thread about stiff feathers), but hopefully your post will get people discussing the issue! Note to all - let's have some feedback, please?
Just pointing out that there might not be much response due to the lack of Night Lords and Polearm loving DKs + the fact that there is no one (in my knowledge) that is currently crafting Furies Only Night Lords that I know above 140 (active) are: Me, Christine, Dustin, Brian (INT).
You need 100 Typhon feathers for the Level 110 bow (and I think for the other weapons too? I haven't checked the required materials) I actually grinded for an hour at Typhons, got 1 feather, and said no thank you to that. So if you upped the drop rate for feathers maybe there would be more Level 110 weapons being used. How can you not want this?
Honestly I don't think the issue is the drop rate but the spawn. I have found them pretty quickly when I am able to find the few mobs that spawn.
I have the stuff for 1 set of furies myself (minus the feathers). I was waiting until I could kill them in less than 10 hits to start farming feathers...but if it seriously takes an hour to get 5...that's ridiculous.