If you only have 1 set of uncharged cllbis in your inventory, the NPC does not allow you to craft a set of MTK. As you can see in the picture, i brought two sets of cllbis, one being charged on the ground, and one uncharged, in my use tab (cant be seen in this ss) And the NPC does not allow me to craft the MTK. However, when i do loot the charged cllbi and tried to craft the MTK, I was able to. What is weird to me is that it consumed the uncharged cllbi instead of the charged cllbi as the uncharged cllbi was before the charged cllbi I have crafted an insane amount of crystal llbis and MTKs over the past 1 year and this is the first time I am unable to craft with an uncharged set of stars. If this is intended, let me know. To show that I did indeed have an uncharged cllbi in my inventory beforehand, trying to craft the MTK
RTKs also can't be crafted with uncharged steelies. My guess is it looks to see how many of the star you have and if there's 0 in a stack, it sees 0 which is the same result as if there wasn't a stack, so it prevents crafting. Just a weird quirk of having a stack of 0 items I guess.
yea but i have been crafting stars using the uncharged ingredients many times this is the first time it didnt work