MetroSmexual Unable to equip Item Pouch on my 3rd pet. Details: I'm not sure if this is a character issue or a bug so I'll post it both places just to be safe. However, I'm unable to equip an Item Pouch on my fluffy lily pet. I've tried storing them in the CS, leaving, and then going back in to take them out to try again. Didn't work. I've tried relogging, didn't work. I've tried ordering the pets differently and it still didn't work. Video of me trying to equip the items on my pet.
Doesn't work if drag the pouch to the pet slot manually? If still can't work, try summon all 3 out by pressing Cancel when prompted about lead Pet
Oh my god it worked! Damn, who would have guessed that those quest quizzes on Maple Island would come back to haunt me? Thank you so much LOL!