Title. Unable to trade my Azula Katana (message of unsuccessful pops up). Tried the method of cc'ing, but it hasn't worked. The buyer suggested I post here and get a GM to fix this. Thank you! My IGN is Ngooyen
Moved to character issues. If you cannot drop or trade the item, do not put it in the Cash Shop. Can you just confirm that your buyer had enough room to accept the item, and you cannot drop the katana? If that's the case, an admin will need to remove the item from your account for a GM to then refund you a working item. This requires a server check, so we appreciate your patience.
Thank you for confirming! Once again, please refrain from putting the sword in the cash shop. This will make the refund process easier. Will require an admin and a server check to resolve, so please sit tight.
Hello, with the completion of the server check today, I still cannot trade or drop my Azula Katana. Additional Note: My buyer informed me that this has happened to their friend as well (unable to trade/drop their NX item). They resolved it with a refund, but it did not require a server check. Will I need to be online for this to be resolved? And since this has not been fixed yet, how soon? Thanks so much!
Not sure about that other case, but in general we require an admin to look into it, and that usually happens during server checks (not necessarily the very next one). The reason why a server check is needed for your situation is so it can be manually deleted. After, a GM can refund you, which you will need to be online for when the time comes. There is no ETA for resolving character issues. When there is an update to your case, you will see a post here. If there is no post, there has been no update. Apologies for the inconvenience.
The item has been deleted from your inventory. A GM will need to refund you: 1702176 - Azula Katana Please try to let us know here when you are online to make it easier for a GM to find you.
Hello, I am normally online from 15:30 GMT to 18:30 GMT, as well as from 02:00 GMT to 08:00 GMT. However, I am online right now! IGN: Ngooyen