ALL Your Character Names: uwupanda, chocopanda, vanillapanda, machapanda, caramelpanda, cookiepanda, lingahaste, and many more panda storage mules Last thing you did: got boba IRL -> crafted 3 FS -> took a sip of my boba drink -> leveled CookiePanda to 155 -> took a big gulp of my boba drink -> gave all my 1-1 FM spots away -> another big gulp of my boba drink -> handed over my 1-1 uwu store empire to Sylafia -> another sip of my boba drink -> gave leishun my chewing panda chair -> now I'm out of boba Why do you think you got banned?: I drink too much boba and have no self control whatsoever also need a break from game to train my new puppy and to focus in school. Ban message when attempting to log in: boba is love, boba is life What GM banned you (optional): I was gonna ask Gert but apparently he went on I would like to be banned until Dec 12, 2023 servertime. I am aware that the ban cannot be lifted early under any circumstances.