So i was bringing my bishop to find for Bigfoot at Evil Dead, i found one so i quickly went out and brought my sair in, and i saw these 2 little weasels, and i did a mapowner and it was my bishops map. they begin whimpering and saying no, and refuses to cc, so i told them i was the bishop, after a few mins they did a mapowner and it became theirs, They starting cheering and was ready to begin their 3 hour run on that big foot. i was like woah, ok, ill just ignore and hit the bf. one of the little weasels screamed and said "ALRIGHT IMMA REPORT THIS" , he folded his arms and pouted. i looked at the situation alittle and just gave that bf to them.
You could've been banned if you kept attacking after losing mapowner to them. I suggest next time you're in this particular situation you go back on your bishop and attack a mob every 3min or less to keep the mapowner or you could just look for bf with your sair.
yeaa, kinda know the rules here so i decided to just go away, it wasnt the BF that i was unhappy about but the way they said like it was originally theirs. Thanks for the advice ! ill remember to keep my map active to prevent this from happening. <3