When I have separate HP and MP potions (i.e. not elixirs), I find that most of the time, only HP autopots, and MP stays at 1, requiring me to manually pot MP. Occasionally it is reversed, i.e. MP autopots and HP stays at 1. Even more occasionally, it just works correctly and both autopot. I always thought this was just how Maplestory worked, as I had always had this problem, and would get around it by using elixirs and other pots that heal both HP and MP. But I have been told by others that this is very strange, and that I should report it. Spoiler Censored chat log as whole server doesn't need to know my friend's age and that they were an 'accident' I really doubt that this is a bug, I think it is high latency as it happens on all of my characters, and has always happened. It just really sucks on Sair and DrK though.
Not my intent to necropost, but I would like to supplement this thread with my experiences as a low-latency player (from the US). I also experience this problem with autopot, in which the HP autopot is prioritized and there's roughly a 50% chance my MP autopot does not trigger. I've found that it's much more likely to happen when using low MP pots (Mana Elixirs) and almost never happens with higher MP pots (specifically Sorcerer Elixirs). It specifically happens in response to a 1/1 attack and thus can be mildly frustrating. I hope this helps!
how many pots does it take for you to reach your settings again? I think you can test this with red potions, it could be a case where there is a limit on how many triggers per hit. If you are using both triggers on HP, then you just won't get to the MP in time. likewise, suppose your dropped your settings to the lowest, then maybe both would consistently trigger.
Isn’t that just because pets only uses 1 pot per hit and uses another pot when the player either gets hit again or uses an action (attack for example), hence this is not an issue with dual duty % pots on HP (and non -% on mp) cuz you’ll always have mp regardless if the pet uses the pot on hp slot or mp slot. Correct me if I’m wrong.