Frxst fr0stx frzst KAMEHAMEHAA GODfr0stt Last thing I did: was leveling with a old friend just messing around talking banter to each other in chat but no one was around, was about to do my 2nd job advancement. why do i think i got banned? i have no idea ive been playing this server for years never gotten banned im not sure why, i just started playing again recently wiht my friend so im not sure. only thing i could think of is we were talking shit to each other in chat as a joke we have dark humor but other than that i have no idea. ban message when attempting to log on. this is and id that has been deleted or blocked from connection.
Not me that is my friend that suggested we grind maplestory again. so i suggested we play this server and he already had an account
Did he do something wrong? I'm insanely confused we just made a character to level up yesterday and grind up. im not sure whats going on.
He did do something wrong. He was using Hacks. And you were banned by association because you were benefiting from him using those hacks: Associative Rule-breaking - The act of partying with any player who is breaking any rule listed above, or otherwise requesting that a player break any of the above rules for your own benefit. Punishment: Identical to that which the player who has broken the rule.
I literally had no idea he was hacking... ive been playing this server for years... i didnt noticed anything.. how was he hacking? he was doing same damage as me and i never saw anything weird but idk i dont use cheats so idk what it looks like. if thats the case you may delete the character i was using and ill do it by my self, i do not want cheated levels or anything. i love playing on this server. i had genuinely no idea... please unban my account atleast or a small penalty..
I was partied with talisan aswell, he got banned i think too. we genuinely had no idea he was hacking we were just leveling together...
I am going to pass you and your friend's appeal over to the Admins to check a couple of things. Please be patient and wait for a reply for them here. It will likely take some time, as the Admins always have a lot of tasks to do.
An admin will reply when they are able. Currently only one admin is dealing with appeals and they are extremely busy.
the GM at the scene determined that you were or should've been aware of the situation, we reviewed the footage and decided to keep you banned for benefitting from your hacker friend