Hi Royallers, New files are required for this update! Click here to go to the downloads page to download and install the new setup. You can choose between a setup using .wz files or .img files, as some users may experience fewer crashing issues with one over the other. Although care has been taken to ensure the client runs smoothly, there may be the possibility that some issues may be present. If you find any issues, please create a relevant Bug Report or Technical Help thread. Events: Easter Events have started, click here to learn more. Cash Shop: New Hairs & Faces have been added to Big Headward in the Free Market! Item: Fixed an issue that caused some item drops from mobs and reactors to have a higher drop chance than originally intended. Note: After being made aware of seemingly increased droprates from monsters and reactors e.g. bonus boxes in APQ, we have spent quite some time attempting to identify the issue and possible cause. After much testing on our test server including making comparisons to the live game and old drop system, and analysing the code, we were able to discover a discrepancy within the code which caused calculations to be slightly off in the new drop system implemented in August. The miscalculation caused items to drop at a slightly higher chance than they used to in the old system. The error in the calculation is now fixed and item drops returned to their original intended rates. In addition to this, we were also able to discover and fix another issue relating to some drop coupon boosts not working correctly. Adjustments made to item stat colour thresholds. Armor: (Stats = 1pt, W.Atk = 2pts, M.Atk = 1pt) Grey: -1 and below White: 0-5 (unscrolled) Orange 0-5 (scrolled) Blue: 6-20 Purple: 21-35 Yellow: 36+ Weapons: (Stats = 1pt, W.Atk/M.Atk = 5pts) Grey: -1 and below White: 0-24 (unscrolled) Orange 0-24 (scrolled) Blue: 25-99 Purple: 100-183 Yellow: 184+ Added Pirate to the allowed job requirement for Bosshunter equips (STR/DEX variant). Quest: "Retrieving the Robotic Parts" can now be repeated once per 24 hours. "Cupid's Courier" now allows you to reobtain Richard's Letter at NPC Richard if lost. NPC: Added new travel option for "Ocean I.C" at the Dolphin in Aquarium. Map: Buffs will no longer be removed when entering the Lounge. Note: Buffs still cannot be used while in the lounge, and will only be removed when going to GM Events through Billy. Misc: Auto HP/MP alert value now gets saved per character. Mostly fixed a bug where pets would forget the equipped hp/mp pot. Note: May not save properly on first attempt, can sometimes show two game settings windows if equip window is open when changing pets. Pets now appear behind your character. New game option added to hide medals. "HP Mark" Party UI now properly saves your on/off preference across accounts. Added "WZ" or "IMG" descriptor to client window title. Happy Mapling! - The MapleRoyals Staff