Hello, i'm the guild master of Newplanet guild after Sparky. About 2~3months ago, i've handed over guild master by Sparky, but not alliance leader. For this reason, THERE IS NOT ALLIANCE LEADER at now, no one can break up, add or change things about alliance. I'd love to make new alliance for efficient. Thank you gms always for your help!
Hello Dave, not now. He quitted Newplanet after i've handed over guild master. So now, there's no guild alliance leader at this moment.
Shakiras was the alliance leader, as Sparky said. When he left Royals, he handed out Newplanet guild master to me but didn't alliance leader, and he quitted Newplanet. I guess there was an issue with alliance leader. Please check this and ty for your help!
Hi, This has been resolved. I've gone ahead and set your character, palafin, as the alliance leader. I apologize for the inconvenience! To help me better understand the underlying bug, what happened at the time of NewPlanet's guild master being transferred to you? Part of this process includes accounting for what alliance rank the 'old' guild master has, and correctly assigning the new guild master's alliance rank to match that of the old master's rank. I've reviewed this process and it seems to be problem free to me. If Shakiras was the previous guild and alliance leader, I would've expected you to have been given alliance leader status at the same moment as the guild leadership was transferred - however, you had alliance rank '3', neither Leader nor Jr. Leader. Setting your character as a guild leader and updating your alliance rank when transferring guild leadership happens at the same time, and I can't imagine your guild rank being updated correctly (which seems to have happened, as you are the guild leader) but your alliance rank not being updated.
Sorry for delay, i was stuck with translation(im not good at english). And Sparky helped me with your words easier to approach. Anyway, thank you all, gms, dev and Sparky @AshPile ! I also think the problem stemmed from alliance rank being 3. Neither Sparky nor I did not know that alliance rank is important. I only got the GM status from Sparky when he quit the game, and realized that I did not get the alliance leader much later. I have another question though; Why can't I change the alliance level? I disbanded the existing alliance and made new one, but noticed that I cannot adjust the alliance rank even as a alliance leader. Can you please look into this too? Thank you!
If possible, include a screenshot of the issue described for "Alliance Ranking". 가능하면 "얼라이언스 순위"에 대한 문제의 스샷 포함해 주세요. 센은 한국말 할수있으니 한국어로 대답해도 됩니다.
@Sen 항상 도와주시는 지엠분들께 감사드립니다~ 또 너무 늦게 답장하게 되어서 죄송합니다ㅠㅠ 일단 말씀하신대로 해결되서 연합을 다시만들었는데요, 연합장은 palafin캐릭으로 되어있는데 연합창 내에서 멤버 등업이 안됩니다ㅠㅠ 지금 당장 급한문제는 아니구요, 이런문제가 또 발생할까봐 멤버를 연합 부길마로 올리려고 했는데 안되더라구요! 이 문제에 대해서 해결해주셨으면 감사하겠습니다~