Basically you be an islander in a town. for example, You make an Archer but stay in Henesys You make a Theif but stay in Kerning You make a Warrior but stay in Perion You make a Magician but stay in Ellinia You only do the 1st job advancement. Of course this isn't serious because you can't prove you left or not. so it's for a fun thing on your own to do with friends. you should try one and add me :3 My villager: MikuMiku39 I made a guild for it as well. I hope I get some interest This is a fun challenge type thing. Surviving off of only the town and 1st job skills to get as high as you can go~
Sounds like a lot like something that was popular in Old School Runescape. Shame there isn't anyway to enforce this because it sounds interesting.
Well like I kinda said, it cant be taken too seriously. no one can prove anything. but you can enjoy the challenge on your own and do it with people you know or people you believe are doing it right as well. If someone isnt following the simple rules of the challenge then they probably wouldn't want to be a villager anyway
There was actually a guild in GMS Scania circa 2006 that did pretty much exactly this, except they only hung out in a specific channel in henesys (ch2 or 4 I think) I can't remember the name of the guild. Those guys were dicks haha.
Or you could just have a perma-first job character that isn't confined to their job specific town. Would still be odd and not need to moderated. Those existed in GMS. '3' Check out xFAM3x!