After the last server check, a vote 'timer' now appears upon logging in and upon every channel change. This timer is inaccurate, though- my timer is set to ~3:30 PM EST and it's currently almost 5 a.m EST. Reported per request of Kat.
I think it seems like the vote reminder reminds you after 12 hours from your last vote, rather than 24. Can anyone confirm this?
Yup it says you have already voted please wait x minutes. Not sure about the 12 hour thing, I'll test it in about 3 hours when I vote and log in.
Okay, voted for Gtop and UPS (It said I already voted for gtop but I dont know if I recieved my NX for that), and upon relog and CC it does not show up saying I can vote in game. In 12 hours time I'll check and see if it says anything again. Any chance you can check if it did give me the NX for gtop? It said I already voted- but I know 100% I did not vote, nor did anyone on my IP (my boyfriend was already at work and had been for several hours). I checked to see if I could vote, but it said I had 76 minutes or so. Then I tried to vote just now at my normal time and it said I had 19 hours until I could vote again.
Thanks. I will likely do a server check soon to fix it to 24 hours which I think was the problem anyway. When you talk about it saying X minutes to vote. Is that on gtop100's site or on the white page?
First time I tried to vote, it said on the white page I had 76 minutes to vote. Just a bit ago when I tried to vote at my normal time, I got to the captcha and it said in red numbers after completing the captcha that I had 19 hours to wait.
Hmm I'm really not sure about that. I know Gtop100 has been a bit dodgy but as you get past the white screen you should get the NX. Awaiting feedback to see if the vote reminder is any more accurate since the server check.
Yea I'm not sure, I'll keep better tabs on my total NX in case it happens again. As for the timer, I'll ask around and keep an eye out myself- the 12 hour mark will be around 3:30 a.m EST for me. xD
username: Ludicarius IGN:Trepidation I usually vote on time so ever since GTOP was changed back to 12 hours I still have to vote twice a day :/.
You are confusing me... a lot. Gtop100 has never allowed votes per 6 hours. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vote timer working properly for my friends too- and I hit the 12 hour time and no notification in game.