Hello all, I have been voting for the better part of the past 2 weeks and I still only have 1300 NX... I only received the 8k NX the first vote, and that was like 3 days after I voted... I am not sure what I am doing wrong and if there is anything I can do to help I would greatly appreciate it.
Please check: 1. You are logging into the correct account on royal's website 2. You are being connected to Gtop's website after clicking the vote button from Royals website and not entering a link directly to Gtop without connecting from royals website. 3. Royal's website has stated you have voted for today, after you have pressed the VOTE button in Gtop's website and completed the captcha. This may take a couple minutes to complete.
I did all of these things and I still have not recieved the NX, I used the link from the vote link at the top and I made sure I logged in... (sorry for late reply )