Hello, I have a friend who waited to vote. The screen said she had about 3 Hours of waiting time before she could vote again. I am also a witness to this since I have been playing side by side with her, and also my voting time was the same as hers. She went to vote but it told her that she had already voted, when she really hadn't. We're using separate computers, my pc and her mac. Also she is unable to log into the forum for whatever reason her account credentials are are invalid. Just wondering if someone could explain perhaps. Thank you!
While you are using different computers, you are connecting to the same internet connection, and thus have the same IP address. Have a look at this thread, the third one of the pictures matches your situation. http://royals.ms/forum/showthread.php?t=6716 Or in this case, assuming your friend has internet, they can vote from home.