Hi there, I’m kind of new to this server since I haven’t played Royals for quite a while and forgot about most things. A few minutes ago I tried to vote for the server, all was good.I got the “thanks for voting” message and it directed me to the voting website. The voting website said I can’t vote for a few more hours. Since the Royals website thinks I voted I’m afraid I will be punished because the vote didn’t get finalized. Do I have to worry? Thanks for your time! -Rikc
Hm.. been playing any other servers with a similar vote for NX feature? Could have voted for one of those servers so Royals website gave you the okay but gtop was still on cooldown.
You won't get punished. The NX is only distributed if you actually voted on GTOP100. So just wait until the timer comes of cooldown to vote again
Still having the same issue, I am guessing it has something to do with using my phone on 4G while voting.