Hello! On 08 MAR 2023 @ roughly ~03:00 ST, we started a Von Leon run. We ended up killing it as the timer ticked over to 0:00. The global message appeared stating we got the kill, we received the Von Leon buff, and could see the drops flying out of him as we were warped out. Below is a link to a VOD of the Von Leon run. The kill time is at roughly 1:19:46. Additionally, at the 36 minute mark on the VOD, I left the jail room, and Von Leon had teleported out of the map for a few minutes. It's pretty feasible to assume we would've cleared with a minute or two leftover had this not happened. The notable drops I saw were (besides the guaranteed stuff): Quiver Forging Manual Von Leon Boots Von Leon Sippable Soul Substance Please let me know if there are any questions, concerns, or if you need anything else from me. Thank you! twitch.tv/videos/1758833695
Please provide me a list of the alive character at the end of the run. please do not include death or disconnected player It would be nice if everyone on the list can login on March 9th 03:00 am servertime for a refund
Hey Kenny, here's a list of everyone who was alive and in the map at the end of the run: bosspolice lastgrany miase sylafia basalt royaltea nicolaus cremlin meesturogway sherbino chronobuddy ryoone volleyfire postrecoil tanoshimou pvtmudrock sundontshine yuzulemon These two were dead but in the map at the end of the run, but we would have had res's for them: bucnaf sivebs I'll make sure to let everyone know to be around at 3am servertime. Thanks!