I'm trying to buy some equips for my drk and had some questions. What is a generally good total accuracy to hit bosses? I think I read somewhere that accuracy isn't that important at most bosses, but it's needed at some like CWK bosses? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Also, is it worth it to buy top/bottom that has higher dex to hit that accuracy goal or would it be better to just keep using accuracy pots for everything? I'm planning to be dexless and have pretty decent dex gear so far at the lower levels but I'm hoping to upgrade to a good top/bottom and skis. Thanks in advance!
I tried searching the forums for Accuracy calculator, but can't find one. Perhaps you can try a Google search. As to the other questions, this thread might be helpful: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/does-dex-add-dmg-for-warrior.183319/#post-1071644
I'm not sure what the minimum accuracy is needed to hit bosses but so far I have never had to worry about missing on bosses on my paladin. Most of the time you're going to have a bottom scrolled for dex anyways (no better scrolls for them). http://www.screamingstatue.com/accuracymain.php is an accuracy calculator but needs java plug in to use (can't use google chrome)
@Zerato made an accuracy calculator app before. Its really good although there hasn’t been updates.