Hi, so I've been keeping track of my washing, and I was wondering if someone could help me out with this problem that I have: So I have 315+85 (total int 400) before mw20. After I use mw20, I have a total of 315+116 (total int 431). However, when I level up, I only got a total of 55 mana increase which means that without any int, my base mana increase is 55-43=12. Doesn't 12 fall outside the normal range of base mp that a thief gets per level? Am I calculating this incorrectly? Thanks!
The normal lvl-up MP gain for thief is 14-16, so 12 indeed falls outside of the range, I'm not sure what could have caused this. The MP gained from an AP reset for thief is 10-12, removing MP costs 12. You have 315 base int, so you'd get a bonus of 32 when adding int, so you'd get 42-44, then removing it again makes 30-32. If we take the minimum and multiply by 5 we get a minimum of 150 which is what you got. Either you got very unlucky, or there is something going on. If you can provide screenshots or video of leveling up, and your results repeat themselves, you may want to make a character issue thread. You may also want to test MP washing again, because getting the bare minimum 5 times in a row is pretty unlikely.
Hi, could you take a look at the following and see if anything is off? I heard that over a certain int, you don't get the BaseInt/10 exactly for level up mana gain.