Hello Royalers, I am happy to announce that the complete wedding process has been fixed including all Nanas and the actual wedding itself. The guest function has been revamped, wedding guests are now required to enter the name of either the bride or the groom to register as a guest for the wedding. Myself and the MapleRoyals staff would like to thank you for your patience throughout this time.
Unfortunately because Pete made no mention of the rings I would assume they're still broken, but at least the weddings work now!
I had tried to get married on one of my mules back before marriages were working fully..annd.. I did the prequests with @Huff (I was on Vickeh) we got up to the part where we just had to do the wedding.. but now if you talk to the priest he just asks if your guests are ready..but if you say yes..nothing happens. Is it bugged since we did the prequests before? ...wanna just get it so he can finally apq
You need to make sure you have a wedding ticket in your cash tab, please contact a ~gm in game and ask for the wedding ticket. (Premium wedding ticket, cathedral) EDIT: Taken care of.
I still can't get Proofs of Love from Nana. Is this because I bought the premium wedding ticket before weddings were fixed? o__o