Okay, so I really enjoy playing MapleRoyal with all its insane lag, which drives me nuts at times. Anyways, I need help with something. The thing is my current account consists of all three Magician classes. I also plan on keeping it as a my Leech/HS account. I was hoping to make other characters in this account, but my guild members and buddies tell me to keep this account as a HS mule. More frankly, to make a separate HS account, but oh hell no. Making a priest is hard work and I am keeping this mage account as a HS mule. Now, if I made another account, what characters can I make on that one account? I think it is pretty frustrating and annoying to make an account for each class (5 classes in total). I mean, is it okay to put archers and warriors on that account, since I am aware of Sharp Eye mules, but I never heard of Hyper Body mules? I am pretty positive Heroes and Paladins don't have party buffs that I am aware of. For those that are curious, I do plan on playing with each and every character, but not all at once. My primary focus are on my mages.
You'll definitely want to keep your bishop/mage account separate from other accounts for HS and leech purposes. Other than that SE and SI are the two main party buffs, so you'll want to keep that in mind. NL, Shad, Hero, Pali, DK, and Sair can all go on the same account with no problem, unless you want to use the DK as an HB mule. Ideally you'll want to keep an SE and SI mule on their own accounts. I'd also have a warrior separate to be able to BF leech yourself, but you could bf leech yourself with a Bucc too. That's still four accounts, but at least it's not five.
Dude, totally loving your response. It really helps. SI is Speed Infusion, right? I know what to do now. Thanks a lot for the help <3
If you're considering one shotting Petrifighters in the future, it'd be s good idea to start an Arch Mage on a separate account.
Naa, it's easy! Use your original account name + #number/class and the same password. If your account name is theBestPlayer, make ur BM mule as : theBestPlayerBM or theBestPlayer2 ez!