My spearman just turned 50 and I was wondering when is the soonest I can try to buy a zhelm? Also how much will the entire process cost? And if someone can outline what exactly will happen during the zakum run (I've never been a part of one before) it'll be great. Thank you!!
Oh fun, your first ever Zakum run. I think the best advice that could be given before going on a Zakum run is being prepared, so I'll help you out with that by outlining what the run will be like as detailed as possible. First, what you want to make sure to have completed are the Zakum prequests. There are three parts to the prequest, and you can find a great guide on the forums with this link. When you finish those prequests, you will be gifted 5 Eye of Fires (the droppable item needed to spawn Zakum) and permission to enter Zakum's Altar. Remember to keep at least 1 Eye of Fire in your inventory in order to enter Zakum's Altar. With your prequests finished and your Eye of Fire(s) handy, your next goal is to find a party hosting a Zakum run and selling helmets. You will find people smega'ing their runs periodically throughout the day, so do not feel discouraged if nobody is selling helmets, just be patient and keep your eyes peeled. Permission to loot a Zakum Helmet ranges in cost from around 50m-80m mesos. When you finally find someone selling Zakum Helmets, give them a whisper (be sure to include that you have Hyper Body [being a spearman, and all]; that would relieve a lot of stress from the seller), buy a ton of potions (Power Elixirs or Ginger Ales), and head over to El Nath. When you get to El Nath, you are going to be met with some high leveled people (including the seller). These people are the attackers in the run, who will be killing Zakum. There will most likely be a Bishop in the attacking party on his/her way to the Door to Zakum. If there is, you will be invited to the Bishop's party temporarily so you can enter through his/her Mystic Door to teleport to where he/she is. After being teleported to the Door to Zakum, you (and possibly other Zakum Helmet and skillbook buyers) will be put into a party separate from the attackers' party. Go one portal to the right, and you will be in the Entrance to Zakum's Altar map. Once everybody is gathered together (attackers and buyers) in the Entrance to Zakum's Altar map, the squad leader will arrange the Zakum run via the NPC there. You will be required to sign up, which is simply done by talking to the NPC and choosing the first option of being ready to take on Zakum. When you have successfully signed up, wait for the squad leader to teleport everybody inside. When you are inside Zakum's Altar, as a Zakum Helmet buyer, your one and only job is to stay alive. To minimize the risk of being knocked into the body of Zakum, stay at the bottom left corner, touching the wall at all times. Oh yeah, and keep Hyper Body refreshed regularly. If you have a pet with Auto-Potion, keep that on and be sure to be attentive, just in case your pet does not heal you. Remember to take off pet-loot as well. Someone in the group will drop an Eye of Fire, and Zakum will be spawned. You will most likely need to GFX during parts of the Zakum run so the Maplestory client does not DC you. Although this is optional, it's better safe than sorry on your first ever Zakum run. GFXing is done by hitting Esc, going to "System Option" (2nd to the bottom) and sliding the very top gauge to any different position (it doesn't matter which position, as long as it is different from what you are already on currently) and hitting OK. Your squad members may tell you when you GFX during the battle, but I will list the times to do so down here so you can write them down on a note sheet for your reference: When Zakum first spawns After all 8 arms are killed After the 1st body of Zakum is killed After the 2nd body of Zakum is killed Expect about a 30-60 minute battle. After Zakum is finally killed, a lot of items will be dropped. You will be instructed by your squad leader as to when you can pick up a Zakum Helmet. If there are not enough Zakum Helmets to accommodate all helmet looters, and one of them is you, your squad leader will either take you on another run so you can get a second chance at getting a helmet, or you will have to find another party selling Zakum Helmets. If enough helmets drop and you manage to pick one up, congratulations on your first successful Zakum run and Zakum Helmet! Your payment will be made in the Free Market after the run, so just contact your squad leader as to how he/she wants the payment to be made. After you have made your payment, you are good to go! That is pretty much all there is to it to buying a Zakum Helmet. Just remember to stay alive and GFX. Best of luck to you, and an early congrats.
As long as you have enough HP to survive Zakum's Magic Attack (which is about 2,900), you should be able to get a Zakum Helmet considering you've done all the Zakum Prequests. A guide to the Zakum Prequests is right here:. As for costs, you'll need 30 Golden Zombie Teeth for the Zakum Prequests, which would run you about 60m (2m each) and whatever payment people will charge you for helping you with a Zakum Helmet (usually around 70m).
I was going to write almost exactly the post that Osmosis did, so instead i'll just touch on a few highlights: 1. The maximum damage that zakum can deal (not counting touch damage) is around 3.1k - bring potions that heal more than this. Melting Cheese are great. If you have 4500 or more HP, ginger ales are fine too. Barbarian elixirs are not going to cut it. 2. As a spearman, the party may be using your HB to keep other buyers alive. If this is the case, you should probably be getting a bit of a discount. If this is not the case, try to keep HB up anyway (better safe than sorry) but don't be overly concerned about it - you should have plenty of HP regardless. 3. The fastest way to GFX is to set your graphics at the very top at the start of the fight, then at each of the points osmosis mentioned, press "esc down down enter left enter." Practice this a couple of times before the fight. If you like to live dangerously (like me) you can do "esc up up enter left enter" though if you miss an up, you'll hit quit game instead (rookie mistake!) 4. The vast majority of runs should take between 25 and 40 minutes. 5. You should not be required to pay beforehand, because you are not guaranteed a helmet. Sometimes not enough of them drop, sometimes you die, sometimes there are DC's, etc. Even if you do trust the seller and they do give you a refund should you not be helmed, you then lose a million or two because of tax. It's frustrating. 6. autopot ON pet loot OFF. Good Luck!
Wow thank you guys so much for the detailed walk-thru. I think I'll lvl up a bit more until I master Hyper Body and then give this a try.