Hello I been trying to get triple 10 for 3 days now, and I've been running zak twice a day and in the three days I d/c 4/6 times which is more than half of it and for the remaining time, I can't go in again so I have to wait for reset again, so was wondering if those D/Cs can be fixed or if the times that zak can be done be counted after the zakum dies, so people that d/c from it can try again.
Sorry for the late response. Have you been able to successfully run Zakum yet? If not, you can try the following: Download and run the img/wz client off of the main website. Whichever you may not have tried yet. Typically the img client is more stable for most users. GFXing - Once you see the boss hp bar. Go into your settings > adjust your picture quality sidebar to any other value > click ok. This may temporarily fix any visual bugs that accumulate on your screen that could ultimately be causing you to d/c.