ign : Leet today i went to zakum run and after 10-15 minutes i randoomly dc to start (not full dc just login screen). hopefully it'll get fixed thanks.
Unfortunately, we can't infer anything from a random dc unless it happens repeatedly. It could have been your internet connection, it could have been a spike of server lag, it might be whatever it is that's been causing you to dc a fair bit when changing channels, or it might be none of the above. Have you set MapleRoyals as an exception in your antivirus program and firewall? Let us know if this has happened to you since at Zakum, or if it happens again in the near future, and it would be helpful if you can give us more details - for example, do you dc at the same stage each time?
I did set it as exception in firewall idk how to do it in antivirus and is it necesarry? it's not about the jq's stages it's in zakum altar it never happend before wipe only after wipe and first time i did after wipe tough. i want to add that i did not lag or anything
With my antivirus, I go to "Options" then "Advanced settings" and then click on "Exceptions" and add MapleRoyals.exe to the exceptions then hit "save". It might be different for yours, but hopefully this will give you some idea of how it's done. It's necessary to prevent your antivirus program from (wrongly) trying to quarantine/delete MapleRoyals.exe as a virus. What I meant about Zakum was: did you dc while the arms were being killed, during first body, during second body (etc)? Let us know if it happens again soon, but if you're able to do a few Zak runs without dcing, please also let us know, and we'll close the thread.
This only happened once? If so it may likely just be your internet. Unless you are using a Mac as there are quite a few problems with bosses.
I'll leave this thread open for a few days in case it starts to happen regularly. Update us within the week, please? (Even if it's to say all is fine, no dcs at Zak.)
Also, make sure you follow the general Zakum procedure of lowering your graphics prior to each transition Arms > B1 > B2 > B3. Although if you d/c'd before getting to the body, this likely isn't the cause.