Zancks’ 4th Job Skill/Mastery Book Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Zancks, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Zancks

    Zancks Game Balancer

    Feb 10, 2020
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    This guide will be covering how to unlock each 4th job skill as well as how to or where to obtain all Skill and Mastery Books.
    A Skill Book will unlock the first few levels of a skill to be upgraded. Keep in mind that Skill books are untradable. Mastery books however are tradeable and used to unlock further levels of a skill you already obtained. Without further ado, let's start.

    Each skill will come in the following format:
    Picture/Name of the Skill:
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Additional Information:

    [​IMG] Maple Warrior
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Horntail/ ~ 2b
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Doesn't exist
    Additional Information:
    Maple Warrior is a default skill for all 4th job classes. Everyone starts off with a Maple Warrior Skill Book once they reach 4th job. Maple Warrior 30 currently doesn't exist. The only way it would exist is if Pink Bean was released.

    [​IMG] Hero's Will
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 10: Von Leon ~ 2b
    Additional Information:
    Hero's Will requires a quest from Chief Tatama to unlock.

    Here's a quick guide reference to unlock Hero's Will:
    1. Talk to Chief Tatama and he'll direct you to Carta the Sea Witch in a hidden map in Deep Sea Gorge I
    2. You'll need to collect spirit rocks from a special map which can only be entered if you pay Carta a Miniature Pianus.
    3. Once in the map, defeat the monsters and collect the rocks
    4. Talk to Carta after you're done and she'll tell you to talk to Eurek the Alchemist
    5. Eurek will tell you to hunt a Griffey for a Ragged Bracelet and 10 Mithril Plates
    6. Obtain both items, hand them to Eurek and he'll give you a Mithril Wristband
    7. Give the Mithril Wristband to Carta and you will unlock Hero's Will

    [​IMG] Big Bang
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Dark Wyvern ~ 1m-5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    CWK PQ, Right Pianus, Scarlion, Targa, Vergamot ~ 20m
    Additional Information:
    Big Bang is a default skill for all 4th job Mages. Dark Wyverns have a special map with only Dark Wyverns, so getting Big Bang 20 isn't too tough.

    [​IMG] Infinity
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Papulatus ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Zakum ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    In order to unlock Infinity, you must obtain the skill book from El Nath Party Quest and activate it. To start El Nath PQ, you need to recruit a 4th job Warrior without the ability Power Stance because the only way for you to access El Nath PQ is for that specific warrior to talk to their 3rd job master with the Power Stance quest partially done and enter the PQ. In there, you'll need to protect an NPC from the monsters that spawn from all directions and survive around 7 minutes of this. The monsters that you dispatch of inside of the PQ will drop the Infinity skill book as well as Taunt and Dragon's Breath. Once you have it in your inventory, just use it and Infinity will be unlocked.

    [​IMG] Mana Reflection
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Dark Cornian, Elderwraith, Temple Block Monster ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Right Pianus, Dodo, Krexel ~ 1m-10m
    Additional Information:
    Mana Reflection is a default skill for all 4th job Mages. Mana Reflection books are easy books to obtain because of the amount of monsters that drop it. Krexel is a heavily farmed boss.

    [​IMG] Genesis
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum ~ 300m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 1b
    Additional Information:
    Genesis requires a quest from Shammos to unlock. To start the quest, you'll need to talk to Shammos in El Nath and do the prequests to gain access to HTPQ. The requirements for HTPQ are simple. As for the book prices, Genesis books are among the most expensive items in game.

    Here's a quick reference to unlocking Genesis:
    1. Talk to your 3rd Job Instructor and she will send you to an NPC in Ludibrium Library.
    2. Talk to the NPC in Ludibrium Library and he will direct you to Grendel in Ellinia.
    3. After you've spoken to Grendel, head to El Nath and speak to Shammos.
    4. Shammos will direct you back to Grendel and Grendel will direct you back to Shammos.
    5. Shammos will ask you to talk to the 3rd Job Instructor and the 3rd Job Instructor will ask you to talk to Shammos.
    6. Talk to Shammos in El Nath to begin the quest. He will ask you for an item called “Life’s Root”
    7. Travel to the Cave of Life – Entrance to get the Life’s Root.
    8. In order to enter Life’s Cavern, you’ll need to do the Horntail Prequest
    9. Talk to Moira in the mountainous area. She will ask you to find the following:
      1 Cornian's Marrow (Green Cornian)
      1 Skull shoulder pad (Dark Cornian)
      10 Red Dragon Skins (Red Wyverns)
      1 Cornians Dagger (Dark Cornian drop busted dagger)
      and kill Manon
    10. Find Mos to fix the busted dagger by giving him 1 steel plate and 1 mithril plate.
    11. Beat through all the stages and find Life’s Cavern
    12. Take down the Skelegons in the map until one of them drops a Life Root and leave HTPQ
    13. Travel back to Shammos and turn in the Life Root to unlock Genesis
    For more information on how to unlock Genesis, follow the link to this guide:

    [​IMG] Angel Ray
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelegon, Memory Monk, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Papulatus ~ 15m
    Additional Information:
    In order to unlock this skill, you must obtain the skill book from Zakum and activate it. Angel Ray 20 is a very common book that is even dropped freely in the Free Market entrance. Angel Ray 30 might be a bit tricky if you don't have an alternative account or a friend that has the ability to dispatch of Papulatus fairly efficiency. However, Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Angel Ray 30 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    [​IMG] Bahamut
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20: ---
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    This skill has no mastery books to expand the skill limit. Instead, you need to complete quests to further improve this skill. Unlocking Bahamut is through a quest and unlocking all the subsequent levels is also more quest of the exact same variety. You'll need to collect Dragon Hearts from the Wyverns around Leafre and turn them in. For each quest you finish, you can increase Bahamut's level by 5 more points. Repeat the process until you've unlocked Bahamut 30.

    Here's a quick reference to completing Bahamut's Completion:
    Note: This quest is repeatable
    1. To begin quest talk to Raul the Knight in Leafre Ice Mountain
    2. * He’ll ask you to collect 20 dragon heart (1st time to increase the level cap to 10)
    3. * He’ll ask you to collect 25 dragon heart (2nd time to increase the level cap to 15)
    4. * He’ll ask you to collect 30 dragon heart (3rd time to increase the level cap to 20)
    5. * He’ll ask you to collect 35 dragon heart (4th time to increase the level cap to 25)
    6. * He’ll ask you to collect 40 dragon heart (5th time to increase the level cap to 30)
    7. That’s a grand total of 150 dragon heart. Note that the dragon hearts needed for each quest is a separate ID than the one before it.
    8. Head over to ice mountain and kill Red, Blue, or Dark Wyverns for Dragon heart
    9. After you are finish killing them, travel back to Raul the Knight and receive your skill

    [​IMG] Holy Shield
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Scarlion, Targa, Skelosaurus, Small Bronze Monk, Bronze Monk, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk, Tree Rod ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Krexel, Manon ~ 50m
    Additional Information:
    Holy Shield is a default skill for Bishops. With the introduction of Krexel, Holy Shield 30 has gotten quite a bit cheaper and more available. Holy Shield 20 is very easy to get and they're dropped freely most of the time.

    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20: ---
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Resurrection requires a quest from Carta the Sea Witch to unlock. The quest for Resurrection is relatively straight forward. The Black Book drop is very common from Coolie Zombies, Grim Phantom Watches and Mr. Anchors.

    If you want a quick walkthrough of the Resurrection quest, click here:

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Resurrection:
    1. Find the Black Book from Grim Phantom Watches or Coolie Zombies.
    2. Talk to your 4th Job Instructor to begin the quest
    3. Head to Aqua Dungeon and talk to Carta the Sea Witch
    4. When you talk to Carta the Sea Witch, she will give you a quest for you to collect the following:
      100 Ice Piece (Grim Phantom Watches)
      50 Firebomb Flames (Firebombs)
      5 Undead Charms (Zombie Mushrooms)
    5. After your done collecting the items, go back to Carta the Sea Witch and she’ll reward you with a Cold Flame. Talk to her again to continue your quest.
    6. Carta the Sea Witch will ask you to travel to a hidden cave in the bottom right of Dangerous Sea Gorge II. Once inside this cave, drop the Cold Flame and the Black Book into the pot that you find there.
    7. When you head back to Carta the Sea Witch, she will then ask you to talk to The Rememberer in Sleepywood
    8. Now talk to The Remeberer for another mission. He’ll ask you to travel to Forgotten Passage in Ludibrium. Once you are at Forgotten Passage, go to the middle door and enter the portal.
    9. Enter the realm and try to find your way out.
    10. Go back to The Rememberer after your done and you will gain your Resurrection skill.

    [​IMG] Blizzard
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    CWK PQ, Horntail ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Blizzard requires a quest from Robeira to unlock. The Ice/Lightning Arch Mage's bread and butter technique.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Blizzard:
    1. Head to your Robeira, the 3rd job mage instructor, to begin the quest
    2. Travel to Korean Folk Town and talk to Librarian Wiz
    3. Then, head over to your 1st job instructor
    4. Next, go to Shammos in El Nath in the house with the 3rd job advancement instructors. He’s in the basement of the building.
    5. Go back to your 1st job instructor
    6. After that, go back to Shammos
    7. Talk to your 3rd instructor
    8. After that, go back and talk to Shammos. He will asks you to hunt a Frozen Heart (drops from Lycans in El Nath)
    9. Once you collected the frozen heart, head back to Shammos to complete the quest

    [​IMG] Chain Lightning
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Griffey, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone, Rissel Squids ~ 1m-5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Guild Party Quest, Leviathan, Nameless Magic Monster ~ 25m
    Additional Information:
    Chain Lightning is a default skill for Ice/Lightning Arch Mages. Chain Lightning 30 may be a bit hard to get, but if you have a guild that runs GPQ often, it shouldn't be too tough to obtain a book and pass it.

    [​IMG] Ice Demon
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Griffey, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone, Cold Sharks~ 5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Papulatus, Krexel ~ 1m-5m
    Additional Information:
    Ice Demon requires a quest from Gritto to unlock. To start the quest, you'll need to find a Frozen Ice Storybook from Blue Kentarus, which isn't too hard seeing as the map where Manon spawns has plenty of these guys running around. Papulatus and Krexel is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Ice Demon 30 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Ice Demon:
    1. Hunt for the Frozen Ice Storybook from the Blue Kentarus
    2. Once the frozen ice book is found, head over the your 4th job instructor
    3. Your instructor will asks you to talk to Grendel in Ellina
    4. Then Grendel will ask you to also head to Nath and talk to 3rd job instructor
    5. Your instructor will ask to to talk to Jeff (the gatekeeper in Nath Mountains). Jeff will then send you to Vogen.
    6. Vogen will ask you to create a bottle to carry some liquid. To create the bottle, collect the following:
    7. 1 Moon Stone
      2 Orihalcon Plate
      30 Ice shards from Grim Phantom Watches.
    8. Once done , talk to Jeff and enter a new area (pick first option)
    9. Inside talk to the ice to gather up the liquid from it. Use the new bottle you obtain to gain the Ice Demon skill

    [​IMG] Ifrit
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Crimson Guardian, Petrifighters, Jr. Newties, Temple Block Monster ~ 5m-10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Guild Party Quest, Nibergen ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Ifrit requires a quest from Alcaster to unlock. This is the Ice/Lightning Mage's summoning companion.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Ifrit:
    Pre-requisite: Already obtained the Ice Demon skill
    • Talk to Alcaster in El Nath. He’ll ask you to collect the following: 50 Firebomb Flames from Jr. Effy, 10 of item X from Red Centuars, and 10 of item Y from Flaming Birds
    • Return to Alcaster with the items and he will fail the experiment. He’ll then ask you to talk to Huckle in Orbis Tower.
    • Huckle then will refer you to Hughes in Aqua tower who will ask you to collect the following: 10 Orihalcons, 5 Adamantium, 5 Mithril, Purse of Soul
    • To create a Purse of Soul, go back to Alcaster who will ask you to collect the following: 50 of item X (Master Soul Teddy), 30 of item Y (Master Death Teddy), 50 of item Z (Dark Klock), 30 Summoning Rocks
    • After collecting the items for making Purse of Soul, return it to Huckle in Orbis Tower 10th Floor.
    • You will get Purse of Soul, bring all the items back to Hughes in Aqua B2 Tower.
    • Head back to Alcaster who will tell you that Fire Soulstone is needed to complete the summon. He will then ask you to talk to Flo in Ludibrium.
    • Flo tells you that Fire Soulstone can be obtained from Elemental Thanatos that live in the Ethereal Realm. Note that you need a party of two Archmages to enter the realm (preferably one ice/lit and one fire/poison) to access the realm he needs
    • Ethereal Key which he lost to Gatekeeper. Kill a Gatekeeper to get the key.
    • Return the key to Flo, who will then transport you to Ethereal Realm where the Elemental Thanatos dwell. (NOTE: the realm can be re-entered!)
    • Two types of Thanatos spawn in the map at a time, one fire-type and one ice-type .Take each one down and continue to do so until you get the Fire Soulstone.
    • Take the Fire Soulstone back to Alcaster and you have completed the quest

    [​IMG] Meteor Shower
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Meteor Shower requires a quest from Robeira to unlock. The Fire/Poison Arch Mage's main staple attack. As with most powerful skills in the game, Zakum and Horntail hold a monopoly on this skill. Much like Blizzard 30, I'll be updating this book's price as much as possible.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Meteor Shower:
    1. Head to your 3rd job instructor to begin the quest
    2. Travel to Korean Folk Town and talk to Librarian Wiz
    3. Then head over to your 1st job instructor
    4. Next , go to the Shammos in El Nath (In the house with all the third job instructors)
    5. Go back to your 1st job instructor
    6. After that, go back to the Shammos again
    7. Talk to your 3rd job instructor
    8. After that, talk to Shammos. He will ask you for the “Eye of Fire” (Yes, the same one you use to summon Zakum)
    9. Once you collected the Eye of fire head back to the Shammos to complete the quest

    [​IMG] Fire Demon
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Manon, Dark Cornian, Shining Fairy, Temple Block Monster ~ 5m-10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Papulatus, Lilynouch~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Fire Demon requires a quest from Gritto to unlock. To start the quest, you'll need to find a Burning Fire Storybook from Red Kentarus, which isn't too hard seeing as the map where they spawns exclusively has plenty of these guys running around. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so Fire Demon 30 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Fire Demon:
    1. Find the Burning Fire Storybook from the Red Kentaurs
    2. Once the Burning Fire storybook book is found, talk to your 4th job instructor
    3. Your instructor will asks you to talk to Grendel in Ellinia
    4. Then, Grendel will ask you to head to El Nath and talk to your 3rd job instructor
    5. Your instructor will ask to talk to Adobis in the Zakum Dungeon. He will send you to Vogen
    6. Vogen will ask you to make a bottle that contains some hot lava. Collect the following items: 1 Star Rock, 2 diamond, 30 Firebomb Flame (Firebomb)
    7. Return the collected items back to Vogen.
    8. Once done, head to Adobis beside Zakum Entrance to enter a special area and do a mini jump quest (pick last option)
    9. Drop the empty bottle into the volcano. It will spit back out a bottle of lava. Double Click the bottle and you will learn Fire Demon

    [​IMG] Elquines
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Nest Golem, Ancient Fairy, Grey Vulture ~ 5m-10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Guild Party Quest, Oblivion Monk ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Elquines requires a quest from Alcaster to unlock. This is the Fire/Poison's summoning companion.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Elquines:
    Pre-Requisite: Already obtained the Fire Demon skill
    1. Talk to Alcaster in El Nath. He’ll ask you to collect:
      30 of item X (Ice Drake)
      30 of item Y (Cold Shark)
      40 of item Z (Grim Phantom Watch)
    2. Return to Alcaster with the items and he will fail the experiment. He’ll then ask you to talk to Huckle in Orbis Tower.
    3. Huckle then will refer you to Hughes in Aqua tower
    4. Hughes will ask you to collect the following: 10 Orihalcons, 5 Adamantium, 5 Mithril, Purse of Soul
    5. To create Purse of Soul, go to Huackle who will ask you to collect the following:
      50 of item X (Master Soul Teddy)
      30 of item Y (Master Death Teddy)
      50 of item Z (Dark Klock)
      30 Summoning Rocks
    6. After collecting the items to make a Purse of Soul, return to Huckle in Orbis Tower 10th Floor.
    7. You will then get a Purse of Soul. Bring all the items back to Hughes in Aqua B2 Tower.
    8. Head back to Alcaster who will tell you that a Fire Soulstone is needed to complete the summoning. He will tell you to talk to Flo in Ludibrium
    9. Flo tells you that a Fire Soulstone can be obtained from Elemental Thanatos that lives in the Ethereal Realm.
      Note: You'll need a party to two Archmages to enter the realm (preferably one ice/lit and one fire/poison)
    10. To access the realm. he needs the Ethereal Key which he lost to Gatekeeper. Kill a Gatekeeper to get the key.
    11. Return the key to Flo, who will then transport you to the Ethereal Realm where the Elemental Thanatos dwells. (NOTE: the realm can be re-entered!)
    12. Two types of Thanatos spawn in the map at a time, one fire-type and one ice-type. Take each one down and continue to do so until you get the Fire Soulstone.
    13. Take the Fire Soulstone back to Alcaster and you have completed the quest

    [​IMG] Paralyze
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Manon, Jr. Newties, Temple Block Monster ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Guild Party Quest and Leviathan ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Paralyze is a default skill for Fire/Poison Arch Mages. The Fire/Poison Arch Mage's DPS skill. Paralyze 30 might be tough to get as Leviathan has 12m+ HP and Guild Party Quests has to be done with 6 people.

    [​IMG] Dragon Strike
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Pianus, Spirit Viking, Temple Block Monster~ 5m-10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Manon, Scarlion, Targa, Squid ~ 5m-10m
    Additional Information:
    Dragon Strike is a default skill for buccaneers. The books themselves are not hard to get because they luckily are dropped by mobs that have a good amount of spawn in each of their maps.

    [​IMG] Barrage
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Dodo, Right Pianus, Blue Dragon Turtle ~ 5m-10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Papulatus ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Barrage is a default skill for Buccaneers. Much like Dragon Strike, Barrage books are relatively easy to get. Papulatus is run very often thanks for the daily Piece of Crack Dimension reward and the book drop is not sought after because there aren't too many Buccaneers in this server to really create a demand. You can easily find this in the shops for a low price if you use an Owl of Minerva or talk to one of your guild mates that run Papulatus often to see if you have a Barrage 30.

    [​IMG] Energy Orb
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Lilynouch, Left Pianus, Ephenia, Brexton, Small Bronze Monk ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Capt. Latanica, Griffey, Green Cornian ~ Worthless
    Additional Information:
    Energy Orb is a default skill for Buccaneers. Due to a bug in this server, Energy Orb does no damge. The animation still occurs, but the monsters will not be hit. DO NOT PUT ANY POINTS INTO THIS SKILL!

    [​IMG] Speed Infusion
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelegon, Bearwolf, Left Pianus ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Speed Infusion is a default skill for Buccaneers. Speed Infusion only has a max of 20 and the book for Speed Infusion is very cheap thanks to it being dropped by Skelegons, a much farmed mob in MapleRoyals.

    [​IMG] Super Transformation
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Manon, Blue Wyvern ~ 15m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Super Transformation has a max level of 20, so no book 30 exist. Super Transformation requires a quest from Kyrin to unlock this skill. The only skillbook for this skill is a bit of a farm because Blue Wyverns aren't too common, but it's very easy to get this skill book.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Super Transformation:
    1. Head over to Kyrin, 1st job instructor and start the quest.
    2. You'll then be teleported to a special map where Super Kyrin will be spawned
    3. In order to finish this quest, you'll need to survive getting hit by Super Kyrin for a brief amount of time. Super Kyrin only hits around 3,000 so just spam potions until the timer runs out.
    4. Once you're done surviving, go back to Kyrin and Super Transformation will be unlocked

    [​IMG] Demolition
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Griffey, Cold Sharks, Petrifighter, Giant Gold Monk ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    CWK PQ, Jr. Newtie, Blood Reindeer ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Demolition requires a quest from Kyrin to unlock. This is one of the core skills of Buccaneers so be sure to unlock this early. The books are easy to get, but be aware that Cold Sharks cast slow on you and the Sharks in the same map can dispel you. This can lead to instant death for mages if you decide to use your mage to farm that book. Like most Buccaneer books, they shouldn't be too expensive nor uncommon in stores.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Demolition:
    1. Talk to Kyrin once you've unlocked Super Transformation and she'll send you on a quest to defeat 150 Blue Dragon Turtles and collect 50 Sturdy Leather from them.
    2. Once you've finished collecting, go back to Kyrin and you will unlock Demolition.

    [​IMG] Snatch
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Papulatus, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone ~ 15m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Leviathan, Scarlion, Targa, Nibergen ~ 40m
    Additional Information:
    Snatch requires a quest from Kyrin to unlock. Unfortunately, Snatch books are only dropped by boss monsters. Luckily, Snatch is not one of the Buccaneers core skills so you can wait on getting these books whenever you have time to spare to dispatch of both Papulatus and Leviathan. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Snatch 20 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Snatch:
    1. Talk to Kyrin once you've unlocked Super Transformation and she'll send you on a quest to defeat 150 Red Dragon Turtles and collect 50 Stone Hearts from them.
    2. Once you've finished collecting, go back to Kyrin and you will unlock Snatch.

    [​IMG] Time Leap
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum, Scarlion, Targa ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    CWK PQ, Horntail ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Time Leap requires a quest from Rolonay to unlock.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Time Leap:
    1. Talk to Rolonay in The Nautilus: Mid Floor - Hallway to start the quest.
    2. He will prompt you to defeat Papulatus for a silver key.
    3. Defeat Papulatus and he'll drop the silver key.
    4. Return to Rolonay. He'll tell you to head back to Papulatus once again.
    5. When entering the portal to Papulatus you'll be teleported to a map with a Papulatus NPC. Select the bottom option after you can no longer proceed with the papulatus dialogue and he'll send you back to Natilus Port to talk to Rolonay
    6. Speak to Rolonay once more and you'll unlock Time Leap.

    [​IMG] Elemental Boost
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Rexton, Bronze Monk, Shining Fairy ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Additional Information:
    Elemental Boost is a default skill for Corsairs. When you're farming for a Silver Mane mount, look out for a Elemental Boost 20.

    [​IMG] Wrath of the Octopi
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Risell Squid ~ 5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Wrath of the Octopi is a default skill for Corsairs. Wrath of the Octopi only has a max of 20, so there isn't any skillbook 30 for this skill. There's no map that spawns Rissel Squid exclusively, but the map that they share with regular Squids should be enough to get Wrath of the Octopi rather quickly.

    [​IMG] Rapid Fire
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Manon, Dark Cornian ~ 15m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Capt. Latanica, Leviathan, Shark ~ 15m
    Additional Information:
    Rapid Fire is a default skill for Corsairs. Rapid Fire is one of the core skills for Corsairs that should be maxed very early on. The best map for farming Dark Cornians is a hidden street with a few hanging platforms and Green Cornians in the map as well. Be careful of farming Rapid Fire 20 because Sharks can dispel.

    [​IMG] Bullseye
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Pianus, Nest Golem, Grey Vulture ~ 20m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Bullseye is a defualt skill for Corsairs. Bullseye only has a max of 20, so there is no skillbook 30 for Bullseye. There aren't too many regular spawns of Nest Golems, but the spawn timer for them is very fast.

    [​IMG] Battleship
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20: ---
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Battleship requires a quest from Kyrin to unlock. Battleship only has a max of 10, so there is no skillbook 20/30 for Battleship.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Battleship:
    1. Head over to Kyrin, 1st job instructor and start the quest.
    2. You'll then be teleported to a special map where Super Kyrin will be spawned.
    3. In order to finish this quest, you'll need to survive getting hit by Super Kyrin for a brief amount of time. Super Kyrin only hits around 3,500 so just spam potions until the timer runs out.
    4. Once you're done surviving, go back to Kyrin and Battleship will be unlocked.

    [​IMG] Battleship Cannon
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Griffey, Scarlion, Targa, Dark Wyvern, Temple Block Golem ~ 20m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Lyka, Red Wyvern, Gallopera ~ 20m
    Additional Information:
    Battelship Cannon requires a quest from Kyrin to unlock. This is the bacon and eggs of Corsairs. Books are relatively easy to farm because there are maps specifically just for those Wyverns as well as the mini bosses.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Battleship Cannon:
    1. Speak to Kyrin to start the quest
    2. She'll ask you to kill 150 Spirit Vikings and collect 50 of a special Etc. Drop that they will drop upon starting this quest
    3. After you've killed 150 Spirit Vikings and collect the 50 items, go back to Kyrin and you will unlock Battleship Cannon

    [​IMG] Battleship Torpedo
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Skelesaurus, Small Bronze Monk ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Left Pianus, Red Dragon Turtle ~ 1m-5m
    Additional Information:
    Battleship Torpedo requires a quest from Kyrin to unlock. The books are easy to get, but since Red Dragon Turtles are hard to get in a group, you might struggle a bit with farming those. Since this is also a book dropped by a Skele monster, you can find them laying around in the Free Market from time to time.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Battleship Torpedo:
    1. Speak to Kyrin to start the quest
    2. She'll ask you to kill 150 Gigantic Spirit Vikings and collect 50 of a special Etc. Drop that they will drop upon starting this quest
    3. After you've killed 150 Gigantic Spirit Vikings and collect the 50 items, go back to Kyrin and you will unlock Battleship Torpedo

    [​IMG] Hypnotize
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Papulatus, Stone Bug, Crocky the Gatekeeper ~ 1m-5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Hypnotize requires a quest from Shulynch to unlock. Papulatus shouldn't be an issue for Corsairs once you have your core skills, but be prepared to fight several Papulatus. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing a Hypnotize 20 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Hypnotize:
    1. Talk to Shulynch in The Nautilus: Training Room
    2. Pick the second option to be transported to a special area
    3. There are three mini jump quests here which aren't too difficult.
    4. Once you've completed the jump quest, click the NPC at the end and you'll be transported to a protection PQ much like El Nath PQ and Henesys PQ.
    5. Atfer a while, you'll complete the mini PQ and unlock Hypnotize

    [​IMG] Air Strike
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone ~ 5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    Air Strike requires a quest from Bart to unlock.
    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Air Strike:
    1. Talk to Bart in Natilus Harbor to start the quest. He'll then direct you to Lord Jonathan inside the Natilus ship.
    2. Lord Jonathan will ask you a question. The correct answer is 72.
    3. Talk to Lord Jonathan again and he will send you to a room with 9 Barts. Hit the one that looks just like the original NPC IMG_9981.png . The other ones look nicer as they have different eyebrows. Don’t hit these or you will get warped out.
    4. Talk to Lord Jonathan again and he will send you to a map with various statues. By talking to the NPC there you will start a challenge. Observe which statues light up in what order. Remember the order and hit them in the same to pass the test. You have to play a few rounds of it and will be send back to Lord Jonathan if you succeed.
    5. Talk to him one last time to unlock Air Strike.

    [​IMG] Achilles
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Scalrion, Targa, Skelosaurus, SMall Bronze Monk, Bronze Monk, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Manon, Lilynouch, Nameless Magic Monster, Primitive Boar ~ 30m
    Additional Information:
    Achilles is a default skill for all 4th job Warriors. With the introduction of Krexel dropping Achilles 30, it's safe to say that the Achilles books are easy to get for the most part. Previously, it was believe that Manon had a monopoly on Achilles 30, but not so much now. Very useful skill for all Warriors to have.

    [​IMG] Guardian (Only for Heroes and Paladins)
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelosaurus, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Manon, Scarlion, Targa ~ 25m
    Additional Information:
    Guardian requires a quest from Moose to unlock.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Guardian:
    Note: You must be wielding a shield to start the quest
    1. Talk to Moose in Leafre: Forest: Crossroad
    2. Head your way over to a special Black Kentarus map and keep entering and exiting the map while killing as you go until you've reached 200 kills
    3. Head back to Harmonia and you'll unlock Guardian

    [​IMG] Monster Magnet
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Nest Golem, Petrifighter, Ancient Fairy, Blood Reindeer, Left Pianus, Krexel ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Right Pianus, Krexel ~ Worthless
    Additional Information:
    Monster Magnet is a default skill for all 4th job Warriors. Petrifighters spawn exclusively in one map so your best bet in getting Monster Magnet 20 is via Petrifighters.

    [​IMG] Rush
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Dark Cornian, Temple Block Monster ~ 5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Right Pianus, Dunas v2 ~ 150m
    Additional Information:
    Rush requires a quest from Manji to unlock. Rush 30 can be quite a challenge to get because Pianus has a very long respawn rate.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Rush:
    1. Obtain a Indecipherable Book from a Taurospear
    2. Talk to Manji with a Indecipherable Book in your inventory and he'll send you off to the Sanctuary Entrance III
    3. Recruit another 4th job Warrior along with you or form a party of your own and kill 200 Taurospears in a special map in the middle of Sanctuary Entrance III
    4. After defeating 200 Taurospears, go back to Manji and you'll unlock Rush

    [​IMG] Power Stance
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Papulatus, Leviathan, Dark Cornian, Chief Qualm Guardian, Temple Block Monster ~ 5m-10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Zakum, Qualm Guardian ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Power Stance requires a quest from Harmonia to unlock. Power Stance 30 can be a bit tricky to buy since Zakum is limited to twice a day and there are quite a number of Warriors in MapleRoyals, but it shouldn't be too hard with the release of Owl of Minerva. Farming at Dark Cornians for about 10 minutes should yeild you a Power Stance 20. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Power Stance 20 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Power Stance:
    1. Obtain a [Storybook] Crimson Balrog's Proposal from a Crimson Balrog in the boat ride to and from Orbis
    2. Turn the book in to Harmonia and he'll direct you to Spiruna in a house at the bottom of Cloud Park IV
    3. Spiruna will then tell you to get "Lycanthrope's Plans" from killing Lycanthropes
    4. Go back to Harmonia and hand over the plans and he'll then tell you to go to Tylus, the 3rd job Warrior instructor
    5. Tylus will ask you to protect him from weakened versions of Crimson Balrogs and Lycanthropes i.e. El Nath Party Quest
    6. Form a party of up to four people (Preferably some Arch Mages/Bishops to make this easy) and start the El Nath Party Quest
    7. After you've finished protecting Tylus for a certain amount of time, you'll unlock Power Stance

    [​IMG] Advanced Combo Attack
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Nest Golem, Petrifighter, Crimson Guardian ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Skelosaurus, Small Bronze Monk, Bronze Monk, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk ~ Worthless
    Additional Information:
    Advanced Combo Attack is unlocked by obtaining a skillbook from Zakum. ACA is the ham and cheese of the Hero class. Advanced Combo Attack can be quite uncommon at times, but if you ask someone at Petrifighters, they should be able to spare you a copy for free or for a low cost.

    [​IMG] Brandish
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Dark Wyvern, Crimson Guardian, Stone Bug ~ 15m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Papulatus, Krexel ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Brandish is a default skill for Heroes. Brandish books have been crashing as of late so if you don't need them immediately, I'd consider waiting a bit when more people come into the server to hunt Papulatus or Dark Wyverns. Papulatus and Krexel is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Brandish 30 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    [​IMG] Enrage
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    Enrage requires a quest from Wiz the Librarian. As with most powerful skills in the game, Zakum and Horntail hold a monopoly on this skill.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Enrage:
    1. Speak to Wiz the Librarian and he'll direct you to Chief Tatama
    2. Chief Tatama will ask you to hunt a Griffey for a Sayram's Necklace
    3. After giving Chief Tatama the necklace, he'll ask you go to Sleepywood and talk to The Insignificant Being
    4. Speak to The Insignificant Being and he'll ask you to get a key from Jr. Balrogs
    5. Hunt down a Jr. Balrog for a key and return to The Insignificant Being
    6. The Insignificant Being will ask you to head to Sanctuary Entrance IV
    7. Enter the portal in the middle of Sanctuary Entrance IV and look for a special shield
    8. Bring the shield back to Wiz the Librarian and you'll unlock Enrage

    [​IMG] Beholder
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20: ---
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Beholder is a default skill for Dark Knights. Beholder only has a max of 10, so there is no skillbook 20/30 for Beholder.

    [​IMG] Berserk
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Scarlion, Targa, Zakum ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Berserk requires a quest from Wiz the Librarian. Berserk is the salt and pepper of Dark Knights. As with most powerful skills in the game, Zakum and Horntail hold a monopoly on this skill.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Berserk:
    1. Speak to Wiz the Librarian and he'll direct you to Chief Tatama
    2. Chief Tatama will ask you to hunt a Griffey for a Sayram's Necklace
    3. After giving Chief Tatama the necklace, he'll ask you go to Sleepywood and talk to The Insignificant Being
    4. Speak to The Insignificant Being and he'll ask you to get a key from Jr. Balrogs
    5. Hunt down a Jr. Balrog for a key and return to The Insignificant Being
    6. The Insignificant Being will ask you to head to Sanctuary Entrance IV
    7. Enter the portal in the middle of Sanctuary Entrance IV and look for a special shield
    8. Bring the shield back to Wiz the Librarian and you'll unlock Berserk

    [​IMG] Hex of the Beholder
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20: ---
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Hex of the Beholder requires a quest from Harmonia to unlock. This skill has no mastery books to expand the skill limit. Instead, you need to complete quests to further improve this skill.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Hex of the Beholder:
    1. Start the quest by talking to Harmonia
    2. He'll ask you to talk to Flo in Ludibrium: Path of Time
    3. Hunt Gatekeepers for a special scroll and bring it back to Flo
    4. After bringing the scroll to Flo, you will unlock Hex of the Beholder
    5. Collect 700 Viking Sails to expand the skill limit.

    [​IMG] Aura of the Beholder
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20: ---
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Aura of the Beholder requires a quest from Flo to unlock. This skill has no mastery books to expand the skill limit. Instead, you need to complete quests to further improve this skill. This skill is also unique to MapleRoyals in that even in death, this skill will work and actually revive you from death. Very useful skill for Dark Knights especially in boss fights like Zakum and Horntail!

    Here's a quick refererence guide to unlocking Aura of the Beholder:
    1. Start the quest by talking to Flo in Ludibrium: The Path of Time
    2. Flo will ask you to hunt for a scroll from Thanatos
    3. Bring back the scroll for Flo to unlock Aura of the Beholder
    4. Collect 700 Binding Bridle to further expand the skill limit

    [​IMG] Advanced Charge
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20: ---
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    In order to unlock this skill, you must obtain the skill book from Zakum and activate it. Advanced Charge only has a max of 10, so there is no skillbook 20/30 for Advance Charge.

    [​IMG] Blast
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelegon, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk, Primitive Boar ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Papulatus, Lyka ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Blast is a default skill for Paladins. Blast 30 might be an issue if you don't have too much money for Pieces of Cracked Dimensions, but many people run Papulatus so it shouldn't be too difficult to find a book in the Free Market. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Blast 30 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    [​IMG] Divine Charge
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Griffey, Dodo, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone, Dark Wyvern ~ 5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Divine Charge has a max level of 20, so no book 30 exist. Divine Charge requires a quest from Harmonia to unlock. This is the blunt weapon version of the holy based charge for Paladins.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Divine Charge:
    1. Talk to the 4th Job Instructor
    2. Active this quest by heading to the bottom of The Grave of a Wrecked Ship
    3. Talk to Taeng the Explorer in the ship
    4. He'll ask you to hunt for 10 Shark Teeth from Sharks
    5. After giving the Shark Teeth, he'll hand you the Holy Grail to give to Chief Tatama
    6. Chief Tatama will ask you to fill the Holy Grail with Holy Water from Horntail Party Quest and direct you to Moira
    7. Talk to Moira in the mountainous area. She will ask you to find the following:
      An ice cube (Green Cornian)
      A skull mask (Dark Cornian)
      10 Red Dragon Skins (Red Wyverns)
      1 broken dagger (Dark Cornian) and
      kill Manon
    8. Next, find Mos to fuse a new dagger with the old dagger, 1 Mithril Plate and 1 Steel Plate
    9. Enter Cave of Life: Entrance to Horntail‘s Cave and click on the water filled stump on the right of the map to fill the Holy Grail (You can either do a full HTPQ to get there or find a player with the Certificate of the Dragon Squad to skip the HTPQ and directly get to that map)
    10. Head to Orbis Tower <8th Floor> and interact with the Statue of a Goddess and unlock Divine Charge

    [​IMG] Holy Charge
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Dodo, Griffey, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone, Nest Golem, Petrifighter ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30: ---
    Additional Information:
    Holy Charge has a max level of 20, so no book 30 exist. Holy Charge requires a quest from Harmonia to unlock. This is the sword version of the holy based charge for Paladins.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Holy Charge:
    1. Talk to the 4th Job Instructor
    2. Active this quest by heading to the bottom of The Grave of a Wrecked Ship
    3. Talk to Taeng the Explorer in the ship
    4. He'll ask you to hunt for 10 Shark Teeth from Sharks
    5. After giving the Shark Teeth, he'll hand you the Holy Grail to give to Chief Tatama
    6. Chief Tatama will ask you to fill the Holy Grail with Holy Water from Horntail Party Quest and direct you to Moira
    7. Talk to Moira in the mountainous area. She will ask you to find the following:
      An ice cube (Green Cornian)
      A skull mask (Dark Cornian)
      10 Red Dragon Skins (Red Wyverns)
      1 broken dagger (Dark Cornian) and
      kill Manon
    8. Next, find Mos to fuse a new dagger with the old dagger, 1 Mithril Plate and 1 Steel Plate
    9. Enter Cave of Life: Entrance to Horntail‘s Cave and click on the water filled stump on the right of the map to fill the Holy Grail (You can either do a full HTPQ to get there or find a player with the Certificate of the Dragon Squad to skip the HTPQ and directly get to that map)
    10. Head to Orbis Tower <8th Floor> and interact with the Statue of a Goddess and unlock Holy Charge

    [​IMG] Heaven's Hammer
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Heaven's Hammer requires a quest from Wiz the Librarian to unlock. Heaven's Hammer is the full map coverage attack for Paladins, similar to a mage's ultimate skill. As with most powerful skills in the game, Zakum and Horntail hold a monopoly on this skill. There aren't too many Paladins out there so you can expect them to be for sale often.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Heaven's Hammer:
    1. Speak to Wiz the Librarian and he'll direct you to Chief Tatama
    2. Chief Tatama will ask you to hunt a Griffey for a Sayram's Necklace
    3. After giving Chief Tatama the necklace, he'll ask you go to Sleepywood and talk to The Insignificant Being
    4. Speak to The Insignificant Being and he'll ask you to get a key from Jr. Balrogs
    5. Enter the portal in the middle of Sanctuary Entrance IV and look for a special shield
    6. Bring the shield back to Wiz the Librarian and you'll unlock Heaven's Hammer

    [​IMG] Dragon's Breath
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Scarlion, Targa, Jr. Newties, temple Block Monster ~ 5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Pianus, Lilynouch, Ephenia, Vergamot ~ 20m
    Additional Information:
    In order to unlock Dragon's Breath, you must obtain the skill book from El Nath Party Quest and activate it. To start El Nath PQ, you need to recruit a 4th job warrior without the ability Power Stance because the only way for you to even access El Nath PQ is for that specific warrior to talk to their 3rd job master and enter the PQ. In there, you'll need to protect that guy from the monsters that spawn from all directions and survive around 7 minutes of this. The monsters that you dispatch of will drop the Dragon‘s Breath skill book as well as Taunt and Infinity. Once you have it in your inventory, just use it and Dragon's Breath will be unlocked.

    [​IMG] Sharp Eyes
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Scalrion, Targa, Cold Shark ~ 50m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    CWK PQ, Pianus, Skelesaurus ~ Worthless
    Additional Information:
    Sharp Eyes is a default skill for all 4th job Archers. Sharp Eyes is one of the best party buff skills. Farming Sharp Eyes 30 is no problem, but farming Sharp Eyes 20 can be quite tricky. The Sharks in that area can dispel whereas Cold Sharks can cast slow on you, making quite a deadly combo which explains the high price tag on Sharp Eyes 20.

    [​IMG] Bow Expert
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Papulatus, Dark Cornian, Memory Guardian, Temple Block Monster ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Zakum ~ 25m
    Additional Information:
    Bow Expert is a default skill for Bowmasters. Bow Expert is a core skill for Bowmasters and should be maxed as soon as possible. Memory Guardians are a cinch to fight so getting a Bow Expert 20 should be less than 15 minutes. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Bow Expert 20 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    [​IMG] Concentrate
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Concentration requires a quest from Wiz the Librarian to unlock. Concentration is much like Enrage except it also decreases 50% MP useage and has a 6 minute cooldown.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Concentration:
    1. Get a Ancient Book from Sharks
    2. Give the Ancient Book to Wiz the Librarian as well as 50 Ink Bottles, 10 Pure Waters and 30 Magic Rocks
    3. He'll give you a new book to give to Athena in Henesys
    4. Talk to Rene in El Nath and then Shammos then back to Rene
    5. Go to Sleepywood and talk to The Rememberer and then The Insignificant Being. After talking to The Insignificant Being hunt for 50 Dark Soul Rocks which are dropped from Taurmancis, Taurospears and Jr Balrogs.
    6. Once you have those, make sure a 4th job Archer comes along with you, talk to The Insignificant Being again and he'll teleport you to a special map where you need to kill 300 monsters.
    7. Complete that task and you will unlock Concentration

    [​IMG] Hamstring
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelosaurus, Small Bronze Monk, Bronze Monk, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Dodo, Griffey, Dunas v1, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone, Castle Golem, ~ Worthless
    Additional Information:
    Hamstring is a default skill for Bowmasters. As with most Skele books, Hamstring 20 is dropped at the Free Market quite often.

    [​IMG] Phoenix
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelosaurus, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk, Castle Golem ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Manon, Dunas v1 ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Phoenix requires a quest from Kumo to unlock. This is the Bowmaster's summoning companion. I'm a bit unclear on Krexel dropping Phoenix 30 because I've never seen it happen, but I've heard of claims that Manon and Krexel have a similar mastery book drop now.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Phoenix:
    1. Talk to Kumo in Leafre to start the quest
    2. He'll tell you to go over to El Nath and head over to the Cave of Trials III
    3. Enter the hidden map with the giant egg and attack it.
    4. Pick up the egg that drops and head over to Sky Nest I and enter the portal at the top
    5. Climb to the top, drop the egg on the nest, break and kill whatever pops out
    6. Return to Kumo and you'll unlock Phoenix

    [​IMG] Hurricane
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Guild Party Quest, Nest Golem, Ancient Fairy, Reindeer ~ 5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    CWK PQ, Papulatus, Leviathan, Lyka~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Hurricane requires a quest from Legor to unlock. Hurricane is the pepperoni to the pizza for Bowmasters. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Hurricane 30 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Hurricane:
    1. Talk to Legor, the 4th job Archer instructor
    2. Legor will ask you to hunt any Kentarus for a Brown Glove
    3. Bring the Brown Glove to Athena in Henesys and you will unlock Hurricane

    [​IMG] Blind
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelegon, Small Bronze Monk, Bronze Monk, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Griffey, Dunas v2, Castle Golem ~ Worthless
    Additional Information:
    Blind is a default skill for Marksmans. Blind 30 might be a challenge to get because people often kill Griffey for their skills to be unlocked and also for fun.

    [​IMG] Frostprey
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Griffey, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone, Temple Block Monster, Dark Cornian ~ 5m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Chief Memory Guardian ~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    Frostprey requires a quest from Yaku to unlock. Frostprey is the Marksman's summoning companion.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Frostprey:
    1. Talk to Yaku in Leafre to start the quest
    2. He'll tell you to go over to El Nath and head over to the Dangerous Cliff
    3. Enter the hidden map with the giant egg and attack it.
    4. Pick up the egg that drops and head over to Sky Nest I and enter the portal at the top
    5. Climb to the top, drop the egg on the nest, break and kill whatever pops out
    6. Return to Yaku and you'll unlock Frostprey

    [​IMG] Marksman Boost
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Papulatus, Jr. Newtie, Memory Monk Trainee, Temple Block Monster, Bearwolf ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Zakum ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Marksman Boost is a default skill for Marksmans. One of the Marksman core skills. The books are exceptionally cheap because of the lack of Marksman in this server. This book should be more commonly seen thanks to the improved spawn in Temple of Time. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Marksman Boost 20 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    [​IMG] Piercing Arrow
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelegon, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk, Primitive Boar, Bearwolf ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    CWK PQ, Papulatus ~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    Piercing Arrow requires a quest from Legor to unlock. Piercing Arrow 30 is a bit tough to get, but keep on getting those daily Pieces of Cracked Dimensions and you should be able to get it in no time. Since Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX it should also be available in the Free Market shops.

    Here's a quick guide reference to unlock Piercing Arrow:
    1. Talk to Legor, the 4th job Archer instructor
    2. Legor will ask you to hunt any Kentarus for a Brown Glove
    3. Bring the Brown Glove to Athena in Henesys and you will unlock Piercing Arrow

    [​IMG] Snipe
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum ~ 10m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 20m
    Additional Information:
    Snipe requires a quest from Wiz the Librarian to unlock. As with most powerful skills in the game, Zakum and Horntail hold a monopoly on this skill.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Snipe:
    1. Get a Ancient Book from Sharks
    2. Give the Ancient Book to Wiz the Librarian as well as 50 Ink Bottles, 10 Pure Waters and 30 Magic Rocks
    3. He'll give you a new book to give to Athena in Henesys
    4. Talk to Rene in El Nath and then Shammos then back to Rene
    5. Go to Sleepywood and talk to The Rememeberer and then The Insignificant Being. After talking to The Insignificant Being, hunt for 50 Dark Soul Rocks which are dropped from Taurmancis, Taurospears and Jr Balrogs.
    6. Once you have those, make sure a 4th job Archer comes along with you, talk to The Insignificant Being again and he'll teleport you to a special map where you need to kill 300 monsters.
    7. Complete that task and you will unlock Snipe

    [​IMG] Shadow Shifter
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Left Pianus, Dark Wyvern ~ 15m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Pianus, Dodo and Leviathan, Qualm Monk Trainee~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    Shadow Shifter is a default skill for all 4th job Thieves. One of the core skills for both Night Lords and Shadowers. Books aren't too hard to get because they're farmable for the most part and with the ToT upgrade recently, Shadow Shifter is much cheaper than previous months.

    [​IMG] Ninja Ambush
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Pianus, Krexel, Spirit Viking ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Guild Party Quest, Pianus, Krexel ~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    Ninja Ambush requires a quest from Hellin to unlock. Ninja Ambush is a skill for both Shadowers and Night Lord. Ninja Ambush 30 might be a problem as Pianus has a very long respawn rate and Guild Party Quest isn't something you can do on your own.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlocking Ninja Ambush:
    1. Talk to Hellin, the 4th job Thief instructor and she'll tell you to talk to the Dark Lord
    2. Go to Kerning City and talk to the Dark Lord. He'll send you to special map where you must defeat six enemies
    3. After you've completed that talk to him again and you unlock Ninja Ambush

    [​IMG] Taunt
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Lilynouch, Manon, Nest Golem, Reindeer ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Guild Party Quest ~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    In order to unlock Taunt, you must obtain the skill book from El Nath Party Quest and activate it. To start El Nath PQ, you need to recruit a 4th job warrior without the ability Power Stance because the only way for you to even access El Nath PQ is for that specific warrior to talk to their 3rd job master and enter the PQ. In there, you'll need to protect that guy from the monsters that spawn from all directions and survive around 7 minutes of this. The monsters that you dispatch of will drop the Taunt skill book as well as Infinity and Dragon's Breath. Once you have it in your inventory, just use it and Taunt will be unlocked.

    [​IMG] Venomous Stab/Star
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Papulatus, Dark Cornian, Temple Block Monster ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Zakum, Qualm Monk ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Venomous Stab/Star is a default skill for all 4th job Thieves. The mastery book for this skill is the same for both Night Lords and Shadowers. Both Dark Cornians and Green Cornians have a special map that spawn both of them so keep an eye out for that map.

    [​IMG] Assassinate
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Griffey, Wulin Yaoseng (Shao), Wulin Yaoseng Clone, Jr. Newtie, Temple Block Monster ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Guild Party Quest
    Additional Information:
    Assassinate requires quest from Arec to unlock. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Assassinate 20 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    Here's a quick guide reference to unlock Assassinate:
    1. Talk to Arec, the 3th job Thief instructor
    2. Arec will direct you to Shawn in the Perion excavation site
    3. Shawn will give you a mission. Start by going in the bottom left portal of the map
    4. Break the rightmost box on the first floor
    5. Then on the second floor, break the second box from the right
    6. On the third floor, hit the leftmost box
    7. Finally on the fourth floor, break the box directly above the box you broke on the second floor which should give you an item
    8. Return to Shawn and give him the item and he'll direct you back to Arec
    9. Speak to Arec and you will unlock Assassinate

    [​IMG] Boomerang Step
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Lyka, Skelosaurus, Small Bronze Monk, Bronze Monk, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk, Primitive Boar, Bearwolf ~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    CWK PQ, Papulatus, Krexel ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Boomerang Step is a default skill for Shadowers. Boomerang Step is the main DPS skill for Shadower. Papulatus and Krexel is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Boomerang Step 30 should be available often in the Free Market shops.

    [​IMG] Smokescreen
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Scarlion, Targa, Zakum ~ 15m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    Smokescreen requires a quest from Hughes to unlock. As with most powerful skills in the game, Zakum and Horntail hold a monopoly on this skill.

    Here's a quick guide reference to unlock Smokescreen:
    1. Collect the Formula for Black Cloud from Lucidas or buy it from the FM to start the quest
    2. Talk to Hughes the Fuges in Orbis Tower <Hughe’s Laboratory>, a map you can enter from Orbis: Orbis Tower <B2> and he will ask for:
      1x Fan (obtainable from Kai in Omega Sector: Silo for 100x Propellors from Helly and 1x Steel Plate)
      1x Battery (obtainable from Hairy Porter in Omega Sector: Command Center for 1x Papulatus Certificate)
      10x Dual Pirate‘s Propeller from Dual Ghost Pirates
      50x Gears from Chronos
      100x Ink Bottles from Squids
      20x Steel Plates
      50x Screws
    3. Go back to Hughes and he'll give you a computer
    4. Use the computer and you will unlock Smokescreen

    [​IMG] Ninja Storm
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Skelegon, Silver Monk, Giant Silver Monk, Small Gold Monk, Giant Gold Monk~ Worthless
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Guild Party Quest ~ 10m
    Additional Information:
    Ninja Storm requires a quest to unlock. As with many other Guild Party Quests books, keep an eye out for these as people do tend to buy these books because of their rarity.

    Here's a quick reference guide to unlock Ninja Storm:
    1. Obtain 'Unknown Letter' from Ghost Pirates or Dual Ghost Pirates
    2. Head over to the Terrace Hall in Ludibrium and travel to Cloud Balcony.
    3. Go all the way left until you hit the hidden teleporter, which will bring you to “Hidden Balcony’.
    4. Talk to Unknown Thief and accept the quest.
    5. He asks you to visit guild headquarters and bring him a marble with a maple leaf in it. It is NOT a drop so don't waste your time killing monsters.
    6. Go to Top of the Hill in Orbis and double click the maple leaf on top of the guild hall
    7. Go back to the balcony and you'll be asked to find three different items:
      Boogie’s Cursed Whirlwind (Boogies from Zakum)
      Black Tornado (Thanatos)
      Griffey Wind (Griffey)
    8. Bring the three items to Hellin in Leafre and you will unlock Ninja Storm

    [​IMG] Shadow Stars
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Brexton ~ 40m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Papulatus, Scarlion, Targa, Oblivion Trainee Monk, Crocky the Gatekeeper ~ 5m
    Additional Information:
    Shadow Stars is a default skill for Night Lords. Papulatus is often killed for XP and NX, so grabbing an Shadow Claw 30 should be available often in the Free Market shops. Thanks for the improved spawn in Temple of Time, Shadow Stars 30 is much more common and sold for cheap very often.

    [​IMG] Triple Throw
    Prequests to unlock? (Yes/No):
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 20:
    Zakum ~ 15m
    Drop/Price of Mastery Book 30:
    Horntail ~ 25~40m
    Additional Information:
    In order to unlock Triple Throw, you must obtain the Skill Book from Zakum and activate it.

    Original author of the old source version @Plenty
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2023
    Clexed, lozy, RoyalDC and 85 others like this.
  2. Oldie

    Oldie Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Great guide!
  3. pokemon1188

    pokemon1188 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2014
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    ^_^ Yay
  4. NuclearCow

    NuclearCow Donator

    Dec 8, 2013
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    This is a mastery book guide not a class-specific guide. We don't need your opinions on the skills in here.
    Showbiz, Jace, Tommy and 2 others like this.
  5. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Fair enough. I putting down my opinion because I believe that that is the reason why book prices are like that, but now that it's stickied, I will delete and change that.
    caaiobolado, Jeen, Mono and 1 other person like this.
  6. Manslut

    Manslut Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2013
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    WRONG. You can enter in a solo party just fine.
    Also, copy and paste seem to backfire sometimes. Both information about Venom star/stab and Assassinate is wrong, and possibly a lot more, but just skimming through the Thief section as that's my speciality. Will edit which is what after I have slept. Lastly I would have to agree with Umang, lets toss personal opinions aside and keep this strictly informational; Ex: "Book worth XXm = good, Skill is worthless = not good".
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  7. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Jeen likes this.
  8. Gotze

    Gotze Donator

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Nice guide, btw I'm wondering if the skill Phoenix for BM's causes disconnect or something in zakum.
  9. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Didn't hear anything about that. Can't confirm nor debunk this claim.
    Jeen likes this.
  10. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    I do that to put my own spin on things, but for something as general as Mastery Books, I can see what you guys are saying.
    Jeen likes this.
  11. Gotze

    Gotze Donator

    Oct 9, 2014
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    ^Thanks anyway, your guides are awesome, keep the good work man.
  12. Neshium

    Neshium Donator

    Nov 1, 2013
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    Rush doesn't drop from Elderwraiths.
    You can get Rush solo, as long as you form a one-person party.
    Heaven's Hammer can one-shot enemies. The 1hp version of HH came in later versions.
  13. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Thanks for the reply. Changes were made.
    Jeen likes this.
  14. Gotze

    Gotze Donator

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Hi man, btw the phoenix hidden street map its at cave of trial III not II ;)
  15. Catlaunch

    Catlaunch Donator

    Dec 26, 2013
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    The autism in this thread. I just wanted to see what drops my stuff.

    Pretty guide. Good job.
    Scalade and Manslut like this.
  16. RawrCake

    RawrCake Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Noticed a small copy/paste error on Taunt's description. The last few sentences say, "The monsters that you dispatch of will drop the Infinity skill book as well as Infinity and Dragon's Breath. Once you have it in your inventory, just use it and Infinity will be unlocked."
  17. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Thanks for catching that. This was actually the case for all the 'copy and paste' skills for El Nath PQ.
    Jeen and Mono like this.
  18. jmmainvi

    jmmainvi Donator

    Nov 20, 2013
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    "worthless" is an entirely accurate description of the price for SE 30, Phoenix 20 and Hamstring 20/30. These books are dropped or NPC'd a hundred times per day. If you would prefer to put "book worth 0 mesos" instead then go ahead and make an argument, but it's really splitting hairs.

    Phoenix does not cause disconnects in zakum. The reason it is not used is to prevent unneccessary luring of summons towards the ranged attackers, causing them to melee atk instead of to hit zakum, and potential causing knockback issues when combined with stun (knocking people into zak body) and because the damage it actually does, while useful in some instances, is overall pretty unimpressive, especially with two of zak's summons being immune to fire anyway.
  19. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    They're talking more about the skill rather than the skill book.
    Jeen and Mono like this.
  20. Plenty

    Plenty Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Thanks. Shame I can't say the same about Sonic.
    Jeen, Mono and Catlaunch like this.

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