Update: have confirmed with the developers that there are no issues with the server side Based on the current poll, I believe the lag is caused by Bezeq and probably need wait for the lag to pass
Yea, I am guessing maybe Bezeq throttled the network needed for Royals for some reason I'm able to log in without any lags, and have also confirmed with players from other regions that they are not facing massive lags Can only wait for Bezeq to done lagging
I don't think it's an issue on Bezeq side since we're all only experiencing lags on MapleRoyals and not anywhere else. Maybe it's worth contacting Royals' hosting provider and see if they could do something about it.
I agree, I'm not experiencing any connectivity issues other than logging to the game, and even then, I'm able to operate the login screen fairly fast until the character choice page. only then it has problems signing in. like a GET request that doesn't get any POST response from the server
how can it be a problem on bezeq side if all of us israelis have fast lagless internet experience except when we actually try to launch the client and play? and all of this only happened after patch, it can't be a coincidence, something with the patch cause it
In the situation where a patch does cause network disruption or connection issues, it will affect all of the players instead of specific ISP
I disagree, I have really fast internet right now, every other online game works really FAST and Lagless. ONLY MapleRoyals doesnt work, I find it hard to believe that Bezeq (a huge company) would change anything in a night and not inform anyone, doesnt it make much more sense that the patch changed something ? since we all had good connections before the patch?
I don't know much about Bezeq as I am not in Israel But I did seen many instances where players using HOTnet ISP was blocked from connecting Royals for no reason and they had to contact the ISP to resolve the connection issue Example: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/am-i-banned.145966/#post-862797 There was also a period of time where my ISP throttled the network for about 5 days, where I will lag from 10 pm to 1 am I not sure the exact issue faced by you guys, but I still believe it's caused by the ISP instead of the server or game files if other players are not affected
Intresting fact: i logged in 0500 am israeli time everything was smooth. Logged back at 1200 pm everything was laggy for me
@Dave Deviluke I think that this issue is something worth checking on a server level (Tier 2-3 IT writing to you) since all in all the connectivity is great. before the parch you could've logged in smoothly and uninterruptedly. I.e : played last night till right before the patch (Logged out about 30 min prior to it.) with no lags. Tried logging in today and just can't. Perhaps it's a matter of IP lists or blockage from your server
I have already informed him earlier on, and have confirmed there are no issues from the server's side
Imagine the internet as a series of pipes. Data going from your computer to our server will travel to your ISP first via one 'pipe', then takes one of many 'pipes' from your ISP towards the region of the world that the server is in, and so on, until it reaches our server. Unfortunately, if one of those 'pipes' 'clogs up', you'll experience network issues as you are all experiencing. There's nothing we can do from our end; we must wait for them to fix whatever issue is happening on their end (or, wait for Bezeq to reroute requests destined for our server via a route that isn't having issues). It just so happens that one of the pipes between you, Bezeq, and the server (and the potentially some other pipe between your ISP and the server) is 'clogged up' or otherwise having issues. You may think 'how could a large ISP suffer from this?' - this happens all the time with various ISPs; it's just apart of how the internet works, and we have no option but to wait for a Bezeq network operator to fix the issue for you guys. We keep track of reports of regional issues in regards to the game's networking, but there's no course of action outside of waiting for that ISP to fix their issues. What I can say is that, based on everything mentioned here, it very much so looks like Bezeq having some network issues. The fact that it 'just started', and that other players (myself included) are facing zero issues with the game's networking tells me that it can't be something related to the server. As a test, could someone who is affected by these network issues run a WinMTR test, using as the IP address to test against? This will tell me exactly where the issue lies within the many 'pipes' between you and the server. Simply download that software, run it, input that IP address, and click start. Allow it to run 100 tests (which you can tell from the 'Sent' column), then take a screenshot of the program and post it here.