I’m currently a priest that’s saving up some money to fund a paladin. I have about 1.2B from various activites and I was wondering, how much should I be saving to make myself a properly kitted pally?
First of all, I don't think there's really such thing as a 'proper fund' because it's pretty much just buying the basics so that you can attack. I'd say maybe around 2b excluding the washing (albeit minimal washing) and attack gear if you want to have a go at self-scrolling your warrior equipment. Attack gear is really cheap nowadays too and you can always have a go at self scrolling if you have no patience to farm meso to buy scrolled gear. I do have a clean 3 attack bfc that you could have for free if you'd like it
Sure! No problem. I'll look for you in game at some point and will pass the item to you. I may be a bit off when it comes to calculation as I personally didn't spend much at all on my warrior. All you need is just the basics and find friends to boss with ^^ Nobody really cares about range in the grand scheme of things - it's all about having fun in a game that we all enjoy playing. I hope that you will enjoy playing paladin as I think it is probably the most intricate warrior class and can be very fun once you get a hang of it.
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/comprehensive-paladin-guide-haplopelma.161247/ Check this out. They can help you to maximise your damage with your budget. Your question is a little difficult because there's no real answer for it. Think warriors can just level with int gears, so no immediate investments into APR is required. 15wa glove is a very good purchase, especially at its current price of 1.1-1.2b, but you can start with a 10wa glove.
I spent like 5b for swords I think (I have flame sword+shield and a claymore if I have SI, though you can get lower attack ones for like 2b or so) and top/bot cost a few hundreds millions. I already had atk gear though, getting glove/cape/shoe is quite expensive.