I've seen many cases that people afford themselves insulting and flaming others in Hebrew or any other foreign language which isn't ENGLISH in order to avoid a punishment. In order to put an end to that silly method of people to insult others, I would appreciate if you guys will let me know here in the thread or even PM ME if such an experience happened to you. Feel free to expand the case you faced by PMing me. Cheers!
Fyi, if you get cursed or flamed in a different language, its still reportable. Staff is capable of checking at the very least the languages that the staff members know, and they can also search and check for other languages as well. (and lol, especially hebrew, we have hebrew speaking staff members here) Have you even tried reporting such cases before making this feedback thread?
As long as you follow our Report Guidelines when making a report we should be able to assist you and apply the T&C accordingly.