Yep, so ACB will bounce to the near targets using the element you are using. The hand you are attacking (usually weak to the element you are using) will die first because you are getting extra damage from the element bonus. There is no damage reduction with ACB, every hit will do the full damage and the bounces too. That is where paladin becomes interesting, in zak, for example, every arm has a different element weakness so you must decide which element you will use to maximize your damage. As for 1h vs 2h, no matter what you choose, do not skill shield mastery, that skill is beyond useless. MP Recovery is extremely good and you should put ur remaining 11 points of 3rd job in there. Cheers!
Hi, do you know about the equipment progression from level 1? I want to start a Paladin but I wanted to know what the weapon/armor progression is. As of right now, I am kind of just cross referencing with DK/Hero guides.
Hello Ikezuki, before lvl 30, use whatever weapon you like. I am a big fan of fish spear for the additionnal accuracy. That being said, at lvl 30 you will need to make a choice. Do you wanna go sword or blunt weapon? Next, I am assuming you are unfunded. Work your way up. At lvl 35 (sword) or 43 bw or sword , you get access to really strong weapons. Maple sword at lvl 35 ( sword ), soul singer at 43 ( singer ) or if you go bw maple doom singer ( doom singer ) is a good weapon. As for armor, try to scroll most of the things you get with dex (overall, helmet, shoes, cape). This will make it so you dont miss too much. At lvl 50, you get a huge upgrade by buying a zakum helmet. Scroll that with dex. You can also buy some 10 atk work glove which should be pretty cheap or scroll it yourself. This should be pretty standard until lvl 50. At lvl 64, you get your next set of maple weapons. If you are not missing too much. You can also swap your lvl 43 weapons with lvl 50 ones and 60 ones eventually. After 64, your next upgrade are gonna last you a very good time. I would suggest a top + bottom (neos set). Scroll the top with strenght and the bottom with dex. I hope this is enough, I have discussed this in more details in earlier posts. Best of luck in your paladin journey ! Cheers, Haplopelma
I saw your previous post about 1h+shield pala and I’m very interested. What is the endgame 1h weapon for paladin I wonder? Does it still need SI?
Hello Kenny, if you are omegarich (300b + in gear) I would highly recommend going carabella + 30 atk crossheider. The main weakness of the 1h is the low multiplier which makes damage lower on other classes. However, this is a huge benefit to paladin since they reach cap very quickly. With a 1h sword and high investment in attack gear, you would do insanely high stable damage. I predict the damage to be in the 180-200k range on apple for almost every hit. Addon to that the benefit of guardian and you've got yourself an omegastrong paladin. For this build, SI would boost your damage. To remedy that, you can drag around a perfect flame sword for when you do not have SI. Cheers, Haplopelma
Thanks for the great info! So I still need SI for carabella? how much is the perf carabella and flame sword do you know?
perf carabella and flamesword are like 20-23 b, and carabella is 1 speed slower than flame sword and benefits from SI
Flame Sword is the strongest without SI (it's quite a bit stronger than carabella due to it's speed, around 5% higher DPS) but it doesn't benefit from SI so it becomes the weakest when you have SI With SI the strongest would be the crushed skull or claymore Carabella is kinda in between, it got decent DPS with and without SI but it doesn't really shine in any situation, and ST is probably stronger overall.
Yeah overall, this is the general gist of it. But when you are so rich with skull or claymore, you start to hit 200k too often and waste dps. It is preferable to lose a bit of dps and gain guardian! But Ayane's advice is very good for medium funded players ~50-100b
@Haplopelma @Relmy How do you guys feel about the new changes to paladins? i hear alot of people saying they want to quit their palas now after this new change. Where do they stand now?
Not gonna lie, this nerf hit paladin real hard. with the amount of paladin mules in the server now literally everyone will not bring paladins to HT OMEGALOL “i can’t even play with my paladin friends anymore.”
Reduced HH casting time = more dps Casting TC every 30 seconds = less dps And all is balanced in the cosmos @Donn1e summed it really well here.
Hey guys, anyone got any tips for a paladin at Auf? Is there a way to not get stunned as much when trying to pin? Or is that just the paladin life?
that is the paladin life, I noticed that you get stunned less if you are floating/ on a platform. @Donn1e is the auf expert! she can probably guide you in regards to that. Just this week she soloed auf on her paladin! Cheers,
You need to fly above her head level constantly, just low enough so you can hit. It's hard and requires effort, but it's the only way not to get stunned (mostly)
From the 3 skill builds at Paladin (grinding/bossing/both), which would you recommend for grinding from 120 -> 135 at ToT but being boss ready right away at 135? Since I want to get through those levels ASAP and start (decently) with Zak and Krex.
Sorry I am quite late for answering your question! I would definitely just go with the bossing build. 1 Rush and 1 Hammer will be plenty for grinding at ToT, you might not be the most efficient but it will be relatively quick. The only thing I might suggest is getting some points into stance early and having blast and acb maxed by 135. (if you intend on doing not many zakums, I would max stance before acb). I like to rush the long platforms in ToT from one side to another and using hammer and repeating, I find it very easy grinding and relatively quick. Cheers and gl
Thanks @Haplopelma for the great and in-depth guide. Just gotta say wk/pally has really surprised me in all aspects of the game — very fun to level, grind, quest and boss with. Honestly, I initially only chose this class under the desire to stray from the common 'bossing meta' stuff... and to my pleasant surprise, it's turned out to be my all-time favorite class to play now. The naturally high HP / lack of need to wash, the versatility of having access to all elements with your attacks, the satisfyingly high hit numbers at 4th job end-game... this class has it all for me. Also imho, mid-level wk / pally is hands down the most fun class to play for open-world exploring and solo questing (i.e. Quest Specialist life). Along with the high survivability, the elemental charges on your toolbelt really shine the brightest here with the vast amount of monsters you get to come across. You're essentially a bishop + fire mage + i/l mage + warrior all in one. 10/10 best class for old-school maple, paladin for life.