actively taking and reviewing public forum applications again (through pm/forum post) for the upcoming holiday season, apply if you dare!
Application Name/Age: Hashim/ 27 IGN/Class/Level: WorthlessHS/ Priest/ 110 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Yes a few, clint, clyde, suahn, ucker, vivian What are your plans for this character? Hit 4th job asap, use to level my next attackers and I need a Bishop for late game bosses, specifically auf What other characters do you own? Hashim(200 Pally), Mcjesus( 14x f/p) Country/State(US): Canada Something about yourself: Big fan of basketball, specifically the Raptors How long have you played MapleRoyals? Since 2017, took a bit of a break in between and was on and off until covid Previous guilds, if any? Ascension/Treasure/Cozy/Rice Why Oblivion? I've run bosses with Oblivion members, looks like an active bossing guild with decent people. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I think most previous guildies would describe me as kind and helpful. Not a dramatic person, fairly easy going. I can provide support for PQ's/Boss Runs/Guild Events whenever needed. Favorite Anime? FMA DragonBall/DBZ Rurouni Kenshin (Prefer manga to the show) Death Note
Accepted! Hi Hashim, you can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) - I also PM'd you our guild discord link so you can ping one of us there!
hey I just met you and this is crazy... you should apply to oblivion, I might accept you maybe in all seriousness, anyone looking to expand their bossing network and meet new people should consider applying!
Well, how can I say no to that?! Application Name/Age: Emily / 30 IGN/Class/Level: Corpse / Shadower / 136 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Not as of yet. If it's a requirement to get to know guild members before joining, I accept that of course. In that case, please show me in the right direction. ^-^ What are your plans for this character? All in all to have as much fun playing as I can possibly manage and hopefully make some friends along the way. My short term plans are to find a nice group of people to play with and have fun together, wash out this base INT I still have (40) and to obtain an HTP. My long term plans are: I want to be able to offer a free HTP service for those in need, that don't possess the connections or the mesos to buy it. About the latter: I understand not everyone is the same. Not everyone has time to grind for hours or sell leech for hours, but still want to enjoy the game as much as they can without being stuck and get demotivated. I also really enjoy meeting new people and helping others. So I really hope to meet all of you and get to know one another. That's my aim really. Because I think that's what will enable me to enjoy the game for a really long time to come. It may sound silly, but now during the corona crisis I do feel powerless a lot. So if in my life with my time I can meet others and bring some joy to some, this means a lot for me. What other characters do you own? A Bishop level 147 called Petrify Country/State(US): Netherlands Something about yourself: I have a boyfriend whom I adore that I met through Royals back in 2019 around the time I quitted. We made it happen long distance and throughout CoVid, which was difficult yet worth it. I'd do it all over again. I am also the proud owner of a chihuahua. He's super cute (obviously!) Feel free to request photos haha. Uhmm. I work in Health Insurance from 9-5. How long have you played MapleRoyals? On and off again since 2016. I think the reason being is I didn't have clear for myself what I want out of this game until now, while I kept returning I also kept quitting. I feel I have a better grasp on what I want from it now. Previous guilds, if any? I don't remember that well. I was in Aeon, a guild full of old friends from another private server that doesn't exist any more. After that I may have been in Abyss / Hogwarts. Why Oblivion? Based on what I've read so far, out of all the guilds I think Oblivion will be a good fit for me. You seem very friendly and welcoming. I believe I'll find some like minded people here. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? My friends describe me as respectful, funny, welcoming and helpful. I think that paired with knowing what I actually want this time around, makes me qualified. Plus who can deny me sharing cute pictures of my dog? Lol. Favorite Anime? I have to admit I've fallen a bit out of touch with watching anime, but some of my fav anime are: Guilty Crown (I still listen to Inori's song) Monster Deadman Wonderland (not the manga and sadly it didn't air long) Attack on Titan Hoping this can be my new home away from home and experience some of that old schoolie Maple nostalgia.. And the long grind of course. Greetings, Em
opps looks like you went inactive for now since you haven't been in game or replied to my forum pm, good luck finding a guild when you are back!
Name/Age: Flavio / 25 IGN/Class/Level: MaybeHot /FP / 156, 1 hit petri since 136 (aiming to 200 echo mule) Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Yes! Elias and Henrique (Tohruu and Ucker) are old friends that started to play together long ago. I quitted for a season last year, so I couldn't progress with 'em but then I'm back to complete my journey since they get too strong and forced me to not give up on it f2. What are your plans for this character? Welp, specially for the FP, I'm aiming to put him on lv200 to be my first echo mule. I'm looking for a guild where I know we have dedicated players who achieved end game goals so it can inspire me to do the same thing! What other characters do you own? 185 Hero 23k HP potential 30k (using as mule for now), 140 Bishop (for self low leech, farm and maybe a wash someday? xD), 152 IL (used to be trio-duku leech mule), 134 Buccanner (12k HP 18k MP uncompleted wash, probably my future main), 50 fighter CPQ leecher, HS, SE, SI mule available. Country/State(US): BRASIL !!! Something about yourself: I'm a lil bit try hard on every game that makes me addict, sometimes I need to take a break cus it consumes my life, but when I'm on vacation I enjoy to play with friends and challenge them to hit end game content, actually my goal is to hit it on royals xD // Actually I'm working on home-office so maple is most of the time online, that's why I decided to progress // I also luv to stay at the fm talking shit and meeting new ppl lmao. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Started on January, 2019, I came from another maple server with a friend, he made me addict on royals and quitted, so I made my own way and met lot of friends in there. Previous guilds, if any? None, I used to be on a friend's guild, it wasn't focused on boss but it was friendly. Why Oblivion? A well-known guild. Heard it has lot of strong players who reached the end game content, would like to learn more with 'em and of course, play togheter, meet new friends, and also, stay with my boys Rat Henrique and Big Rat Elias-oni-chan-kun-senpai-sama. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Since I came back to the game, (a week ago) I got my gears back with a friend and I'm anxious to play again, finishing the wash on bucc, hitting 200 on mages, going daily bosses on bucc or hero, and after explore all the end content, imma fund a 30k hp NL Favorite Anime? Not a favorite one but... those are especial to me: Naruto and Dragon Ball!! Nowadays, I'm watching Kimetsu, Shingeki, Ranking of Kings and waiting with lots of anxious to ONE PUNCH MAN!! Feel free to pm me on royals or forum ~ MaybeHot
Name/Age: mikey/23 IGN/Class/Level: iihkmikey77/cleric/52 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild: no but i want to be What are your plans for this character? do be a bishop main and to hit lv 200 What other characters do you own? ya i have a DK but it on lv 37 Country/State(US): canada Something about yourself: well im 23 i been playing maple for a long time but i been on gms but it to p2w and i miss the og maple so i decided to join royals more about me is i can be shy and i watch a lot of anime How long have you played MapleRoyals? i been playing for like 2 weeks so i guess new/ noob lol Why Oblivion? it looks like a fun guild to join a it looks like a friendly guild Why do you think that you're qualified to join? i play every day and i want to hit end game Favorite Anime? bleach
Application Name/Age: Joey/ 29 IGN/Class/Level: OniGoku/ NightLord/ 162 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Yes, Kevin aka Bosspolice(we been friends since highschool and still play together till this day ), Alstero(we did a bunch of HT together when grinding 200 and been friends since), Zuba(was in same guild before on ign ZIatan few years back) What are your plans for this character? Hit 200, obtain legendary collector medal(complete), upgrade to 22 glove(14shoe,16cape,15glove,perf craven), 21k hp(complete), enjoy end game content with likeminded players. What other characters do you own? 200 NL, 16x bs, 15x Pally, 14x f/p, 13x Sair, 14x BM/cwk mule, hs(x2)/se/si mule. Country/State(US): Canada Something about yourself: Big sports fan, mostly SLBenfica(soccer), TorontoFC(soccer), Portugal(soccer), Raptors(basketball), UFC to name a few.. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Since 2015, took some breaks between but ever since covid I had a lot of time to play. Previous guilds, if any? Radio/Nocturnal/Divinity Why Oblivion? I do daily boss runs with Kevin. Ive bossed with Oblivion members in the past. It's always chill to be able to join and work together comfortably. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I like to help in whatever I can and can help in boss runs pqs whenever guild needs. I also have experience organizing boss runs. With my experience with variety of classes I can help new players or old. I'm a fun guy :3 Favorite Anime? DragonBall/DBZ/DragonBall Super Pokemon Yu-gi-oh
IGN/Class/Level: BetaFox/Fighter/51 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? I am not no What are your plans for this character? Hopefully to reach 4th job something I couldn't do before pre bb on reg server. What other characters do you own? Just a hermit but want to make the fighter my main Country/State(US): California Something about yourself: I love to watch anime haha How long have you played MapleRoyals? It's only been a month since I've started Previous guilds, if any? None Why Oblivion? I'm just looking for a place to meet new people and converse and make relationships and I feel like oblivion is that chance for me Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Well I'm a pretty friendly guy I'm shy at first but once I feel comfortable I'm really friendly to talk to and a good listener
Name/Age: Clement, 28 IGN/Class/Level: cremmy, 67, shad Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Yes, Chris (sirhcnl). I run bosses with him pretty much every day. What are your plans for this character? I'll probably main this character after I get my bucc and NL to 200. What other characters do you own? crempie (200 pally), clemonade (200 mm), crembrulee (193 bucc), cremlin (190 bs), sodomite (67 NL) Country/State(US): California Something about yourself: I hate anime, but tolerate weebs. How long have you played MapleRoyals? 1 year and 8 months Previous guilds, if any? Heroic, Versatile, Alchemy, Feet, Degens (chronologically) Why Oblivion? To be honest, I don't really care about joining your guild, I just want to join your VL runs. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I'm a pro gamer.
Name/Age: Tim, 23 IGN/Class/Level: MoonPresence/Bishop/179 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? (Edit) - I was checking the earlier posts and boy did I get nostalgia. If you guys remember me (these people i remember and are still on my friends list) Brakelights, Reclaim, Mikasa from Obv4, looking for more peeps through screenshots What are your plans for this character? To finally get it to 200, and to complete any and everything in the game, as well as make as many memorable experiences and friends as I did almost 6 years ago. What other characters do you own? DogBreath/Timoid/UnknownBlade/TimSteezy/Steezy/Chronopolis/TheOneReborn/Pursuer/Chindicanman Country/State(US): New Jersey, USA Something about yourself: I'm an energetic person, quite obnoxious at times but I take passion in the things I enjoy. I'm very friendly and greatly enjoy making new friends, running any and every piece of content, as well as mess around for absolutely no reason just to entertain myself. I want nothing but the best for everyone, especially friends and family. My only issue is commitment, but that's easily solved by investing myself into a community. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Since 2015. Previous guilds, if any? I genuinely can't recall most of my old ones, however my most recent from years ago was Divinity. Why Oblivion? Way back in the day, like 2016-2017, I remember Oblivion being one of the most higher up guilds there was. I remember sitting in Obv4 on my Paladin and seeing Mikasa on her hero obliterating mobs. I wanted in on that. Fast forward almost a decade, I see that you are recruiting around the same time I decided to return to the server, and I thought it would be worth the try. From past experiences, members were very nice, kind and could tolerate any question, big or small. I loved the hospitality of people who weren't even in the guild, & I want to be a part of that. Hell, maybe I'll see some old friends in there, too. I know one became or was a GM, wonder how he's doing, or if he's in the guild. Regardless, Hospitality, kindness, the ability to have fun doing anything, and becoming a part of the community in which I've known for awhile would be incredible. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I'm a long time Maple player, since '06, and a long time Royals player, since earlier 2015. I have great knowledge of the game and already am decently established within the server on my character of choice. I'm a very friendly, humble and kind person who is always willing to partake in anything if it means hanging with friends, or helping people. I love leeching, I love bossing, I love mobbing, I love it all. I want to see myself grow with a great community, within my favorite game of all time, especially the one I've invested the biggest portion of my life to. Thank you for taking the time to read my application!
Name/Age: Bean / 27 IGN/Class/Level: Sweetbean/Shadower/189 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? talkkari What are your plans for this character? want to be one of the best shadowers on the server What other characters do you own? Pally(200), SI (191),NL(180), SE and HS (~160) Country/State(US):Germany Something about yourself: i like to watch anime and hit the gym. How long have you played MapleRoyals? over 4 years Previous guilds, if any? to many Faded, Olympia, Raven, Harbor and currently at EmpireWoW Why Oblivion? Im looking for a more end game orientated guild with more activity Why do you think that you're qualified to join? active, friendly etc. Favorite Anime? Hard to tell but would rate Clannad at #1 also currently hyped for chainsaw man!
Name/Age: Kevin 24 IGN/Class/Level: BluntBooster Pally 122 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Nope What are your plans for this character? i want a perfect blunt to boost What other characters do you own? klousable bishop 155 Country/State(US): Canada (toronto) Something about yourself: GMS player since 2010, at this point i have crippling mushroom game addiction please god help me. also loves animals How long have you played MapleRoyals? Started 2017?~ Starting to take it more seriously now because i want to experience all boss content Previous guilds, if any? Radiance in like 2017 or smth lol Why Oblivion? I remember this guild from when i first started, cant believe it's still around. you guys seem friendly and i need some pros to show me the royal ropes Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Uhhh idk what is pally even good for, am i just a total crash bot or something? ill blast as hard as i can Favourite Anime? Jojo, HxH, maplestory the anime
Name/Age:Aqwrd/Avaryss 27 IGN/Class/Level:Avaryss Shad 194 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Obfuscate kinda What are your plans for this character?Become strong, make friends, boss. What other characters do you own?200 bm 200~ pally 160 bs 150 bs 48 nl Country/State(US):East Coast USA Something about yourself: I like to play guitar solos. How long have you played MapleRoyals?1 year 2 months Previous guilds, if any? Still in Faded, Still in Harbor, Still in Heroic Why Oblivion? Seen some pros in the guild, was impressed with the von leon runs I've heard about. This guild has been around for quite some time and is still a force in the community which I like. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I play this game a lot, when I grind I boss like a madman. I usually try to be helpful to others when available. Favorite Anime? Attack on Titan but I don't watch many animes.
Name/Age: Vincent/26 IGN/Class/Level: SweetPwussy/Bishop/140 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? No What are your plans for this character? Bro to become a truly bishop. Though i have reach my gen lvl 30. Not only that to help other/guild member who are in need. What other characters do you own? none Country/State(US): Malaysia Something about yourself: PR in squat 200 kg, men physique, gym addict, engineer in profession. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Started 2018 Previous guilds, if any? Lunaris 2018 Why Oblivion? Honestly not easy to maintain the top guild in mapleroyals. I truly believe that in order to maintain top 1 guild, hard work, community driven and participation in guild activities is required. This shows that this guild that i sign up for is community driven just like family where we take care of one another, love and trust. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? To have a community that cares and help one another in mapleroyals which brings back to why i started playing maplestory pre big bang / childhood and even till now it's one of my online games that i still play till dead. Favourite Anime? Honestly, i am not much of a anime fan but i do watch few anime like berserk, hunter x hunter and baki. Rip Kentaro Miura (IMO one of a kind artist in manga). I am more a film fan, my top movie is harry potter, batman, no old man country, parasite, inception and many more which required deep thinking and understanding of the movie itself. I like art and appreciate them too some of my fav artist, vincent van gogh and gustav klimt. God the kiss such a masterpiece imo. Sincerely, Vincent