Method 1: Dojo Dummy This is an idea inspired from higher version Maple. A system to test Damage per minute(DPM) on infinite HP dummy. Sample video: Spoiler: How it works 1. Enter Mu Lung Dojo Hall. Click NPC and select the newly add option "I want to test my damage per minute." 2. Upon entering, we'll reuse the same map as Dojo Exit Floor. Restriction of this map: - Only 1 person is able to enter this map. - Party buff should be receive before entering only. - Potion is usable in this map for attack buff. 3. Clicking on NPC show 2 options: - First option will go to step 4. - Second option will go to step 8. 4. Clicking first option will lead to following dialogue. 5. After choosing the number, end the dialogue. Timer start and Dummy will spawn! 6. Dummy should have 0% knockback, and very high HP for not killable. Also I suggest use "Master Dummy" for this system. Master Dummy is an anti-bot monster in Mu Lung. However it was removed in Royals (Probably couldn't help stopping hacker but also annoying regular players). Remove the anti-bot and modifying stat should help him serve new purpose in Royals! :3 7. Once timer end, dummy will auto despawn. Click on NPC again to check your result. First option will back to step 4. Second option will go to step 8. 8. Leaving. End the dialogue and warp to Dojo Lobby. Explanation on location and party not-allowed: Location: For convinience reason, I believe some may suggest add this system to Lounge instead of Dojo. But for my opinion, Lounge are mean to a place for relaxing. Also, adding this on Dojo fitted more to the training theme. Additionally, this may encourage people to party up with variety jobs (No NLstory for Dojo) and receive full buff to complete the Dojo. Afterward, player may test their damage while party buff still being available. Party not-allowed: While this map is serve for damage test purpose only. Party is not allowed in this map for rebuff. (Less work for coding) Anyone who wish to test damage with full buff shall choose 1 or 3 minutes option only. (which is when buff usually expired) Pros: - Theme wise - Slightly benefit player to do both Dojo & DPM test in same time Cons: - Required travelling and unconvenient for certain player (Still better then Right Eye Krex!) - Harder to code? Method 2: Command Spoiler: How it works Add Damage/EXP per minute command, type them in chat to start the test everywhere. ~dpm Test total damage per minute in 1 minute. ~dpm (numbers) Add numbers below command for custom time. Example type "~dpm 3" will start damage test for 3 minutes. Upon typing command, hidden timer will start counting and auto show result once timer end. Example: Total damage for 3 minutes: 8,769, Damage per minute: 87 ~epm Same function with "~dpm" but changed to EXP. However, this is an extra command which is not available for method 1. Pros: - Convenient to test everywhere - Easier to code? Cons: - Lack of "official" server feeling when commands are too convenient. - Possibilities of more drama occur when people can compare numbers everywhere. Although I think it's the competitive instinct of human, and unavoidable even without this system. Thanks for reading! Feel free to post your feedback or improvement for this system!
I asked for that years ago. It was rejected so people won't use damage meters to assess who was that weak mf to not invite next time or for smegas to be like "R> attacker for krex, 9M DPM+ only"
I know what you mean but... this phenomenon already exists. People regularly ask your clean range when recruiting for bosses. I guess DPM values are a more effective indicator of how well you manage your buffs/do you AFK often and stuff, but the basic mindset is already very widespread.
i know the feeling but i think something like this can have the oposite consecuences, i have been in several"no nl run" where ppl are actually surprised how fast it can go, i still rember that : bucc+drk+hero+shad+bm+bs run, where the shad was scared of a tedious run at the start, and around half run he was like: "omg, this is going fast, omg this is cool" and sht, this kind of method could help us find the benefit of diferent config to make pts more efficient.
personally not hot on this. it just invites more toxic competition and gear/class worship. to me maple was always about partying together, not against eachother. it doesn't add any value except to solo mc ppl, or to machine-edge "optimal conditions" which are not realistic to actual gameplay
i see more positives from this than negatives. my biggest positive is in terms of class balance, it will be eye-opening for a lot of players to see how well other classes/builds perform in comparison. I often wonder if Paladin is out DPS'ing DK in LHC Reindeer, or if Polearm DK is better there. Or if mages are actually viable in HT and deserve a buff or not. Many good reasons for balance testing and trying new builds. Also, with the EXP party buffs, trying out party sizes and which mobs to grind at is super fun. "the other server" has this and its very nice knowing you're grinding at the optimal location.
I would love love love this. There are so many things I want to test and have fun experimenting with, and currently as a regular player that is a pain. Having something like this would also allow players to easily acquire some theoretical data which can help argue towards balancing changes. I see this as a very valuable tool. Also on a base level I really like how creative the idea is, and it fits perfectly in Dojo. I think the idea needs a bit of fleshing out. For example, are we going to ignore multi-target dps and elemental weaknesses? Lastly, there is the caveat that one can do the calculations theoretically themselves if they are motivated enough. As a side note, I don't see how this would invite toxicity; if players use this in a toxic manner, they would have been toxic before (using range) .
On topic The dojo example looks nice but dmg bars in Boss run would be even better. Off topic Interesting wording mein Bruder, is there something on the horizon?
I would really enjoy a way to see my contribution to the squad, in terms of raw damage and maybe % of the total boss HP.