General Should banned players be given a second chance?

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Aqwrd, Apr 15, 2022.


Should banned players be allowed to make a new account?

  1. Yes, they should be able to make a new account.

    25 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but only after a period of time has passed.

    98 vote(s)
  3. No, they should not be allowed back on the server at all.

    59 vote(s)
  4. I don't know/care.

    18 vote(s)
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  1. grassblaster

    grassblaster Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2022
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    I really wish that you would have given some examples or mentioned more about the bans. Just saying '' should players be given a second chance'' isn't really enough for someone to give their opinions on.

    You could have mentioned some ban types and nan durations as examples.

    (1) Scammers. If a person scams someone of their money by example pretending to sell leech, only to then disconect after recieving the money. A temporary solution could be that you get your money back (with the aid of the admins) and as a punishment for the scammer
    they will take the same amount as they scammed for as a punishment. For example, if you purchase leech for 90mil and the person signs off, the admin will get your 90mil back and then take another 90mil as a sort of fine. If the person continues then the amount doubbles untill the admins feel that a ban is the best or only solution at that point.

    (2) Vote abusers. I think that the best and the easiest way would be to remove their nx and to block them from voting. They will be able to continue to play, but now they have no nx. I know that it isn't as easy as it sounds, asthe person who abused the votes could have already spent the nx and gained mesos gears and scrolls from gacha or selling Ap resetes. It is an example of a second chance but maybe not the best one unless the admins would be willing to put in some extra time to see what the abuser gained from this.

    (3) Racisim/offensive comunications. Easy, block their communications for a certain amount of time. I am pretty sure that this is already the punishment for this action.

    (4) Account sharing. This one is a bit tricky, because there is alot of things that could be going on when sharing accounts. Cheating is the most obvious one, a permaban, short and simple. Just sharing it though, allowing the person that you share it with or you as the person borrowing the account or is a shared user of this 2 man account, to just play the game normally or to use a character as a mule, shouldn't be a problem nor a bannable offense. None of you are really ruining the game experience for anyone else nor are you getting some unfair advantages. Again this is a tricky subject seeing as there are many different things you could do.

    (5) RWT. Well, i can't really say anything about this since they just don't want people to make a profit in real life, from this game. Maybe the only thing that could be done to try and give someone a second chance is for the buyer to lose whatever they bought.
    Just like vote abusing, this could be tricky since the person could have already sold the item(s) to someone/others and thus recovering the item(s) and making sure that the innocent buyer(s) got their payment back, could be to hard or impossible. I guess the only way for a buyer to be given a second chance is if they haven't had the time to sell their stuff yet.

    (6) Hackers. Nothing but a Permaban for this case. A person who cheats in a game, is highly likely to continue doing so. You also don't wanna give them anymore chances, as they will then test their cheats more and try to collect more info on how they could make the cheats harder to detect. Also they will just make the game worse to play and cause people to leave.

    These are just some of my examples. I am not saying that this is what i want to see implemented, this is just me giving some examples and i guess opinions about this threads topic.
  2. grassblaster

    grassblaster Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2022
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    The punishment for vote abusing could be to wipe them of the their nx and block them from voting and entering cash shop. There, they now lost their advantages and will now have to play the game like the rest of us.
    Instead of a perma ban to the server, it is now a perma ban to nx.

    I think that sounds fair.
    Last edited: May 14, 2022
    Aqwrd likes this.
  3. Saledor

    Saledor Donator

    Mar 15, 2021
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    no thanks.

    they can stay banned.
  4. Aqwrd

    Aqwrd Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2021
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    You're in the minority.
    NANI1 and eVolve like this.
  5. Saledor

    Saledor Donator

    Mar 15, 2021
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    These decisions arent made based on democracy
    Shnang likes this.
  6. Mellow

    Mellow Donator

    Aug 30, 2016
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    probably an unpopular opinion but it's always been quite absurd and ironic to me that illegal private servers aren't more lenient with their rules

    banned or not, none of us should be here anyway according to nexon :sammymug:

    not only that and no shade to any private server owners, but aren’t they also rwting by profiting off of nexon’s content?
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
    Skyra, eVolve and JuliusOmega like this.
  7. Saledor

    Saledor Donator

    Mar 15, 2021
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    I wouldn't necessarily use "according to nexon" to support my argument considering how audacious they have been in misleading the entire world for decades on their probability/odds system.

    Imagine a multi-billion dollar company having to lie to its consumers to maximize profit, only admitting to the truth and providing meagre PIXEL compensation after investigations has been conducted by the FTC. Well the good news is you don't have to imagine it. There's Nexon.

    So the question then is do we give a shit about the rights of the intellectual property owned by a multi billion dollar company that has cheated the world for decades or do we care about the genuine players who work their ass of to get character gear progression on a private server?
  8. Mellow

    Mellow Donator

    Aug 30, 2016
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    how they handle their own game is none of our business. you don’t have to play it and you don’t have to agree with me. my point is that there’s blatant hypocrisy, that’s all. you can’t steal and act righteous at the same time
    Skyra and JuliusOmega like this.
  9. Saledor

    Saledor Donator

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Following your metric, how Royals handle their game is also none of our business. You dont have to play it or agree with me but their rules being strict should stay as it is.

    Dont like what I said? Thats blatant hypocrisy from you.
  10. Pure

    Pure Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    Edit: @Mellow - I made a mistake and quoted the incorrect post for my response. I apologize about that.

    I hear you on what you're saying. Now don't quote me on this, but I think private servers are...safer? when they are treated kind of like a non-profit company. Technically all the workers are volunteers, and the donations are used for server maintenance and fee's (I know they possibly make more than needed, but it's about the outward appearance to the public, which is normal). Servers that implement pay to win donations, tend to be targeted more. Nexon doesn't care as much, about us players who will put in time to a game instead of paying for it. If a server is making mass profits, Nexon is greedy, and want to close down their competition that is taking money from them. I think it's fair to say that most players who play and enjoy MapleRoyals, would never go back to playing modern day Maplestory. This would also be another reason to why RWTing is frowned upon heavily in private servers. To Nexon, anyone spending money to gear up quickly, is a cash cow they want to acquire. Aesthetics aren't as profitable because 1) Royals prices are reasonable w/no RNG factor 2) Royals isn't implementing a hoard of new items consistently to the game 3) Aesthetics are permanent on GMS, whereas gear consistently changes with the game, causing more purchases. I've dragged this on quite a bit, but ultimately the more RWT that goes on in a server, the larger the target on their back becomes.

    This is speculation, not fact, but hopefully it adds to the discussion / is informative.
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
    Kamayuks likes this.
  11. Mellow

    Mellow Donator

    Aug 30, 2016
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    i think we’re getting a little too carried away here. i never commented on nexon’s integrity nor did i say anything about either player base. all i said was that it’s hypocritical that a private server that copies and profits off of another game, which is a fact, is as strict as they are. i play both and understand the appeal for both but it’s just something that i found funny over the years. thanks for being respectful though

    lmao… you’re too dense. i’ll just chalk it up to you not understanding my perspective. nbd
    eVolve and Pure like this.
  12. Saledor

    Saledor Donator

    Mar 15, 2021
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    yea sure if you say so. Im the dense one.
    Mellow likes this.
  13. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
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    I can understand the irony that you're pointing out, but it's quite a stretch to label it as "blatant hypocrisy." At the end of the day, MapleRoyals, MapleLegends, and all other private servers since the advent of OdinMS provide a positive value to this community by forming a space in which players can experience a different aspect of the game that they all love(d). On the other hand, vote abusers and other rule-breakers actively ruin these experiences by gaining unfair advantage over other players and damaging the economy. I don't think the strictness of the rules is necessarily a position coming from a sense of moral superiority, but moreso from the fundamental need to maintain a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone in the community.

    I don't know if I would consider this RWT. Not to mention that Matt has said many times that he does not make a net profit from running MapleRoyals. Whether you believe him is up to you, but this was certainly the case for the largest private server at the time from many years ago which I was a Staff member of.
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
    Dasha, AshPile, Kenny and 5 others like this.
  14. Mellow

    Mellow Donator

    Aug 30, 2016
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    yes, the irony was what i was pointing out in my initial post. it may not be as blatant to others bc i understand that private servers have its loyal users who can become defensive and there are many other factors and reasons to defend private servers that have already been shared. at the end of the day, op started a discussion for feedback and everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, and although no change may come out of it, there shouldn’t be a need for rudeness nor hostility from anybody over disagreements, especially towards op. personally, the irony is hard to ignore and it was worse when i used to see how some people were being treated in ban appeals and farewell threads. i’ve always appreciated the mods who remained respectful and professional through and through, even when it was difficult. albeit it’s gotten better but some very passionate players seem to forget that not everyone that breaks rules or gets banned, or ex-staff that get demoted/banned are terrible people and deserve to be demonized to the extent that they do. rules aren’t perfect, there are loopholes, good people get banned and don’t bother to appeal, and many rules exist to pacify the player base.. and let’s be honest, those who are tech savvy enough can also easily get back onto the game if they wanted to

    i recognize the fact that some people on here are extremely passionate about the game, spend countless hours of their day grinding and don’t want their experience to be ruined, but there are at times a sheer lack of compassion and respect from said players and even staff on rarer occasions. i’ve seen some very dedicated players and ex-staff do great things for the community up to the very end but the rules set in place weren’t in their favour and now they’re gone

    whether or not profit is being made, i believe in second chances under some circumstances. once again, that’s just my opinion and i understood from the beginning that it may be an unpopular one, especially amongst those who’ve never been banned

    that’s a wrap for me. hope it made sense and thanks for being respectful
    Kamayuks likes this.
  15. Dave Deviluke

    Dave Deviluke Forum Moderator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Interested to hear or know more about the rules set in place that weren't in favor of the dedicated players / ex-staff, are there any examples?
  16. Becca

    Becca GM

    Jun 4, 2014
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    I wholeheartedly see the passion for these suggestions, I truly do. Please don't take any of my feedback negatively I'm just trying to look at it from all angles and keeping an open mind while providing some feedback, and as usual this is my advice as a player, and I don't speak for the entirety of Staff, etc. etc.

    I am going to be very candid and as open and transparent as I can be because I do value transparency, I always did, but there's just some things we can't be open about such as autoban progress, alert progress, and content progress.
    I do believe that people deserve second chances, however there are some circumstances in which there shouldn't be any second chances given because they've already proved to us that they will just keep doing it time and time again. (RWT, Hacking, and Major Vote Abuse.)

    A lot of players here have given pretty detailed responses, and I was a bit on the fence on wanting to write something up or not because I'd say essentially everything was covered for the most part. That and with limited free time to commit here, and shifting time over from GM duties/free time to find the time to write up something... It's taken me awhile to find time to write out some stuff, lets just leave it at that. ~f18
    Apologizes if responses are non-existent / pretty slow in nature.

    Major Vote Abuse:
    I don't know what system the Admins are using that warrants Major Vote Abuse as it's not shared with us either, and even if we (the rest of Staff) did know-- we couldn't make that public anyways because the last time we did people would purposely Vote Abuse for whatever the original rule stated was Minor/Major in the Terms and Conditions, just to skirt on through and only get slapped for Minor when they knew damn well what they were doing in the first place.

    What I do know is that the Admins have been very lenient on what they deem Major/Minor. I don't know the exact number of days/months/years used to determine the difference, so I won't bother throwing out an arbitrary number in case it gets miscommunicated and suddenly "the new Minor/Major definition is X amount of weeks/months/whatever because a GM said so" but I have noticed a difference lately and I've seen more minor vote abuse bans in the Ban Log instead of just Major Vote Abuse.
    Not everybody makes a ban appeal, and I would say 1/10th of the time somebody does make one so to the Community you don't really get to see the Minor Vote Abuse bans as much as the Major ones.

    It also says explicitly right under the bar to type in your Account Username:

    In order to vote abuse effectively enough to achieve the Major Vote Abuse region; you need to know what you're doing.
    The margin for accidental vote abusing is very slim, and it's also why we have Major/Minor indications for it.

    Even if your English is limited, there are preventatives put in place to catch accidental Vote Abuse to which I commented on it awhile back right here:

    I've said it before in other threads including this one and I will say it again, I genuinely empathize with those who somehow accidentally bypass the voting rules. Especially if they share the same household. It's something I'd like to spend time on to see if we can come up with a way to allow leniency for that specific topic case by case, however in the same breath people will abuse whatever they can, and the Admins are already very lenient in terms of distinguishing between Minor and Major Vote Abuse.

    It's accidental if you're out at work and can't remember if you voted this morning, and then type in a different account while you're on the go; it's another if you purposely abuse it with the intention to get as many gains as you can from doing it. Anyone can lie and say they didn't know better, and how exactly would anyone be able to tell? It's all trust-based, and we would have to trust the person who broke the rules in the first place to tell us the truth, and that is unfortunately where the distrust comes into play. Everybody deserves second chances, but if you're lying to everyone time and time again, nobody is going to believe it / take it seriously.

    I don't know what else I can say on this matter, it's pretty standard and a universal rule across any gaming platform whether it be a private server or a triple A gaming company. Get caught hacking, get banned. It's that simple.

    Have you ever wondered why the prices of some very expensive items keep going up? Such as perfect weapons, godly scrolled ROAs, Spec Goggles, and 20+ att gear? Here's part of your answer.
    The amount of people who want to buy their way into higher ranks and then get caught doing so locks all of those items acquired behind a permanent ban. It's one less perfect item in the game for the rest of us to buy, it's one less cape, shoe, or glove and thus increases the demand and lowers the supply which in return raises the prices of those items because the supply is low, and the demand is high.

    Sometimes (very rarely might I add) there have been false bans surrounding RWT. Sometimes a mistake can happen, and that is why the Ban Appeal process is there: to catch those mistakes and revert the wrongful ban.

    I've had friends who got nailed for RWT before I joined Staff, and truth be told they would tell us (the friends) one story, but the logs and ban evidence would say otherwise. Everyone wants to believe their friend(s) side of the story, and I have no problems with that because I am the same way too. But when it comes down to the evidence and being able to access what is shared to us from the Admins, it does paint a very different picture from the original story told by the person in question.
    People lie, and they do it quite a lot.

    I'll now shift my focus on some of the suggestions that were listed in this thread.

    A player that is banned can make a new account.
    A player that is banned can make a new account after 6 months.
    A player that is banned can make a new account, but if he/she gets banned again then he/she must remain banned.

    It depends on the context of the evidence against the person. And personally speaking this is purely volunteer work, there is so much that needs to happen behind the scenes daily/weekly and to find any free time to allocate towards monitoring players like that would require way more than a handful of active Staff. Doing that would require literal hours of free time every single day on top of other duties you are expected to do as Staff daily/weekly/whenever you can.

    RWT is worse out of the three I listed above, but even then Major Vote Abuse and Hacking come in as a very close second. The reason why RWT is the worst out of the three in my opinion is because the amount of perfect weapons and items that get locked behind a permanent ban, all because you wanted to swipe your bank card instead of putting in the time to work for it. So because of that selfish choice, we now have 1 less perfect weapon in the game, 1 less cape, glove, shoe, ring, account, etc. Prices go up when more and more items get locked away especially if that item's class is gaining traction and popularity.

    I've read through this entire thread and I would say a lot of the suggestions here are very Admin-heavy in terms of enforcing these suggestions, when we only have 2 of them. You can argue to promote more Staff to Admin, but at the end of the day what will it really accomplish if you get promoted to Admin and need to dedicate quite literally several hours a day into investigating players, and monitoring new accounts made by people who already abused the rules in the first place? Where's the time for your family / friends? Your irl necessities IE: work to pay for your bills and basic human needs?

    I think a lot of it is based on trust in the beginning. Staff trusts you to not break any rules, you get caught breaking rules and now they have to have an Admin spend time into investigating and to deem whether or not what you did is worth a temporary vacation or a permanent one instead.

    I think this story relates perfectly to what I'm trying to say:
    I live in a Province where we have pretty big touristy locations. One of which, are Lighthouses. Some of them even have memorial plaques dedicated to those who didn't listen to the physical signs scattered around the place, and verbal warnings of the locals, and decided to venture out too far only to get swept away from the ocean waves never to be seen again.

    There are many signs in parking lots, on tourist gift shops, warning people of the danger of standing around the black rocks (they are grey naturally, but because of the ocean waves hitting them they turn black because they are wet) and memorials dedicated to those who lost their lives from getting swept away. They are now discussing putting up a giant chain-link fence disrupting the natural view, and probably won't be much of a deterrent because people will most likely climb over them anyways and still go back to stand on those damn rocks.

    It's a huge risk for emergency crews to get to them too, and most recently there was a death a few weeks ago. Two brothers ventured out at night and both got swept away. One of them didn't make it because of how long it took the rescuers to reach them. There's a current right below and within seconds you're pulled from the rocks and you're stranded out about 50+ feet or so in the freezing cold ocean.

    It's a bit of an extreme case in relation to the topic of a 2004 2D mushroom game, but the message is still the same:
    we can only give out so many warnings before we have to add in more preventative measures to ensure nothing bad happens / they don't come back. (IE (unfortunately): permanent bans.)

    -NX Debt:
    It's a very interesting idea and something that I think in theory sounds reasonable to the issue at hand; however, they don't have to pay back the debt at all. Just like in real-life.
    They can also just go make more accounts and continue to vote abuse until we catch them again and dump all of that NX into APRs, or Gachapon, and then what? It just feels like it's easily bypass-able and not really worth the time to implement a debt system on the Dev side especially when there are other things that need addressing first which are currently preoccupying our allocated Dev work at the moment.

    -Jury Duty:
    While this sounds good in theory, I'm afraid I'd also have bring up the inevitable issues that could arise with this idea.

    -More duties on top of Staff than there currently is: Please keep in mind that being on Staff is like working in retail or fast food; except you don't get paid.
    Piling more work onto us in terms of having us take the time to go over the report however many times we have to so that way players (and new people joining in) will more than likely just increase burnouts, and pressure on us than there already is. It's easier to just put it in Staff discussion since everybody on Staff knows what it's like to be a part of it and are looking out for extra details that could've been missed, etc. Instead of risking more burnouts, pressure, and the possibility of us not having many people to rely on to carry on with mandatory, daily Staff issues such as banning hackers, collecting evidence / aiding in Report Abuse, testing upcoming content, etc.

    -Carefully select people: We've selected Interns in the past and down the road after getting promoted a couple of them GM abused. Not every GM is corrupt, but unfortunately that has been a big issue in the past. Even if we properly look through everything about the players who signed up for this there's no way to know their true motive. They could lie and say they don't know the offender, or say whatever to guarantee them a spot on the voting committee to protect the person in question.

    -Chance of leaks: This is a pretty big one. We already trust those on Staff currently to not leak anything, adding more random players into the mix and allowing them to view the material in an uncontrolled manner will just create a larger leak risk.
    I haven't been selected for Jury Duty before, so I am assuming there are no phones, cameras, or internet access allowed for Jury Duty, and it's in a controlled environment: in-person, and inside a designated meeting room, no?
    If that is correct then there are precautions that need to be taken to reduce leaks, whereas if we select someone online they can do whatever they want because chances are they're accessing it on an unmonitored device and I would assume paying for people's flights to come meet up in an undisclosed corner of the world for an in-person Jury Duty over a ban appeal sounds not only expensive, but time-wasting and just plain ridiculous to me given as to how many ban appeals get made weekly.

    -Unbiased reviews are difficult to manage in general: You can have the upmost respect for somebody, and be known to give pretty solid unbiased reviews of certain cases, but given access to the evidence of the actions the person in question committed, a fairly common thought that is undoubtedly familiar with mostly every circumstance where this applies to are: "they wouldn't commit that action," "it's not like them to do that," "there's no way this is true," etc.
    It's easier to maintain unbiased views if you don't know the people in question. I've had to ask other Staff to handle Report Abuse posts because it dealt with people I knew, and I'm not the only one, quite a lot of us will ask for another Staff to assist/do the deed because they know the person in question and don't want it to look poorly if taken out of context, or overlook a very serious issue accidentally because they are a friend.

    I won't put too much focus on this topic as some of these examples were highlighted by others, but I would like to add that I think Royals is too small of a sample size to select a fair, unbiased group of people who have no ties to the people in question compared to a Country / State / Province that has quite literally over a million people or more to choose from compared to our small pool of ~1500 people or so.

    I think this kind of approach would be do-able, requesting an Admin to retrieve the mesos the scammer took if they refuse to give it back / logout and hide. The amount of evidence Staff needs to land a successful scammer punishment does seem like a bit too much; but it's also understandable because in order to have a good chance at getting the scammer successfully reported, you have to submit evidence of the agreed arrangement before the scamming took place. (IE: chat log of you sending them mesos in the trade window, their Smega S> leech and you PMing them, etc.) which is what I find is mostly missing when it comes to reporting scammers. I can see this kind of evidence would be required to request the retrieval of your mesos from said scammer. Unfortunately that also lies under the Admins which are currently overburdened as it is, but nonetheless a pretty well-rounded suggestion.

    -Racism/offensive communications:
    Blocking their communications is a very good idea. I was pretty young when GMS came out so I don't recall if there was a way to "mute" players from typing to other players so to speak, but I think having an additional avenue where Staff could type in the IGN and offence committed, provide evidence, and then have other Staff review it just to make sure it's correct/in line, and then click the mute button for however many days, weeks, months, etc. would be a viable solution in terms of Racism and offensive/abusive chat to minimize any other interactions as well as preventing opportunities for said person in question to continue acting like that.

    Thanks for reading if you've made it this far, my apologizes for the giant wall of text; this is something I'd been sitting on for a while both mentally and in terms of writing it out.

    -I don't speak for the entirety of Staff.
    -Vote Abuse is a very grey area in terms of permanent ban vs temporary ban.
    -Hacking = nope.
    -RWT is one of the main reasons why upgrading gear is expensive.
    -Context is needed for most of these suggestions.
    -Most people don't pay off their debts in real life so I can't imagine wanting to pay off an in-game debt as well.
    -Weighing out the options between spending Dev time to work on something that can be easily bypassed.
    -Quite a few issues with Jury Duty with a gaming population of ~1500 people or less.
    LLew, Memester, GunzGaming and 6 others like this.
  17. Donn1e

    Donn1e Donator

    Jan 12, 2020
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    RWT in my opinion causes way more problems than the ones you listed, and the problem with dealing with it is not just about having more admins, but also having admins who are experienced enough to make the kind of decisions Tim makes - because it's not always easy to point at unexplained gaps in a player's net worth.

    I have 2 questions:

    1) Is it possible to give non-admin staff members (dedicated for this purpose) access to view player items/merchant logs/login times and other things related to RWT without giving them access to other logs? That way you could have new experienced staff memebers help Tim speed up the proccess

    2) What is your view on account sharing (in terms of permanent bans)? since you didn't say anything about it
  18. Becca

    Becca GM

    Jun 4, 2014
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    I didn't bother diving into the topic of RWT and the extensive damage it does, which is why I explicitly said "one of the reasons" in regards to RWT since this is originally a post about permanent bans and if they should receive a second chance or not. I didn't think I would have to write out every single reason and summed it up with a simple "one of the reasons" instead.

    1) I've answered what I could, specifically in here and brought up how important it is for us to receive these Mod Panel tools to help out with the elephant in the room. A few other Staff had also joined in on this discussion as well, so I highly suggest reading through this thread to look for your answers.

    2) Why should I give my input on account sharing if I explicitly stated I don't speak for all of Staff? I only answered what the original thread was about as well as suggestions mentioned by other users so I don't see a reason to bring up my view on account sharing. (Which is also why I didn't bother doing that.)
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
    CreamGoddess likes this.
  19. NANI1

    NANI1 Donator

    Oct 9, 2020
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    -RWT is one of the main reasons why upgrading gear is expensive.
    I can agree with this with so many ppl rwting the banned ppl are left in a void full of perfect weapons/sets. There are also new players going into royals selling common RWT items such as SCG, FS, MTK, BWG. This causes these prices to go down as they try to quicksell their items at a cheap price. When they are banned from the game the mesos they have gained from selling these items for cheap will go down the drain into the void.
  20. Saledor

    Saledor Donator

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Of course that would sound fair to you.
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