Core inflation is too high, we gotta raise rates. Whales have been using ws and cs to evade taxes. I propose starting with a 1m cost per transaction for every WS/CS, similar to bcoin mechanism. This value could be adjusted based on feedback later, or when WS/CS prices change.
another idea setup a store have your character have max mesos then price cs/ws at 480m each it will make ppl think it is lowered in value. I saw ppl do it with auf scrolls when the auf buyers wanted to buy at 290m each so they price their scrolls at 290m and someone in the fm would undercut it
Everytime u get a new ws/cs auto deduct 20m / You must have atleast 20m in ur inventory to have a new ws/cs
So you mean to tell me a charge between ws/cs seems fair? It sounds cool in one aspect but what about the person that sells their scroll? Aren't they being taxed because I never get 500m for mine ? Better yet someone that just want to trade themselves would they have to take a loss over a scroll? Its not actually meso and when the person who sells the scroll decides to do so which will eventually happen at some point because ws/cs are used they will be taxed! Another good point is your rarely get ws/cs for 500m flat this is known and thats the value your trading them at which puts you at a loss especially buying them at 510m or higher which 90% are sold for. You will basically be losing 50 -100m per every 10 scrolls bought with the prices of 505/510 per scroll if you will use the scrolls later to trade for an item or anything else.
In order to use gachapon in mushroom shrine and NLC, u need > 20m, everytime u land a ws/cs tax (20m) is deducted :kekw:
The whales get taxed already when they use the chaos scrolls to get -5 on their (thus far) godly items