the scroll is currently located in lounge, and going into lounge removes buffs it's very inconvenient if u have buffs like horntail / vl / auf buff and want to keep using it for ur next bosses
i figure that's a harder sell than just moving the mystic scroll, since there's probably some logic to lounge removing buffs
What do you suppose that logic is? Shouldn't it be enough to simply disable casting buff skills in the map?
not sure maybe it’s a technical thing, maybe staff can weigh in primarily concerned with being able to access mystic scroll without wiping buffs, i would rather suggest it be moved than to wait a long time for more discussions about buffs/speed in the lounge to be had. there are already some other threads that touch upon that
FM seems like the natural place for it to be moved, perhaps just adding a 2nd one there wouldn't hurt and solves the buff problem (but not card buff, i think that still falls off in fm)
Can we also move the scroll closer to the portal so I don’t have to walk with 100speed right to click on it with small client? I think I didn’t have to with xmas lounge
If planning for another place to put the NPC, i'd suggest not to remove the current lounge one, add it to other maps instead.
We will try to make it more convenient to check the daily/weekly content progress in a future update. We are still discussing how exactly we wanna do that. Thanks for your feedback!
We made it so that entering lounge won’t remove your buffs anymore in Update 91. Hope that is good enough!