name: Ming timezone: GMT+8 SG ign/class/lvl: XiaoxMing / NL / 137 other characters: MingxThing, Mingions, MingxBoss, many more... why do you want to join rice?: Want to meet more people and boss if possible do you know anyone in rice?: Minty, Pillowboi, Pillowgirl other guilds you are/have been in: Faded, Criminals tell us about yourself: Chill and fun loving person, introverted at first but extroverted once I am comfortable.
hello, this is a reminder that we are not currently conducting open recruitment. we are extremely grateful for any interest, and encourage anyone seeking to join to reach out to any friends currently in the guild for a referral. cheers, and happy mapling.
The Rice Newsletter: 4rd Edition Another year fades, but these memories live on... Happy New Year Grains! July 26th 2022 marks the 1 year anniversary of Rice, and while we might have forgotten to celebrate it, we took the time to compile some photos and memories to look back on. It has been a wonderful year and a half of being in this vibrant community and we are thankful for all of our guildies. It's time to look back on some moments we cherish that happened since the last newsletter. We've since had many meetups happen all over the world, Spoiler: WOW Meetups IRL As well as some postcards being mailed across the globe. We celebrated LVL 200s for Derek, Ahmed, Jon, Victor, Yeon, Dan, Abu, Andrew, Jael and more. Thank you for choosing us as your guild and for being a part of us. Congratulations again! Spoiler: PRO We had plenty of goofy moments, running meme Aufs and Horntails... And even ran the server's first Von Leon run that ended spectacularily... (in other words we all died very quickly). Finally made our own mule guild Noodle... And a shoutout to our wonderful Junior Master @ASOBOU who is not only the crafter of the server's first and only perfect Crimson Arclancer, but also the developer of our guild's custom Discord bot that keeps tracks of death counts for guildies! @jsoetojo may not appreciate you (jk) but the rest of us do. He also helped to run a little Halloween guild event, Spooky Rice, and here were the top entries. Serg, (Nut/Mads,Phase), and (Abu/Rachel) took the top 3 spots. Spoiler: Spooky Rice Welcome to our new Jr. Masters Naomi and Phase... we're sad to see Mui and Sumi go but they remain wonderful guildies that we will play together with again someday. You two were part of our original crew when we founded Rice so you will always be special in our hearts. Watch out for Naomi and Phase as the new sheriffs in town. As always, thank you to all our guildies for making all these memories and events possible. Regardless if you are a HarrySchneidz or a PillowBoi, you are a star in our hearts. We look forward to another awesome year with you all in 2023. Spoiler: Thank you to... 123, Ahmed, Alex, Alex, Amy, Bar, Chris, Diana, Dylan, Grace, Hao, Harry, Hashim, Ido, Jae, Jase, Josh, Kev, Lee, Liam, Lynn, Mads, Ming, Minty, Mike, Nicole, Nonna (we miss you), Paige, Ricky, Rie, Selena, Serg, Skinny, Sumi, Tracey, Tyler, Ver, Yiyi, KDT, Abu, Aden, Alan, Alex, Alim, Amanda, Andrew, Angie, Alex, Ben, Bibi, Bin, Brandom, Bry, Chi, Chang, Chris, Buns, Crystal, Dong, Derek, Dave, Danny, Dan, Damian, Droo, Ed, Edmund, Frank, Gen, Hang, Ivan, Jacob, Jackie, Jake, Jamie, Jessica, Ena, Jesse, Jin, Jowey, Ju, Juana, Jules, Jun, Karlo, Kat, Kelly, Kevin, Lewei, Lily, Louis, Riz, Matt, Michael, Michelle, Mui, Naomi, Neko, Nut, Adam, Rachel, Raimie, Rami, Rich, Ryan, Shing, Jael, Rosa, Taki, Su, Tony, Vee, Yeon, Yuiga, Victor, Phase, Lee, Char, Jon, Vivian! With lots of love, Rice.
The Rice Newsletter: 5th Edition A Reflection on Two Years: The Essence of Rice Community Beloved Grains, 730 days have passed in a flash. People have come and gone, chapters have closed, but our core remains. Welcome to the newsletter of our second anniversary. It’s almost surreal that our community has transcended pixels, thousands of miles, and international borders. Rice was not created to be a guild meant to exist solely within the confines of MapleRoyals, and after 2 years, I think it's safe to say that still holds true. All of this would not have been possible without you being a member of Rice. Old, new, or even someone who has left or been adjacent to the community. From Jon, the Jr. Masters, and I, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. What has happened lately? In case you have been away… here are our updates since (and including some from) the most recent newsletter. IN GAME UPDATES Dabbled in hosting Von Leon runs again since our beautifully disastrous first server run last winter. Had great highs and lows, wins and defeats. Perhaps one of the most brilliant moments of all was celebrating @Phase One 's double 200 party in the run. Since our conception, we have said goodbye to 3 Junior Masters and welcomed 4. Every one of them has been a valuable addition to the team and brought a lot to our community. Thank you so much to all of the old and current Juniors. You will always be special to us! We also held our anniversary event, in which we all created noob characters from Maple Island, got makeovers together, and held a fashion show. IRL UPDATES Rice in SoCal (2023): The Grains gathered multiple times in the SoCal region to meet up, grill Korean BBQ meat, and check out anime waifus. Rice in NYC (2023): Grains came together to eat good food, talk about dumb business ideas, hold burping contests, throw up in toilets, and watch musicals. Rice in Australia (2023): I’m not quite sure this place exists, but some of our Southern Hemisphere Grains had an upside hangout and ate yummy Chinese food. WHAT’S NEXT? We know that Royals is not forever for everyone. But friendships are. Regardless of where we all go in our lives and whether we are still playing the mushroom game at all, we hope to still be a part of your life journey and continue to be friends. Rice is also lucky enough to have great Juniors that continue to form connections with new players in the server. We’d love to continue meeting new faces and making new connections! Thank you for sticking with us for 2 years. That being said, if you would like to join our guild, the best way is to get a referral. Reach out to someone you may know who is in our guild! If you are a current member and know someone who may be a good addition, let us know. We'd love to hear from you. I shall conclude this celebration with a quote from our esteemed leader: “But if she’s jiggling let me know” – Jon/Jomi Vivian Junior Master of Rice
I'm not apart of this guild, but I'm sincerely touched over the last page. It warms my heart to see these bonds and how you guys are even meeting IRL, having PQ's, bosses together - It does warm my heart. Maplestory is a nostalgic game which we all love, and It connects people easily, as it shown here. I wish you guys lots more success and I hope ya'll friendships would last for as long as possible
<33 we love cagedHEREDICK we HATE JOKJOK the rice is out of the pic we just didn’t capture it f3 nYESSSS THANK YOU! wishing you the best as well after extensive discussions, YOU ARE DENIED. unlike u mr. Blacklist smh
I don't have any friends at Rice unfortunately, but I was moved by this recent post, and I can say that there are few guilds with this intuition, if it were possible I would love to join
ATTENTION!!! "Rice" is thrilled to announce the promotion of our dedicated member, @nut, to the esteemed position of Junior Master. Nut's unwavering commitment, leadership skills, and contributions to the guild have earned them this well-deserved promotion. We will ensure that consumption of nuts in the guild will skyrocket. Furthermore, in an exciting development, Rice is opening its doors to new recruits, inviting you to consider joining our tight-knit community. This expansion of our ranks promises to bring fresh energy and perspectives to the guild, ensuring its continued growth and success. Congratulations Nut! Yes! I used ChatGPT this time! If you're interested in joining, fill out the app and send it via DM, post on forum or get a referral from someone. We'll contact you for a chat if it seems like we're a good fit for you. Spoiler: Application Name: Pronouns: Timezone: IGN/Class/LVL: Other characters: Why do you want to join rice?: Do you know anyone in rice?: Other guilds you are/have been in: Tell us about yourself (do not say you like rice we've seen it a million times): Who referred you to rice? (if applicable): À la prochaine! - Vivian, Jr. Master of Rice