Name: Omree Pronouns: He/Him Timezone: GMT +3 IGN/Class/LVL: GosuPaladin (will change soon) / Spearman / lv 58 close to 59 Other characters: GosuKanojo - lv 140 bishop Why do you want to join rice?: I've heard it's a great community, I see there are a lot of great people, and I really want to expand the amount of good people I know in this fine mushroom game. Do you know anyone in rice?: nope sadly. Other guilds you are/have been in: on my bishop I'm at the guild Ours. Tell us about yourself (do not say you like rice we've seen it a million times): I am a court typist, I'll be 22 in couple of weeks, I love gaming, anime, and sometimes I have some decent jokes. I'm thrilled that rice opened up the recruitment again. Who referred you to rice? (if applicable): God
Name: Rizzed Pronouns: He/Him Timezone: GMT +11 IGN/Class/LVL: Rizzed / Marauder / Lv111 Other characters: PurpleRiceYo / Bishop / Lv142 Why do you want to join rice?: I just came back after 2yrs break from the game and would love to join a friendly active guild that's close to my timezone! Do you know anyone in rice?: Nope Other guilds you are/have been in: Never joined a guild before Tell us about yourself (do not say you like rice we've seen it a million times): I'm based in Sydney, currently 27yrs old. Love to revisit my childhood favourite game while balancing my worklife! Who referred you to rice? (if applicable): Mapleroyals forum xD
Name: Sven Pronouns: He/him Timezone: GMT+1 IGN/Class/LVL: Bollocks/Bucc/180 (181 later today) Other characters: Zoink (164 hero), Woosh (154 HS slut) Why do you want to join Rice?: I've been inactive on this server for 8ish years, my buddylist died, my own guild died and I'm looking for a social guild that doesnt take itself to serious to meet new fun people Do you know anyone in Rice?: Nope, I just got back to playing a few days ago Other guilds you are/have been in: I mean, unless you played 8 years ago you won't know. Main guilds way back when were Synergy (I was jr master) and later Nipple, a guild I cofounded with 3 friends with whom I was in drunk skype calls all the time Tell us about yourself: Im Sven, 32 yrs old, live in Rotterdam. Started playing this server pre-whipe back in its ancient times. Really fell in love with the community and stuck around for a few years. I like to treat this game as a glorified chatroom but also enjoy bossing with buds. Now Im back to check out all the content thats been added past years, gonna see if I'll stick around after that! Who referred you to rice? (if any): This thread looked cool
Hi there, thank you for your interest in our guild and we appreciate the time you took to reply. Unfortunately, we don't think we would be the best fit for you, and wish you only the best in your continued Maple journey. Hi there, please keep an eye out when you're online for whisps! A Junior will be in contact shortly to have a chat with you.
Damn. Imagine being the only guy who didn't make the cut. Good luck to the other players who'll enter the guild, I'm sure you'll be in a great community :3
I once did APQ with a few Rice members and asked them what kind of rice it is. One of them replied "all kinds, we don't discriminate". That made my day back then and I still remember it
Name: Dray Pronouns: He/him Timezone: GMT+13 IGN/Class/LVL: Drayred (lvl200, NL) Other characters: draybeast (lvl171, BS) Why do you want to join Rice? I heard there are a lot of people from the Ociana region, would love to meet some more people from Aus/NZ who play this game. Do you know anyone in Rice?: Jae and Tracey :3 Other guilds you are/have been in: Raven Tell us about yourself: I'm dray, and genuinely enjoy playing Maple and meeting new people. Who referred you to Rice ? (if any): Jae f3
Name: kachizzler Pronouns: ka/chizz Timezone: east coast IGN/Class/LVL: xXxKaChizZxXx / Swordman / 35 Other characters: none Why do you want to join rice?: nid mesos plz Do you know anyone in rice?: goons Other guilds you are/have been in: none Tell us about yourself (do not say you like rice we've seen it a million times): i like rice Who referred you to rice? (if applicable): Jomi
Name: Andy Pronouns: HIM Timezone: PST IGN/Class/LVL: iClapCheeks / Shadower / 145 Other characters: iFightHoes / DK / 200 Why do you want to join rice?: I love RICE!!! Always been my dream to join RICE Do you know anyone in rice?: Vivian Other guilds you are/have been in: Bougie (loyalist & spy) Tell us about yourself (do not say you like rice we've seen it a million times):Ehh idk, I'd like to remain a mystery to keep my mystique but.... Ttoday I was checking myself out in someone's car mirror, and there was a person still inside it! I wanted to hide in my house after! Who referred you to rice? (if applicable): Vivian
thank you all for your interest in this humble establishment. we are honoured to enter into the eyes of such prestigious players. we will be in touch to chat soon! wtf Cody
Name: Albert Pronouns: He/Him Timezone: PST but my sleep schedule is so wack atm you'd think i'm from europe IGN/Class/LVL: H4xDefender/NL/168 Other characters: none atm, plan to make SE/CR mules once i've finished upgrading gear on main and have money to burn on leech. Why do you want to join Rice?: from my few interactions with rice members ingame as well as reading through this thread, you guys seem like a very tight-knit group that i'd love to get to know and be a part of. most of my friends that I normally play with have gone inactive, but i'm interested in continuing to boss/progress and make it to Auf/VL with some chill gamers. Do you know anyone in Rice?: nobody other than some guy who smoked me in gauntlet Other guilds you are/have been in: Versatile briefly, but other than that only small guilds i've made with IRL/longtime friends Tell us about yourself: played MS (as well as a ton of other games) growing up and ended up turning my gaming addiction into a career. worked in game dev for a couple years before moving to esports for a couple years after that. right now i'm just chilling and playing some games while i figure out what i want to do next in my life. Who referred you to rice? (if any): n/a
Name: Luis Pronouns: pronoun is he cause I could never be him lmao Time Zone: NA EAST, flawda livin Other Characters shad/nl/bs IGN Class: LDMBandit / Shad Why do you want to join Rice: I honeslty dont know why haha, jae's forcing me to Do you know anyone in Rice?: jae,crem, yogi,volleyfire Other Guilds you have been in: Was in gryffindor a spanish guild and liquorstore. Tell us about yourself: im pretty chill, sarcastic jae, he keeps forcing me to join!!
Name: Danny Pronouns: He/Him Timezone: GMT+8 IGN/Class/LVL: CryingDanny/Shad/189 Other characters: bigdidck/Bishop/155 Why do you want to join Rice?: u guys look chill and have a nice logo. Do you know anyone in Rice?: not really Other guilds you are/have been in: I was in Harbor for a while before. After I accidently dropped my FS, I quit for a couple months. Now I'm back but found I‘ve been removed from the guild. Tell us about yourself: A friendly, tranquil and lazy player. Prefer making friends to bossing. Who referred you to rice? (if any):no one, but I really love the logo.
public recruitment is hereby closed fret not as closed recruitment remains reach out to thine rice comrades to inquire i wish thee all happy maple-ing
the 6th newsletter August 20th, 2024 Welcome to the 3rd anniversary edition of the Rice newsletter. It’s really hard to believe that it has been 3 years since our inception. So much has happened, and the community has evolved so much from day 1. Can you remember where you were in 2021? COVID was still rampant, and Royals was more alive than ever. As time moves on though, people also move on from the game. One of our founding juniors who quit the game logged in for our anniversary photo, and it struck a chord in me when I saw her standing next to me in game. When was the last time I saw her log on? The last time I said goodbye, did I know it would be one of the last times? You really never know when it might be the last time you see someone online. Seeing Sumi made me remember what the times were back in 2021, and what kind of guild we were back then. It also reminds me to cherish every moment. On the flip side, we are happy for those who move on from the game and find new paths in their lives. A lot of our founding members have retired, and many of our old members are old relics sitting on a shelf, occasionally dusting ourselves off to help a guildie get HTP or do prequests. Others are still levelling characters and upgrading their gear. And a lot have moved on to different games. However, this last year, we added a lot of new members that were fresh and wide-eyed. With them, they brought a sense of curiosity and fascination, things that I have long since forgotten. It has been a wonderful year with them. This fresh breath of life has also brought so much energy to the guild, and I am infinitely glad for everyone who’s still standing through the years. Although many of us may no longer be invested in the game, I'm happy we are still alive as a community outside of MapleRoyals. Now that I’ve gotten the sappy bits out of the way, let’s get to a recap of events. Since the start of the year, we’ve had multiple celebrations of level 200s. Congratulations to Joe, Albert, Steve, Sally, Sven, Kimmy, Euni, Grace, Tobi, Lynnie Cody, and myself (?!). I hosted a step challenge that delighted some, and exposed others. Jae, Sven, and Hizu, took the lead. Our junior master Victor hosted a Birthday Challenge competition with Frank, Hizu, and Jon, taking the top prizes. We had multiple IRL meet ups, and I myself was delighted to meet some old faces for the first time. We’ve also hosted a number of in-house Von Leon runs, and I’d like to give a special thanks to Brandon and Rara for hosting runs exclusively within the guild. It’s never an easy task and we truly appreciate your time and effort. I'd also love to give a huge welcome to our newest Junior Master, Joe a.k.a. Provocateur. We love his sass and smart wits, and I think he is a wonderful player to be around. I'm so glad he decided to join our leadership! So, with that, I’ll wrap up this anniversary version of our newsletter. Here is our customary thank you to all of our guildies. You are all special grains that are important and valuable to our community. Thank you for reading, and I’m excited to see you at the next newsletter. Best, bibz