I did something stupid during the holiday! I tried to clear all the bosses! It cost me a total of 20 and 99 per. Spoiler: worth? I earned 53,950 NX, 1 MW, 1 BWG, 1 Auf Mir. Fake bfc, 2 13 att kj, and also a ridiculous EP. Spoiler: some ss I just want to afk fm these days. Thanks to those who joined me for the bosses, especially @BusControl , for getting through the dry NT run.
"I take a break from scrolling stuff" episode 24927825728957290 one day later: 3/6 bwg from LHC gacha, random 9/3 green mittens and these 2 edit: just realized that since It's above 20 int the mw 20 gives 2 more int so It's equal to a 195 below 20 int Finaly a real wand for my BS after 1 year with 179 TMA wand.
True, forgot after a couple of months since I've washed my bucc Oh well 194 is still a nice pull compared to my old 179
5th slot on the perf silver Kalkan from another 30% I've tried to 30% a 84 att KC for myself, the first 1 boomed and the 2nd one failed 3 30%'s in a row (what the hell?!) and I was sure that after this nonsense a 5th 30% will pass on my shield. 1 slot less, might ws it to 30 att for my pally unless I sell it for a good price. 850m loss on KC's to pass another slot in a price below 2 ws? good deal
30 Man No BS/ No Res VL me and @cremcrem were bored so we ran a 30-man VL with no BS, no res just for fun. shoutout to jasmine VL server for letting us host and everyone who pulled up! thought more people would die but i guess we’re just better now lol. might have to do it again before pic: Spoiler: after pic Spoiler: final stats 29 Total Brave Souls (i put 30 in title for clickbait Xd) 18 Survivors 11 Dead 1/4 SE made it to the end (25% survival rate), s/o Espoirx3 for keeping Nightlords whole Surprisingly, 3/4 Warriors made it to the end (75% Highest survival rate) Spoiler: vod
I've bought a random 10 str 7 dex Green Korben with hope to improve my paladin's 13/8/7 warrior glove (used to 30% high str/dex war glove once in a while). 3 30%'s passed, good start! was wondering if I gonna event scroll it and said nah, sell it as is or go big for 14 and sell the old one. 4th slot failed no boom, 5th slot passed, tried to sell it as 12/10/7 but felt that It's not over yet! I bought all the 1-1 door's CSS 1% one by one and failed 15 in a row, transfered 3 more from my scrolls mule and failed them aswell. then I went to 1-20 and found a shop with 5 more and said well here goes nothing worst case I keep failing and sell it 12 att or even boom it but then on the 23th css 1% it happened! Why waste 3b for a 2nd CGS set for my Paladin when you can just scroll 14 att glove with high str & dex? Some math behind att & main+secendoary stat according to the formula from the guide here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/maplemaths-calculating-x-stats-y-w-atk.210953/ Tested on my lvl 154 Paladin's str, dex and total w.att and as a 2h sword user: Old glove: 13 att 8 str 7 dex = 14.7 att New glove: 14 att 10 str 7 dex = 16.1 att