I did something stupid during the holiday! I tried to clear all the bosses! It cost me a total of 20 and 99 per. Spoiler: worth? I earned 53,950 NX, 1 MW, 1 BWG, 1 Auf Mir. Fake bfc, 2 13 att kj, and also a ridiculous EP. Spoiler: some ss I just want to afk fm these days. Thanks to those who joined me for the bosses, especially @BusControl , for getting through the dry NT run.
"I take a break from scrolling stuff" episode 24927825728957290 one day later: 3/6 bwg from LHC gacha, random 9/3 green mittens and these 2 edit: just realized that since It's above 20 int the mw 20 gives 2 more int so It's equal to a 195 below 20 int Finaly a real wand for my BS after 1 year with 179 TMA wand.
True, forgot after a couple of months since I've washed my bucc Oh well 194 is still a nice pull compared to my old 179
5th slot on the perf silver Kalkan from another 30% I've tried to 30% a 84 att KC for myself, the first 1 boomed and the 2nd one failed 3 30%'s in a row (what the hell?!) and I was sure that after this nonsense a 5th 30% will pass on my shield. 1 slot less, might ws it to 30 att for my pally unless I sell it for a good price. 850m loss on KC's to pass another slot in a price below 2 ws? good deal
30 Man No BS/ No Res VL me and @cremcrem were bored so we ran a 30-man VL with no BS, no res just for fun. shoutout to jasmine VL server for letting us host and everyone who pulled up! thought more people would die but i guess we’re just better now lol. might have to do it again before pic: Spoiler: after pic Spoiler: final stats 29 Total Brave Souls (i put 30 in title for clickbait Xd) 18 Survivors 11 Dead 1/4 SE made it to the end (25% survival rate), s/o Espoirx3 for keeping Nightlords whole Surprisingly, 3/4 Warriors made it to the end (75% Highest survival rate) Spoiler: vod