*Disclaimer* I know there have been threads on 'what games are you playing' But I could not find one on what your 'favourite games' are! Hopefully this thread might bring back a lot of nostalgia of games you may have beaten but never forgotten because they were so stellar! I decided to make this thread so that us Royaler's can share our love for various games, and or game series. Regardless of whether or not you favour old school games, FPS, MMORPG, Fantasy, Horror, turn-based, etc... Post your favourites here! Hopefully this will help players find commonalities between each other and bring up interesting discussions about their favourite games! My Personal Selection of rad games: The Legend of Zelda Series Silent Hill Series Bioshock Series Fatal Frame Series Shadow of the Colossus Final Fantasy X Kingdom Hearts I and II I hope this thread sparks some interesting conversations amongst members! I am 99.9% positive this is not a thread yet, but if it is oops.
My favorite game is nekopara, because I love kittens. It is an rpg for cat lovers, what could be better than that? Maplestory is alright also.
I remember three favourite games from my childhood, which were all DISNEY'S and my favourite at that time(, but probably I would play those right now too): 1. Disney's Tarzan 2. Disney's Hercules 3. Disney's The Lion King Also, my all time favourite games: 1. Warcraft 3 2. Gunz 3. Maplestory
The Lion King (For the SNES I assume?) Was amazing! I was really young but I remember it being the best!
Ugh, I could list for ages... Right now Undertale has to be tops. Age of Mythology, Megaman 2/3/X are all amazing. Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy VIII are probably my favourites of their individual series. Stronghold (though not Stronhold 2 or later) was really good! Also enjoy me some curtain fire in Touhou.
Starport: Galactic Empires Shitty graphics, but best game play ever. It's 2D. You conquer planets, and place defenses on them. All online. All live. Huge galaxy to conquer. People wage wars upon each other's corporations. Everything is decided by the players. And there's a server that involves rapid-paced PVP that is the best PVP I've ever experienced. No auto-aim. You have to aim everything. Unfortunately, the admin keeps adding stupid updates, and we're lucky to get more than 30 people online at any time, these days.
I grew up with shooters; wolfenstein 3d at the age of 3. doom at the age of 4. unreal tournement at the age of 6. James bond: goldeneye at the age of 5 James bond: nightfire at the age of 7 timesplitters age 6 call of duty 4. age 12 I made some good money of my cod4 days being one of the top players in the early days. My favorite game has to be Call of duty 4 for that reason, its the only game I truely mastered. Being number one leaderboard ranked of the whole Netherlands and number 30# in the world (on ps3). And on mlg I won quite some tournements I almost made it into a pro gaming clan in the uk, but I just became their reserve/backup guy. Beside shooters I fell in love with maplestory and pokemon both around 2006, pokemon probally in 2005. I also did alot of mario kart on my DS, but beside pokemon and mario related games that was pretty much it for the gameboy games for me. Zelda is cool but not my fav. I really love racing games too, and have been starting them aged 3 years old. Just like the shooters I played many racing games. All the granturismos, pretty much all formula 1 games and plenty of more. Fifa is good fun too! My top 5: 1. Cod4 2. Racing games specially f1 3. Maplestory 4. Fifa 5. Minecraft (not for the building but for all the things you can do online :3 )
Well my top is 1) Lineage 2 (i played this game for over 8 years) 2) Gran theft auto series 3) CoD 4 to black ops 2 (also spent a lot of time playing these games) 4) Gunbound (i played this game baaack when it was one of the best games, also a lot of time and money spent) 5) Counter strike 1.5 to Source My favorite genders are FPS and MMORPG
I don't play many modern games so on my list are mostly games that I grew up with: My top 10: 1.- Baldur's Gate I & II (Can't wait for Siege of Dragonspear ) 2.- Quake III Arena (The first game that I played online and the most fun FPS experience I ever had) 3.- FreeSpace 2 (One of the best space combat games ever) 4.- The Longest Journey (The best point and click adventure game I've ever played) 5. Diablo II (Used to play this with my friends all the time) 6. Starcraft: Brood War (Even though SC2 is a far better game IMO, I have too many good memories associated with this game to not put it on this list ) 7. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (S/O to Link's Awakening too ) 8. Final Fantasy VI (S/O to VIII too, the junction system was kinda dull but those cinematics blew my 9yo mind, nice to see someone in this thread that shares the love for VIII since it is usually eclipsed by VII and IX) 9. Shenmue I & II (I didn't knew about this games when they were released but I had the chance to play them a few years ago, now I can't wait for Shenmue III) 10. Wacky Wheels (Did anyone played this game? lol. It is the first birthday present that I have any memory of. ) My MMO experience can be reduced to two games: MapleStory and MU Online so S/O to those two And finally S/O to some more recent games: -Magicka (Laughted my fucking ass off playing this game with friends) -X-COM:Enemy Unknown (Never played the original but this reboot is so good) -Papers, Please (I can't believe a game about an immigration inspector can be this good) -Kerbal Space Program (This game makes my brain hurts, rocket science is hard)
Have to disagree about which Starcraft is better - although I def enjoy both. Or I guess enjoyed, since I haven't touched in ages. Yeah, I dunno why everyone skips VIII like it's awful or something. The ending is actually amazing if you think about it. WACKY WHEELS. You can get it on steam btw!
MMO's are definitely my favorite. But there are other games that I have fond memories of. 1. Monster Hunter - Love this game to death. Can't wait for Monster Hunter X to be released. 2. Saga Fronter - First game I received for free from my brother in law. Amazing combos and a character that turns into a superhero?! Aww heck yea! 3. Super Mario RPG - Playing an RPG with classic mario characters was definitely a great idea. It was great that you had to time your attacks to output the most damage. Doesn't hurt that it was full of comedy and silliness that made you want to see more. 4. Mabinogi - My second MMO that I couldn't wait to log on to right after school (Or faking sick just to play). Had great memories with my first guild in this game (Shoutouts to Winged!). Really showed me how Guilds can pretty much make or break the game for you. 5. Smash Bros Melee - Ohhhh, this game. Can't even imagine how many hours I spent training and practicing, learning techniques and such. All I can say is.. Screw you Falco. I've also enjoyed Undertale recently. Really enjoyed the story alot. Heck, the music in the game is AWESOME POSSUM! Wished more people played it.
Yeah, storywise it wasn't bad at all, and I love all the fan theories behind VIII too I just found out that Wacky Wheels is getting a HD remake this year, I guess there are a lot more people that know and love that game than I thought . Definitely looking forward for the online play feature.
Platformer was not in the poll. I am disappoint :c (I'm really into platformers lol) Also my favorite games are: PC: Portal 1 &2, Fez, Battleblock Theater and TF2. Vita & DS: Phoenix Wright (ALL except for Miles investigations), Danganronpa 1 & 2, Rune Factory 3 & 4. Rune factory is like A fantasy harvest moon. Project Diva F & F2. Rhythm game. I also love playing MaiMai, an arcade rhythm game. Good stuff. I'm not that good though LOL. And that's not me. Also Stanley Parable is a really good game too.
I usually stick with the games I know, not really into trying new stuff so umm: 1. MapleStory. Couldn't think of a better game, there's just too much nostalgia there and definitely the first and best one on my list (Have played it since around 2004, and this goes the same for my brother and sister ^^) On a side note: I can say I'm a bit furious with NEXON for ruining the game, then again obviously everyone has their own opinion on how the game is today and how it was before so this is just how I feel. I've played the newer versions as well, and I've liked some parts of it but.. it's just not the same anymore. 2. Mu Online. I think I mostly loved this game for the skills, equipment looks, wings and such. Not to mention the PvP in this game is just awesome. But to be honest there's not much in it, there's so little content in the game that some people might get bored of it real fast (same story applies, I started playing it at around the same time as MapleStory and played it ever since but not so much anymore, and same goes for my brother lol) On a side note: I hate the fact that you need a good spec computer for the game or you'll lag like hell cause the game platform is from stone age, has the lowest fps imaginable... but other than that it's all good. 3. World Of Warcraft. Haven't.. umm.. I have no words, there's just sooo much content, although maybe for me it's because besides this one I haven't played such games a lot due to the fact that I don't have the best PC ^^ (started playing during TBC: The Burning Crusade, have played it ever since) On a side note: Hate the game for the fact that (and I'm only talking 'bout myself here) it's awfully addictive, so I try to stay away from it as much as possible. 4. Runescape. Old times.. for a game that looked so small and simple, had a lot of content. (same story applies, I started playing it at around the same time as MapleStory and MuOnline and played it ever since, but I barely play it anymore, practically never) On a side note: Hate the fact they changed the game too much, bye bye old PvP mode and frankly now for me the game is just confusing with a lot of new crap added. Basically I don't even recognize the game anymore. 5. CrossFire. I don't play war games a lot but when it comes to those, this one is my absolute favorite. Doesn't have the best graphics and doesn't have a lot of content but to me at least it doesn't matter. (Must of been around 2012/2013 when I started playing it and have been playing it ever since) On a side note: Hate the cost of RP and ZP (you can consider them as donor point you use for weapons and such). It's insanely expensive, I've never purchased any nor am I going to. THE END.
RuneScape MapleStory Final Fantasy Series Kingdom Hearts Series Fallout Series Elder Scrolls Series Guitar Hero / Rock Band
I am playing https://4pics-1word.info/ . I love playing it with my kids, cause it's a good clean game for helping my children with spelling. Some pictures are excellent examples of the words. Actually it's suitable for keeping your mind good and strong