FM button removed? It is convenient to use the internet banking to transfer funds, in fact, far too convenient. Why can't people go back to the old ways of walking to a bank branch/atm and do the transfer? I did that back in the old days when I had no internet banking access. It is convenient to use the FM button to go to the FM as a safe location/trade with people/get mules to buff you(which I dont mind even though I dont own a mule account). In fact, too convenient. Why cant people teleport back to town and walk to fm/ find a safe location after training like the old days? Its so GMS like! I did that when i was playing GMS. Convenience is what we treasure, especially when we are playing a private server. if it aint broke, don't fix it. #bringbackfmwarp I am on the side with people who oppose this FM button removal. I have been playing maple private servers since 2009, even made my own server HoLyMS with hamachi then coded it to work without hamachi and had a little over 100 players during the best days. I have seen numerous servers come and go, rise and fall, and played on many servers who offer the FM button and who don't. The general trend is those with the button have a higher player base and popularity than those who dont. Some players may not want to try out this change as they might have played on servers who don't offer this FM warp option and see this function in MapleRoyals as a blessing. ---Making merchants expire is such a bad move.--- The economy depends on the player's ability to sell items. If only the rich can afford spare nx to buy merchants while the poorer players save nx to buy AP resets, the number of stores in FM will drastically decrease. If I need to sell a 10mil scroll now, previously I would set up a store without thinking but now I have to consider the cost of the store and therefore will only sell if I have accumulated alot of items/price my items at a higher price. This is destructive to the server because the poor players who are willing to sell at 10m are not able to do so, while the richer players keep pushing the prices up since there is a reduced supply in the FM. That will make almost everything more expensive in FM with lesser sellers to choose from, making items increasingly inaccessible to the player base. Un-needed items kept in inventory -- less supply in fm -- higher prices -- harder to afford for a new player -- quit or semi quit to accumulate NX via voting -- lose the fun. Another way of looking at it, Un-needed items kept in inventory -- not sold = no mesos -- cannot purchase new gears/items -- lose the fun -- quit. Its bad, I think. Note: All of the above comments are solely my personal opinion and are welcomed to discussions.
I like the idea of having a poll. But these answer options and the question itself is biased as hell. If you're gonna make a poll it has to be objective. Simple as "Do you like the removal of the FM warp button?" "yes." and "no."
Well from what I have read from the admin/staff team the main reasons to remove the FM warp feature is due to: Have buff mules in a safezone where they can buff you up whenever you want. Have an instant access safezone location where you can trade items to a mule so you don't have to leave your grinding map. Quickly deal with leech payment on that character without having the risk of losing mapownership. Having an instant access safezone location where you can take a break from grinding without having to go to town. Thus the options that I came up with, to see if the removal of the FM button was effective to address this FM mule problem, or if it is a problem at all. (I personally do not own a mule, and I don't see others who do has a huge advantage over me.
I have to agree that I do not like the possible answers for this poll. I don't think removing the fm button is horrible, neither do I think it's great, but how do I answer a poll that way if my only options are: I love it or I hate it. Where's the middleground answer?
Can you change the responses to a simple Yes or No? I personally think removing the button is not a good idea, I don't use Buffing mules myself, and I do think they are a big advantage, but I do not think that is a problem. What should I vote with the current options? Why do you even need to know whether people consider it to be a big advantage?
Unfortunately, once people started voting I can't change the options. My second option should be "No, it causes inconvenience to me. I don't own a mule and don't see it as a big advantage problem." for your case. Personally, I think removing the button is not a good idea, I don't own a buff mule myself, and I think that others who use mules are not a problem (because they are not having a big advantage over me). It is my bad that I assumed. So some people who think mules are not a problem, still think that people who use them are having a big advantage over them?
Well, some mules have bigger advantages than others, Haste mules for example, don't provide a big advantage in my opinion, but something like HS has quite a significant advantage, but I'm fine with that. People who use an HS mule spent time making that character, so I think it's only logical that they deserve that advantage.
I personally think it's kinda sexy that FM button is getting removed. Hey, it wasn't even supposed to be there in the long run anyway. Now that everyone's used to it they are angry. But very soon, again, you will be used to it not being there. And, like a millennial standing infront of a 90s/80s baby holding a cassette tape wondering what type of sorcery it is, we, the aged (or older ones), will reminisce the days where things were different, as we move with the times.
The removal of the FM button shouldn't have that much of an impact either way. No idea what the reasoning behind removing it was, because any abuse can easily continue with just dumping mules in cash shop or a previous map. The fact that buffing mules are being dumped into FM is mostly just a symptom of multi-clienting, multi clienters thought up ways around lack of a cash shop button 5 minutes after the patch notes went up. Those that use the FM to socialize can still do that easily, except now they're going to have to abandon their map and go to town. The only people that it's actually going to effect much are those that do a lot of 1 on 1 trades and those that like to windows shop. Personally I believe the expiration date on personal stores (and to a lesser extent pets) is going to have a lot more unforeseen consequences. Also the mandatory boat rides /might/ piss off a significant portion of new players, as I think the boat rides were a very useless and frustrating feature in GMS to begin with. Richer and more established players are obviously going to have a much easier time ignoring boat rides and using a portion of their NX on stores. Al in all I'd still very much urge the staff to post a reasoning on why they implemented these changes and what they think is going to happen both short term and what they hope is going to happen long term, and then be open to discussion. We're never going to find out what exactly is going to happen if we don't give it a chance though. We should give it a try for a couple of months just to see how it goes, because I'd love to be proven wrong in my prediction.
The gm's have said something, and dimitri, a GM said something about it too, (above the post) but nothing from whoever the person is who came up with the idea, and decided to follow through with it.
Ah, thanks. Sorry it is pretty hard to find the GM's responses in all of these pages, so i was only talking about what i personally knew, probably should have clarified that. my mistake.
So I only played for a few days and this is my first private server so I have not experienced royals to the fullest but I am seriously surprissed about how lazy some of the players nowadays are. I mean maple was always about travelling from map to map and using scrolls to go back to town. No boat rides is a good option to safe time. Those were boring. Walking through the various maps was always interesting and you bump into other players here and there. Plus lets be honest we shouldn't make the grinding too easy. Leveling goes already faster than back in the days and making money is also much easier. Stop whining about having to travel in order to make some money or that you can't use mules to level even faster. This is part of maple. And btw I didn't even know about the button till I got level 50, which just took me a few days, so I was just scrolling to town and walking back to my grinding map. I must admit that I did like the FM warp button when I tried it but it made things also just too easy in my opinion. And some argue that the FM will be less crowded because of this but I don't think removing this button will have much affect on that.