I don't know someone has posted this, but I would like to know how much can a boss deals damage because I have quests that requires to kill the bosses (hero's will). Ex. Last time I fought the red samurai boss at ninja castle, it killed me with just his sword slash wave that deals 10k . (My hp is like 4.9k). I also would like to know how hard can pianus hit. P.S. I'm a lv138 NL
Here is a guide for your reference: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/a-comprehensive-night-lord-guide.23303/#Bossing It's pretty old, but should still contain lots of relevant information. In the case of Pianus, the guide says you need 4.6 - 5K HP to survive its unavoidable magic damage.
wow samurai can hit that hard? reminds me of the showa bosses. Japanese sure likes em broken. Looks like I'll need a dk for this one.
In my signature, you will find a little calculator program that calculates monsters' damage on you. It's a bit outdated and lacks some features (I've thought about stuff but never sat down to actually implement them) You can try it and see if it answers some of your questions. There is also this guide by a fellow Mapler who lists typical HP levels required for various bossing scenarios: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/hp-washing-calculator.111127 For Samurai, I believe you can manage to kill it without ever getting hit as a NL. It would probably help to have a partner while killing it though. (I have duoed this one with NLs and it's usually I who die, not the NL hehe)
Sadly, I think you need hp-washing but not hb. Toad (1st stage): 11.5-13k Toad (2nd stage): 15.5-16.5k
This is the mega boss damage list I keep in a few guild BBS. Feedback on it would be useful since it's mostly sourced from comments on this forum: V.2 Jr Balrog magic attack 2.7k Crimson Balrog magic attack 4k Crimson Balrog touch 2k Headless Horseman magic attack 2.8k Ergoth magic attack 3.9k Ergoth touch 3k Left Pianus magic attack 4.5k Right Pianus magic attack 5.5k Right Pianus touch: 5.5k Pianus bomb 10k Papulatus 1st body touch 3k Papulatus 2nd body touch 5.2k Papulatus magic attack 2k Papulatus ground bomb 4k (5k buffed) Papulatus platform bomb 8k Bigfoot magic attack: >50 Bigfoot touch 12k Black Crow magic attack: 8.2k Anego touch 12k Anego slap (close ranged) 18k Angeo gun (long ranged) 5.4k Zakum magic attack 3.2k Zakum body 1 touch 7k Zakum body 3 touch 9.5k Krexel eye touch 7k Krexel magic attack 2.5k Horntail wings 9k (9.8k buffed)? Horntail magic attack 7.8k Horntail leg touch (unbuffed) 14k Horntail tail touch a lot Horntail head touch 23k Toad 1st body attack 15.6k Toad 2nd body magic attack 16.5k
Nah, I think most toad parties still need have HB. At least from what I see in smegas. It's true that NLs need to HP wash for toad with or without HB. But having HB for toad could save you many billions of washing cost.
Why have I never known about this list before? What have I been doing with my life?? Thanks for posting. And BTW, this info is great
Well unless you're in Rendezvous or the Ironman guild you wouldn't have seen it haha. Useful for any guild BBS!
You might be right there. However, with the coming changes to HP stuff he might be offered an opportunity to reach 6.9K HP without washing which is 11K with HB. It's good for many bosses in that list
These two are wrong, too. First, all damage from Toad is weapon attack (it bugs now). Second, with hundreds of weapon def (about 5-7 hundred), it might be 15.6k. Therefore, it should be 16-16.5k (close to 16.5).