It seems hard to find people who've actually completed the prequests for CWKPQ, so I thought I'd list them here to make it easier for people to form parties. Feel free to post your name even if you haven't completed the prequests yet, but are currently working on it, and are interested to join after that. Warriors EclipseDK - Lv.178 DK Donik - Lv.162 DK sids - Lv.200 Hero McFatty - Hero HuaiYun - Lv.161 Hero Tentomon - Lv.156 DK DTect - Lv.135 Hero M350SP10X - Lv.170 DK w4e2e0d - Lv.190 DK Sleeveless - Lv.159 Paladin DrHero - Lv.155 Hero LadyAshiri - Lv.153 Hero TamePala - Lv.132 Paladin nosthiros - Lv.155 Hero HyperBudda - Lv.168 DK Banneret - Lv.16x mule (PM @Buccaneer on forum first) Bias - Lv.147 Hero Bowmen DommeTrut - Lv.175 BM TomTechTales - Lv.174 BM Epicznymis - Lv.175 BM Gert - Lv.150 MM (PM @Gert) treeckoy - Lv.162 BM Magicians Lockette PielRoja - Lv.130 Bishop Raflos - I/L Mage LTect - Lv.180 Bishop CloudHigh - Lv.130 Bishop Andreezy - Lv.171 Bishop RexRegis - Lv.128 Bishop (doing prequests) Jooon - Bishop Kazuma2500 - Lv.200 Bishop Shiratsuyu - Lv.140 I/L Mage Neonix . Lv.164 I/L Mage Matteusheal - Lv.175 Bishop Nostalgia123 - Lv.163 Bishop Thiefs Vetlana AnaPaulaNL - Lv.200 NL dcLuna Kangarooo - Lv.175 NL PrivOnly - Lv.187 NL Kazuma2700 - Lv.188 NL Tiltmonster - Lv.161 NL iFlorenz - Lv.148 NL DoctorShifu - Lv.140 NL shadowmop - Lv.166 Shadower Grandad - Lv.122 NL Aristeia - Lv.157 NL VunzigeHond - Lv.156 Shadower Visarut - Lv.105 Hermit (doing prequest) DopeStylo - Lv.137 NL (doing prequests) tamirtov - Lv.172 NL Ansoni - Lv.184 Shadower guden - Lv.182 NL Miukki - Lv.199 NL Pirates CaptainHeidi - Lv.115 Outlaw Oust - Lv.159 Corsair BuccMarks20 - Lv.139 Buccaneer KissAndFly - Lv.155 Corsair KittenPaw - Lv.158 Buccaneer Privateer - Lv.200 Buccaneer (PM @Buccaneer on forum first) Misc. PermaPath - Lv.120 Perma Beginner These are some helpful links: Masteria Update: CWKPQ ✯ HOLLYWOOD Presents: A Comprehensive Guide to Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest (CWKPQ)
I will try help you with prequests Noted. You're leveling could be interesting. But it doesn't really matter as long as it's 90+ Your job matters a bit too. Hsalf and Relik are weak to Ice and Fire respectively, I believe.
CaptainHeidi - Level 115 Outlaw Tentomon - Level 156 Dark Knight Both have pre-quests completed, and I have some crimson hearts on each.
Great Amazing, a Pirate. I heard rumors that they existed. Cool, want me to add both BM and Hero to this list? Also, Beginner discrimination. Or can they enter this PQ? If they can, they serve no purpose in there...
Well, tbh I don't know about the beginner's actual use in the PQ, maybe there's some easier parts he can partake in! And also, sids is already in the list, you just listed him as pally/hero, so I gave a bit more info on that I'd love the BM to be added, beginner if you feel like it Also, awesome idea to open this list up, very useful~
I think there just needs to be atleast 2 of each "main" class, but up to 30 random characters in total! So I'll find my way to make some meme runs here and there
Yes that's correct. So technically we can have 2 of each class, and then fill the rest with 20 beginners. Great!
Beginners will reign supreme in CWKPQ *-* Btw, I think I got around 30 crimson hearts on my character, if you guys wanna form a run today / tomorrow~
I'd love to form a run today. I actually brought about 10 people up there, just to realize we all needed the Keystone (I read patch notes too quickly) However, only the leader needs the Hearts, if I understood it correctly. I also don't know if they will be consumed upon entrance or not. Whatever the case, I have extras, if anyone is interested to lead.
I believe that's true, only leader needs to have 12 on him, but they will be consumed upon entering. It could be a nice gesture to come to CWKPQ with 1 or 2 hearts each in hand, and to form the pt's bank like that.
iFlorenz 148 Night lord 4.8k range clean mw 10 using apple,stoppers idc also looking for guild with nice time zones hitme up
Noted. You can join my guild, but it's only 1 member in it besides myself, hehe. So you probably want to join another.
LTect - 180 Bishop CloudHigh -130 Bishop DTect - 135 Hero M350SP10X - 170 Dark Knight (Still on prequests tho)