Due to pq lvl limitations on certain PQs that have a boss at the end, some cards are inaccessible. But, correct me if im wrong, all of them appear in Mu lung dojo! By allowing the dojo bosses to drop cards, you won't have to make complicated changes to all the other pqs just to allow high lvl players to join for a card. Of course, the droprate of those cards should be massively decreased, as you can very quickly encounter and kill bosses in the dojo, unlike the time it would take you to go through a full pq. This change will save all the completionists from tearing their eyes out when they finish anything but the pq bosses in their book. Feel free to vote in the pool above
I think Matt mentioned in another thread he's considering opening PQ's by either expanding the level cap or making a new greater than whatever the current max is bracket for people who want to run the PQ for cards- personally I like this a lot more than dojo because dojo makes hunting a lot of them too easy.
This is why i suggested a lower droprate. As for expanding pq lvl ranges to 200, i'm not really in favor of that, i believe it will only generate a small spike in pq runs for the novelty, yet be dropped because of lack in satisfying rewards for late game players. Let me remind you what happened when GPQ came out. All guilds were in a rush to do runs, it was fun for a while. But after a few days, we saw how sad the rewards were, and we weren't able to hold enough people for a run. And this one had HIGHLY sought after SBs. What does OPQ and PPQ have to offer for players that outlevel the current lvl caps? I find the mu lung solution more easy and elegant to implement than investing so much effort in those pqs.
I like the idea of adding a level cap, but I only would for PQs that have specific monsters or bosses that you can't get elsewhere. (AKA: I don't know if CPQ has extra ones, I know LMPQ doesn't). I would love to OPQ and PPQ for the novelty and such, but I can't because level 17x. As someone actually interested in collecting the cards, it would be nice to get some of these.
i would suggest redesign PQs for high lvl character such as increase mobs's toughness and increase reward (some pots like heart stopper maybe ? ) so that it won't get boring like clear everything with 1 hit
You guys are kinda derailing the topic lel (im a bit to blame as well because i answered evan why i dont see it as a solution worth to pursuit). Lets try and focus on if we want cards to drop from dojo or not
True. I dont think they should personally. Itll become another tool to farm specific monsters. While I think itd be helpful, I guess its more a question of whether we would want to change bosses to being easily farmable or not.
After finishing 10 KPQs and 3 LPQs, non of the boss card drop. Wondering if it drops or not. Please add the cards into boss drop or increase its drop rate.
Uh, i think i was not properly explaining myself, i was talking only about the bosses that are inaccessible due to pq lvl limitations. All other bosses don't need to have their cards dropped from dojo. And again, im talking about a highly reduced droprate. Idk, 20-40 kills on avarage for a card? If you are going for a set, it will take you a long time to finish it