Hello, I'm a washed up player that doesn't really play anymore cause I can't run 14 clients anymore on my crap laptop. I got like 400k nx saved up. Contest @MoriForest Appreciation Contest This is a MoriForest. There are many Mori's out there, but this is our original Mori. If anyone has better images feel free to post them, or just stalk Mori in-game. You may use old Mori or current Mori as the example. There are five prizes and each winner will receive 25 AP Resets. No NX substitution prizes (I'm not buying you pet equips with your prize NX etc.) The Five Categories: 1. Best MoriForest Drawing 2. Funniest Horribly Drawn MoriForest Drawing 3. Best in-game picture with MoriForest 4. Best MoriForest Meme 5. Write below "Jason can you shut you fucked up (number here)?" Number skips will not be counted. Count in order. Random Number will be selected via generator. Rules: 1. Each participant may submit in each category once. 2. There can be no winner that wins more than one category, I will select a runner up, or a runner-runner up etc. 3. Double submission posters will be DQ'd. 4. You may edit your submissions until the end date. 5. Lewd Drawings are allowed. Spoiler tag them though and write a NSFW warning. (@Evan is this allowed?) 6. @MoriForest is banned from competing in category #3 7. @Reaped is banned from competing. You're too rich. 8. Contest ends 7/22 0:00 Server time.
(to be edited) Spoiler: Funniest Horribly Drawn MoriForest Drawing fuck you jae Spoiler: Best MoriForest Meme Jason can you shut you fucked up #1?
The Five Categories: 1. Best MoriForest Drawing Spoiler: Best Drawing 2. Funniest Horribly Drawn MoriForest Drawing 3. Best in-game picture with MoriForest 4. Best MoriForest Meme Spoiler: Best Meme 5. Jason can you shut you fucked up 2?
The Five Categories: 1. Best MoriForest Drawing 2. Funniest Horribly Drawn MoriForest Drawing Ahegao southpark mori was a bad idea... Spoiler: i regret everything 3. Best in-game picture with MoriForest Got the sit next to mori on our alliance picture Spoiler: R.I.P the alliance... 4. Best MoriForest Meme 5. Jason can you shut you fucked up 3? [saving space, because i plan to draw mori :3]
The Five Categories: 1. Best MoriForest Drawing 2. Funniest Horribly Drawn MoriForestDrawing Spoiler: Very proud of this This is my Best drawing ever 3. Best in-game picture with MoriForest 4. Best MoriForest Meme 5. Jason can you shut you fucked up 5? Doing this on my phone is hard
;__; time crunchies is real qq it pains me to be sending in the pic like this but something is better than nothing... 1. will finish and edit later regardless of whether i win or not though!! just because i cant stand leaving the pic like that sobs 5. jason can you shut you fucked up #11?