To whom it may concern, I am a relatively low level player, currently sitting at level 35. The reason I am still a low level is because I am a quester. This means that I purposefully keep my level low (with the purchase of an everstone) to keep my quest log more manageable. The more you level, the more bogged down it gets and makes it overwhelming to look at. Anyways, now that a bit of background information is out there, on to my request... Currently, a character needs to be level 50 to use a super megaphone, or any other type of megaphone item to broadcast a message to the server or the channel. My request is that we get rid of the level requirement to use these types of items. My reasoning for this is as follows: 1) It makes it difficult for lower leveled players to announce that they are recruiting for things, like PQ's. For example, if a party at Carnival PQ need one more person but they can't find that last member, they would use a megaphone to recruit help, but they are currently unable to. 2) It makes the game more inclusive. For example, there is an beginner island community where a lot of the player base is under level 50. It makes it impossible for them to communicate with others via megaphone communication because of this requirement. And with them being trapped over seas with only one way to leave that they won't use for their community beliefs, they are unable to communicate with the world at large. A second example is a player like myself, who keeps their level low on purpose. I am unable to interact with the community at large because of this level 50 requirement. 3) It makes selling certain items increasingly difficult. For example, if I am out hunting monsters for a quest and find a really nice clean item that has been affected by the godly system, I am unable to use an item megaphone to try to sell it to the community. While I could go to the FM and spam that I'm selling something and hope that a buyer happens to be there, or while I could open a shop and place the item in there and hope someone sees it passing by, it is less effective in certain instances than using an item megaphone. If there is a deeper reason for this level requirement, I would love to hear it so I can understand the purpose behind the level cap, but currently I don't see a reason for it. There are many other items that have a level requirement, such as purchasing AP resets. The reasoning behind that makes sense. You need to be level 15 to vote. That reason makes sense. However, being level 50 to use a megaphone item does not make sense to me and it is something that should be removed from the game. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I look forward to reading your comments below. Regards, MetroSmexual
I mean.... has it been an issue in the past to where it needed to be implemented, or is this a precautionary feature on the off chance someone was to participate in that behavior? Even if people do spam RWT messages, the GM's have the username of the player who spammed it and they can figure out their IP and MAC address and perma ban them from connecting to the server. That would be an effective way to let the weeds pick themselves instead of the gardener having to do it.
Yes, it has been an issue. Recently too. What you said about banning them is wrong. They just change it and come back. It wasn't one time thing, and it wasn't just a random SMega or something. It was mass spamming of them by new accounts under different IP/MAC (and other(s)) IDs on many occasions--to the point that had actually become routine.
This is how it looked like a few days before the change. There were times where the entire chatbox was filled with his smegas. He'd just get banned, and return tomorrow with a new account
Mmmm..... maybe then instead of removing the limit, make it available to characters 30+ who have completed the 2nd job advancement? Is there a way to code that requirement into using an item? There would also have to be a way for beginners to use these too... idk. I started the server after the fact of the smega spam and wasn’t aware of this. It’s unfortunate that the action of a few people are enough to implement requirements for everyone on the server in this way. If that’s how it is then I guess that’s how it is probably going to stay.
Of the three issues you bring up, the only one I consider worthy of debate is the first, and to that end, (I am not sure if it's possible), could the staff create a smega with preset options that you can smega for all levels, similar to safe chat on a lot of games with young kids playing?
Islanders actually doesn't use the megaphones much at all Usually they use Discord / Forum to communicate with each other If they wish to contact non-islanders, they would hang out at Lounge