Hello, Does anybody know what the maximum available stats on a level 110 Black Garina Thief Overall are? For example the maximum stats on the Red Mantle Archer Overall (also lvl 110) are 2 above the shown stats in the Royals Library. Has anybody ever seen a 12Dex 15Luk Black Garina Overall? I'd love to know as i am still unsure whether it is worth buying a 14Luk one (if 14Luk is the highest one can get) or a lvl 100 one outshines it
On the library, you can hover over the stats to see their minimum to maximum range. Black Garina Defense: 105-130 Dex: 3-10 Luk: 6-13 Avoid: 2-9 A Red Katinas/Katte has basically the same stats except only one less dex. So you could go for either one if you're looking for an overall.
The library is inaccurate for certain items though, thats probably why the OP is asking. For example, the MapleRoyals Library shows a Blue Dragon Armor has Str 6-8 (Normal) Str 6-13 (Godly) Spoiler: MapleRoyals Library Data Spoiler: Selling thread of 14Str clean Blue Dragon Armor https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-perfect-clean-blue-dragon-armor.138545/ I think it is the same for Red Mantles and Red Arzunas/Armis.
Interesting. That will be something I'll have to bring up to the rest of the staff if they're unaware of it.
That's why i was confused. One of my guildies has shown me a Red Mantle Overall with 14 Dex, while the library shows 13 being the maximum amount of dex for the item. Thus i was wondering if a 15 Luk Black Garina was perfect, or 14. I've seen seen a 13 Luk Red/Dark Katte Overall too, while the library says 12 is perfect.