its around 6-7m (dropping 4k mesos). After pinning to left wall, you can only bomb twice and need BF to reset his iframes (face the wall again so that you can bomb it)
Hello guys. I really want to hear from experiance shadower about the new buff the shadowers got.. Does it impact the dmg ? I really want ti open a shadower but im not funded so i dont want to drop mesos all the time to stay relavent for boss partys.
New dojo build Lvl 15 booster cap *Max endure (passive mp regen is really good) *max chakra *max steal (additional potions can be stolen from mobs in dojo before you kill them) 0 pts pickpocket 0 pts shield mastery 28 assaulter Max ME if you want, since you likely will anyway to bomb bf. Its a waste to use at any level in dojo IMO. If uou need to use it then it would be faster to just restart Sp reset 2 points from SB to booster Sp reset 2 points bot to max assaulter SB is useless once you acquire lvl1 nate Shifter 1 or 2 is a must in early 4th. Spam bstep for iframe dodges in critical situations and to stay out of range Smoke is best on the last boss with a party unless your party is super tight and know exactly what theyre doing about every curveball, which is almost never going to happen. Its nice but youll only get one per run and with range and melee its almost impossible to make the most of, much better for solo or small parties
Time to address the real issue of this guide, why is this still here (not edited), allowing shads to be misled and banned? Can anything be done about this?
I don't think there is no indication of + function of this guide. 5 function from mousekey is totally fine, I confirmed with Sof. "you're not allowed to bind the paste command to a single key, which will allow you to click it faster (you only have to click 1 key instead of 2 at the same time), turning the Ctrl+V in step 3 into a single button. This would only be useful if you don't use the first option (The first option is where you keep Ctrl+V pressed and spam click). In the end, the Mouse Keys will be the faster option, if you have a keyboard that allows you to keep Ctrl+V pressed and spam click Num5. If your keyboard doesn't allow the second option, then just stick to normal dropping." Just like above, I don't see any indication of using + function.
This guide is excellent and has no errors, but it gives the impression that other than not rebinding multiple keys to "V" button, every other aspect of mouse keys are fine, and the problem lies with people like me who are new to mouse keys and went to explore beyond num5 (biggest mistake ever). Out of the 17 mouse keys, 3 of them gives the enter/click output as far as I know but num+ gets you perm banned. I would like to make a humble suggestion to at least include a line in the guide to NOT use num+ for mouse keys just so we can prevent unnecessary bans in the future. Or even better, come up with the full list of what is/is not 1:1, so at least everyone is aware..
I have to agree with you on that. I don't think a permanent ban for your incident was an appropriate action, at least that's what I believe.
Is there any updated skill build for Bandit, CB and Shad? I remember following this during the old source but I'm sure by now this is out of date
The only time I've used steal is to try and farm hard to get items like gold zombie teeth. Taunt works better in most cases though.
You can steal mesos and/or any item on their drop table including monster cards. And/or is specific as well, not just phrasing. You can steal mesos repeatedly until the monster dies, but when you steal an item, you can use the skill to attack but nothing else, mesos or items, will drop from using steal until the monster dies of course. It's used best when item hunting, before you max taunt, whenever that may be for you. Best scenarios are enemies that have annoying drop rates but small amount of items, like elder wraiths. Very easy to get all their quest items quickly. Crimson trees are an excellent target. Steal basically guarantees a crimson wood drop, making collecting super fast, and since they have slow spawn, steal is good insurance for an efficient trip thru those maps, will save loads of time in the end. Another example, drum bunnies, they have bad spawn on big maps so using steal is helpful to try to force one more drop from their drop wheel before they die. Also, its beat to steal before they die, for a handful if reasons, so bring a noob knife if you need to pare your damage ×/ko. Stealing before a kill effectively increases drop rates over all since an item is removed from the possible drop table. You can steal on the kill shot, but it can be hard to see the what you stole, which is nice to keep track of when you're item hunting. As mentioned before, gold zombie teeth are a great example of using max steal. Cold sharks too, they drop se20 (skillbooks and scrolls can be stolen as well. And it feels really good to see them tumble out of a mob! You are a bandit, right?) Steal plus taunt is great too, especially hunting nependeath honey, but max taunt just rules in general, although there are interesting mechanics involved there too (another topic) I really hope people come around and see the use, I know it's not the same as spamming meteor, but for me, and from 2nd job onwards, it's a cool skill that can help you out if you know how to apply it, and enjoy the DIY way. I have a comprehensive skill build that allows for steal to be maxed and all critical skills including ME and chakra (for dojo) to be maxed without sacrificing any vital skills.
It's working as intended. It's a debuff that has to be applied before death. So taunt will always be a two piece combo at minimum, and that is an original feature of the skill which I think is fair. It used to be called showdown, like issuing a challenge, and it takes two to showdown Also bless vigi, one of the only two people to like my dreamy marksman skills thread! It's v underrated... ×)
Question - given the recent changes is the skill order still recommended as such? or should we focus more on assassinate as the second skill
As for myself is also using 120 int gear on my shad, you may get around 8k clean HP during lvl 135, without the adding from equip or HP quest. It's good enough for most of the bosses since MG technically doubled up your HP.
woow thanks a lot for that info a aprreciate it alot u know arround how manyu ap u use? thanks a lot again