I didn't make the count, it was around 120 apr. While every leveling cost me 1 or 2 apr. Sometimes 0 because I forgot to wear int gear LOL You may try the Shiyui HP wash calculator if looking for more accurate calculation: link
Ummmm How many base int do you have. Im planning to wash a Shad as well but dont know how much HP should i get. Would like to get your recommandation and i also have ~120 int gear as well
4 int, I add none on it. For HP recommendation, there's already a boss damage graph on this guide, or you may refer here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/common-big-bosses-info-how-much-hp-to-tank.129971/
Well damn. Not adding any int ??? Shad is alot cheaper than i thought it would be. Thank You btw. I think im gonna add like 50~100 int for a little bit more HP.
Hey. Opened a CB exactly like in thia guide. So mych fun and so fast lvling. 4 days to 106 no leeching. Just wanted to let u guys know that sometimea there is a bug in the meao explossion that u dont get ezp from bags. So be careful
For a person that bosses often, I would recommend maxing these skills in order: assassinate, bstep, shifter, smoke If you grind mainly: bstep first and whatever else you prefer after. Should also add 1 point to shifter, smoke, (maybe venom) for their utility before maxing anything
i suggest u to get SS at least low lvl skill. so u can use with ME at Zak. so much helpful but Assasinate SS and Bstep is must first
You're calculating 50% MG while the skill gives 75%. Wich means that Zakum should do 2875 damage to you with MG. And Horntail should do 5750 touch damage with MG
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/how-to-utilize-a-shadower-at-horntail.140472/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/shadowers.155809/#post-934228
Is BoT + Bstep always better than assassinate bstep (standing in the same position in zak) and how does it compare to using ME? I'm assuming when you reach a certain range its not worth using ME? I believe the only time you can multi hit with ME is on the bottom right arms/platforms from what I've tried
Bstep plus bot is for multi target 2-4 arms in ome hit. Bot soesnt take tine from the casting so its just adds pure dps. When in body - u assasinate plus bstep for most dps, not getting the 4th attack so u dont move and mob control. About ME - its ur call. It just add a lot of dmg. I myself use ME in body and in arms instead of apple cuz it does much more dmg ro explode 12m than using 1 apple.
I feel like assassinate bstep would be better than bstep bot since assassinate just purely does immensely more than bot even though bot is hitting two arms, is that not the case?
Here in this thread i discussed this exact same question. Read through the whole thing! https://royals.ms/forum/threads/dps-assassinate-vs-assassinate-boomerang-step-combo.136089/ If you really want pure DPS you bomb only the main body of zakum, however be careful not to trigger the bug where the meso bags do not explode, because if you deal the last killing blow on any mob with the bug active, the mob will not drop any mesos, items, NX nor give any EXP. Personally i'd give the following advice: For Shadower players who are sick and tired of using meso explosion: Just use it only until lvl 135 so you can start bossing without it. It's just a tool to get to lvl 135 as fast as possible. For shadowers who want the maximum DPS but don't like ME too much: Use ME until you have about 7k clean range with just maple warrior, from that point it makes more sense to just use an onyx apple over an heartstopper as it adds significantly more dmg/time. Sure Meso explosion is still a great tool if you need to hurry up killing a boss or so, however, i think most people get tired of bombing mesos. For shadowers who want to stop meso bombing entirely, but do not want to lose out on DPS: Stop bombing mesos when you hit 8k clean max range with just Maplewarrior..
I'm assuming the same principle will apply when bombing shao and his clones, and it would be better to drop mesos while using BoT + Bstep rather than Assassinate + Bstep. Those range goals help a lot thanks for your help!
They would apply too, one would think, however since your main goal is to kill the shaolin master first you're lucky to hear that assassinate prioritizes hitting boss mobs over regular mobs. So when you use Assassinate+ Bstep combo it'll always hit the main shaolin guy, if you're in range and Bstep will hit all 3 mob spawns + main shaolin. Same goes for Zakum, if Zakum is within range, assassinate will always (!) hit Zakum and Boomerang Step will hit Zakum + 3 spawned flying mobs, if only 3 were spawned and are within Bstep range. If 4 mobs were spawned by Zakum , 4 mobs will get hit by Bstep. That's why it's good that Bstep does not have too much range upwards so it's not wasting dmg by killing rather low EXP rewarding mobs, but usually only hitting 2-3 spawned mobs and 1 hit from Bstep going onto the actual Zakum body! Edit: You can partner up with a single target attacker for shaolin as a shadower and still easily make it within the 10 minute time frame. It really comes down to the individuals attack range, however most of the times you don't even have to separate the clones from the main shaolin boss, you can just hit, and ask your NL friend or whoever is with you to spam Triple Throw or whatever, even if it hits ths clones, they'll die soon enough opening up the main boss for the single target attacker, too!
One last tip is i dont know wat u played before. But shad isnt like warrior or NL. U can max ur skill from like lvl155. Its really late. Nl max tt shifter for max dmg at lcl139. Lvl urself as fast as u can and from 155 will be most fun to play with ass bstep smoke shifter.