
Image Title Text
-.-' -.-' -.-'
0:) 0:) 0:)
:'( :'( :'(
:( :( :(
:) :) :) :-) (:
:-/ :-/ :-/
:3 :3 [:3]
:confused: :confused: :confused:
:D :D :D ;D :D: :;D:
:love: :love: :love:
:o :o :o
:P :P :p :P :-p :-P
:X :X :X :X:
;) ;) ;)
>:( >:( >:(
>:D >:D >:D
Cool Cool :8):
GM GM ~imboss
xD xD :xD:
^_^' ^_^' ^_^'
f1 f1 ~f1
f2 f2 ~f2
f3 f3 ~f3
f4 f4 ~f4
f5 f5 ~f5
f6 f6 ~f6
f7 f7 ~f7
Queasy Queasy ~f8 ~queasy
Flaming Flaming ~f9 ~flaming
Whoa Whoa ~f10 ~whoa
Ray Ray ~f11 ~ray
Panicky Panicky ~f12 ~panicky
Sweetness Sweetness ~f13 ~sweetness
Sparkling Sparkling ~f14 ~sparkling
Goo Goo ~f15 ~goo
Smoochies Smoochies ~f16 ~smoochies
Wink Wink ~f17 ~wink
Tears Tears ~f18 ~tears
Meso Meso ~meso
Cash Cash ~cash
Mesos Mesos ~mesos
Bcoin Bcoin ~bcoin
Mark of Naricain Mark of Naricain ~mon
CS CS ~cs
EOF EOF ~eof
Manon Manon ~manon
Onyx Onyx ~onyx
css css ~css
Stop Stop ~stop
Nut Nut :nut:
Totem Totem ~totem
WS WS ~ws
Miracle Miracle ~miracle
7th Anniversary 7th Anniversary ~7th
8th Anniversary 8th Anniversary ~8th
9th Anniversary 9th Anniversary ~9th
10th Anniversary 10th Anniversary ~10th
11th Anniversary 11th Anniversary ~11th
AdminBan AdminBan :adminban:
AdminCry AdminCry :admincry:
AdminDab AdminDab :admindab:
AdminRawr AdminRawr :adminrawr:
TobenAwoo TobenAwoo :tobenawoo:
TobenAww TobenAww :tobenaww:
TobenPat TobenPat :tobenpat:
PBLove PBLove :PBLove:
PBGasp PBGasp :PBGasp:
SammyHey SammyHey :sammyhey:
SammyKiss SammyKiss :sammykiss:
SammyMug SammyMug :sammymug:
SammyUwu SammyUwu :sammyuwu:
Auf Auf :auf:
Boba Boba :boba:
Bpoop Bpoop :bpoop:
Spoop Spoop :spoop:
Archer Archer :archer:
Magician Magician :magician:
Pirate Pirate :pirate:
Thief Thief :thief:
Warrior Warrior :warrior:
Donke Donke :donke:
Donke2 Donke2 :donke2:
Eggsclamation Eggsclamation :eggsclamation:
Eggsp Eggsp :eggsp:
Queggstion Queggstion :queggstion:
Garnet Garnet :garnet:
Karven Karven :karven:
Matt Matt :matt:
VLsad VLsad :VLsad:
VLmad VLmad :VLmad:
VLhappy VLhappy :VLhappy:
VLlove VLlove :VLlove:
VLuwu VLuwu :VLuwu:
VLowo VLowo :VLowo:
VLmedallion VLmedallion :VLmedallion:
VLparchment VLparchment :VLparchment:
VLsoul VLsoul :VLsoul:
Shiny Onyx Apple Shiny Onyx Apple :gapple:
Red Tiger Red Tiger :redtiger:
Gold Dragon Gold Dragon :golddragon:
Smile Smile [:)] [:-)] [(:]
Wink Wink [;)]
Frown Frown [:(]
Mad Mad :mad: [>:(] :@
Confused Confused [:confused:]
Cool Cool :cool: 8-)
Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue [:p] [:P] [:-p] [:-P]
Big Grin Big Grin [:D]
Eek! Eek! :eek: [:o]
Oops! Oops! :oops:
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes :rolleyes:
Er... what? Er... what? o_O O_o o.O O.o
DuckHappy DuckHappy :duckhappy:
DuckLove DuckLove :ducklove:
DuckMad DuckMad :duckmad:
DuckMeh DuckMeh :duckmeh:
DuckSad DuckSad :ducksad:
DuckWut DuckWut :duckwut:
Duckzzz Duckzzz :duckzzz:
Pengun Pengun :pengun:
Pepeauf Pepeauf :pepeauf:
Pepeboba Pepeboba :pepeboba:
Pepehug Pepehug :pepehug:
Pepez Pepez :pepez:
Chillin Chillin :chillin:
Classy Classy :classy:
Pepe Mad Pepe Mad :pepemad:
Pepe Love Pepe Love :pepelove:
Pepe Poop Pepe Poop :pepepoop:
Pepe Pink Bean Pepe Pink Bean :pepepb:
Pepe King Pepe King :pepeking:
Pepe Mush Pepe Mush :pepemush:
Pepe Slime Pepe Slime :pepeslime: